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SOC and Lua Quick Index

SOC Headers: MainCfg | Level header | Character select | S_SKIN

Functions: Functions | Actions | Hooks | Easing Functions

Freeslot Index: List of Object types | List of states | List of skin colors

Constants: Constants | Object Flags | Powers constants | Video flags | Gametype Rules

Other: Global Variables | Userdata structures | Text Characters

Additional Resources

Custom skincolors

Custom skincolor guide - Walkthrough on how to create custom skincolors.

Skitchkaze's Skincolor editor - GUI interface for creating and previewing a custom skincolor on various object sprites.

Skincolor effects - Reusable animated skincolor effects.

Script Libraries

Common Lua Functions - Contains a list of custom-built lua functions that can be generally useful to modders.

Varren's lua repo - Contains more scripts. (SRB2MB thread)

amperbee's lua repo - Contains more scripts.


Consistency failure troubleshooting - Is your mod running into problems during online play? Check here for a list of plausible culprits.


Lua thok scripting example - A tutorial mod which goes through the process of creating a lua script.

SRB2 Station - A hub world for testing objects and stage gimmicks.

Display object hitboxes - Small mod which displays the collision fields for most in-game objects. Useful for finetuning object width and height.

Animation debugger - Allows for manually testing various player animations.

Source Quick Reference

Github /src/ index

State, sprite, and mobjinfo definitions

Player struct, constants, and enum definitions

