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From SRB2 Wiki

A lot of this information I learned from SRB2-Mobile Compiling Guide, this is compiled here to make it easier to access as it is with the other platform's build instructions TODO: put it with the other platform's build instructions once it is done to a reasonable standard.

Currently (as of 2.2.13) there are two ports of SRB2 to Android, SRB2-Mobile (also known as Lactozilla's) and bitten2up's (I will be referring to her as bitten from now on). The reason for this is because bitten forked off of the 2.2.10 SRB2-Mobile mobile build to create 2.2.11 prerelease builds. Later when bitten went to do the 2.2.12 prerelease builds, the easiest way to merge the changes was by using the code of the prerelease builds as a base.

The main differences is that bitten's build doesn't have any android specific changes from 2.2.11 onwards. Some examples of that would be the Modelpacks feature and models may not work by default on bitten's build.

Some notable changes from base SRB2 on android is that github is currently the preferred platform due to having a buildbot

Git clone URLs
Codebase git.do.srb2.org GitHub (preferred)
SRB2-Mobile https://git.do.srb2.org/SRB2-Mobile/SRB2-Android.git https://github.com/SRB2-Mobile/SRB2-Android.git
Bitten's build https://git.do.srb2.org/bitten2up/SRB2-Android.git https://github.com/bitten2up/SRB2-Android.git

TODO: the rest of the page