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ArchPack is a level pack addon for SRB2 with single player and multiplayer maps, including my very first map called Miscellaneous Trip Zone released on July 2008, back when SRB2 1.09.4 was still around. All my released and finished maps are included in this pack.

The 2.1 version is a straight port from SRB2 2.0.6 to 2.1.8 (works with 2.1.14 as well). The 2.2 version is a straight port from SRB2 2.1 with some "facelift". I offer this port to give more options for those who would like to try short level packs with old maps.

Current release information


Current Levels

ArchPack contains 15 maps: 6 single player maps, 6 unlockable single player maps and 5 multiplayer, as follows:

Single Player maps

  • MAPB1 - Genesis Keep Zone 1
  • MAPB2 - Genesis Keep Zone 2
  • MAPB3 - Genesis Keep Zone 3
  • MAPB4 - Mill Citadel Zone 1
  • MAPB5 - Mill Citadel Zone 2
  • MAPB6 - Mill Citadel Zone 3

Unlockable maps

  • MAPB7 - Misc Trip Zone
  • MAPB8 - Soccer Field Zone
  • MAPB9 - The Big Fabric
  • MAPS1 - Genesis Keep Scrapped Zone 1
  • MAPS2 - Genesis Keep Scrapped Zone 2
  • MAPX1 - Ad Nauseum

Multiplayer maps

  • MAPFB - Lift Bridge Zone (CTF)
  • MAPMD - Water Plant Zone (Match and Tag)
  • MAPR0 - Aqueduct Circuit Zone (Race)


  • Single player maps can also be played on multiplayer mode in Co-op gametype.
  • The hidden map is a secret that can be unlocked. It's playable in single player and multiplayer mode.

Planned and WIP levels

With no guarantee and subject to change:

  • Sand Valley Zone
  • Wet Village Zone
  • Steel Town Zone
  • Wind Megalopolis Zone
  • Star Station Zone
  • Celestial Path Zone

Therefore, the map sequence would be as follows:

  1. Genesis Keep Zone
  2. Sand Valley Zone
  3. Mill Citadel Zone
  4. Wet Village Zone
  5. Steel Town Zone
  6. Wind Megalopolis Zone
  7. Star Station Zone
  8. Celestial Path Zone

Genesis Keep Zone and Mill Citadel Zone maps, which are in the pack already, will not be under any significant change until new maps are out, because ain't get time for that.


This level pack records savegames, statistics (gamedata), emeralds and emblems collected and time attacks which are accessible through game menu, option "1 Player".

The single player maps have 9 special stages tokens in total. Each special stage token will allow you to enter a special stage that, if beaten, will award you with a Chaos Emerald.

This level pack features only one unlockable:

  • Soccer field: Collect 15 emblems and beat the game in 8 minutes. It gives you access to a map that is a soccer field with a ball. This map has no other purpose than a casual gameplay or curiosity.
 * This is an experimental map. If you host a server with this map, make sure to host it on Casual room (see ms.srb2.org).
    • MULTIPLAYER: This map is multiplayer compatible for co-op. To access it, type MAP MAPB8 in the console. If you host a server with this map, make sure to host it on Casual Room.

Project history

  • ArchPack's Sketches (old album is down, to be uploaded...)

Miscellaneous Trip Zone

A Single player and co-op map, and supports race too.

Formerly called "Ezer Arch's Level Zone" and later "Misc Realm Zone", this is my very first map released on public. For my surprise, people liked the map. I created the map for learning and training purposes - an experimental map - after I've read the SRB2 Doom Builder tutorial.

I think the good point is that it seems you are visiting several Sonic's zones in a single act.


Lift Bridge Zone

A CTF map and Contest Winner of Sept/Oct'08 OLDC.

This map was the first one that was preceded by a project (needs pics). But the idea of a "moving" bridge came later.

Since some people in the OLDC complained about "enormous water pit [that] lags the map" and some "springs that don't help so much", I revamped the map by fixing the problems (beaches were added and some springs were moved).


Water Plant Zone

A match/tag map and Contest Winner of Nov/Dec'08 OLDC.


Aqueduct Circuit Zone

A circuit map and Contest Winner of Jan/Fev'09 OLDC.

This map was inspired from Miscellaneous Trip Zone's aqueducts. Almost whole circuit is covered by water, even so it's possible to develop speed. There are various kinds of obstacles to face along circuit.


Mill Citadel Zone

Both act 1 and 2 are SP/Coop maps and Contest Winners of Mar/Apr and May/Jun'09 OLDC. Act 2 is the big one which was rebuilt. Act 3, the boss stage, was released some days later.


Arch Pack Level Pack

7 maps in a level pack: See my topic http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=30971.

Genesis Keep Zone Act 1

Alpha release: http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=734374#post734374

Genesis Keep Zone

Final release: http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=736131#post736131