User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/lua_libs.h

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File type C header file
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This header file contains prototypes of the functions that initialise SRB2's internal libraries for Lua scripting. Also included is the global Lua state variable, and some macros for indexing the Lua registry.


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
*gL lua_State lua_script.c The global Lua state for SRB2. If the Lua scripting interface has not been initialized yet, this will be NULL.


Lua registry indexes

In SRB2, several special tables of data are created and stored within the Lua registry, using the below macros as their indexes within it.

Macro Defined as Description
LREG_VALID "VALID_USERDATA" Index of valid userdata pointers
LREG_EXTVARS "LUA_VARS" Index of extra variables for userdata (mobj_t, player_t and mobjinfo_t only)
LREG_STATEACTION "STATE_ACTION" Index of A_Lua actions to run for each state
LREG_ACTIONS "MOBJ_ACTION" Index of globally available actions, by function name

Userdata metatable indexes

The metatables defined for each type of Lua userdata used in SRB2 are stored in the Lua registry, using the below macros as their indexes within it.

Macro Defined as Description
META_STATE "STATE_T*" state_t metatable
META_MOBJINFO "MOBJINFO_T*" mobjinfo_t metatable
META_SFXINFO "SFXINFO_T*" sfxinfo_t metatable
META_MOBJ "MOBJ_T*" mobj_t metatable
META_MAPTHING "MAPTHING_T*" mapthing_t metatable
META_PLAYER "PLAYER_T*" player_t metatable
META_TICCMD "TICCMD_T*" ticcmd_t metatable
META_SKIN "SKIN_T*" skin_t metatable
META_POWERS "PLAYER_T*POWERS" player.powers metatable
META_SOUNDSID "SKIN_T*SOUNDSID" skin.soundsid metatable
META_VERTEX "VERTEX_T*" vertex_t metatable
META_LINE "LINE_T*" line_t metatable
META_SIDE "SIDE_T*" side_t metatable
META_SUBSECTOR "SUBSECTOR_T*" subsector_t metatable
META_SECTOR "SECTOR_T*" sector_t metatable
META_FFLOOR "FFLOOR_T*" ffloor_t metatable
META_SLOPE "PSLOPE_T*" Defined only if ESLOPE is defined

pslope_t metatable

META_VECTOR2 "VECTOR2_T*" Defined only if ESLOPE is defined

vector2_t metatable

META_VECTOR3 "VECTOR3_T*" Defined only if ESLOPE is defined

vector3_t metatable

META_MAPHEADER "MAPHEADER_T*" mapheader_t metatable
META_CVAR "CONSVAR_T*" consvar_t metatable
META_SECTORLINES "SECTOR_T*LINES" sector.lines metatable
META_SIDENUM "LINE_T*SIDENUM" line.sidenum metatable
META_HUDINFO "HUDINFO_T*" hudinfo_t metatable
META_PATCH "PATCH_T*" patch_t metatable
META_COLORMAP "COLORMAP" colormap (UINT8 array) metatable
META_CAMERA "CAMERA_T*" camera_t metatable

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
luaL_checkboolean boolean lua_State *L,
int narg
lua_baselib.c Checks if the value at index narg in the Lua stack is a boolean, and returns it if it is. If it is not, a Lua error is generated.
LUA_EnumLib int lua_State *L dehacked.c Opens the Enum library (sets up the global metatable for enums and constants; also covers dynamic variables, super and actions)
LUA_SOCLib int lua_State *L dehacked.c Opens the SOC library (registers the freeslot function)
LUA_BaseLib int lua_State *L lua_baselib.c Opens the Base library (string concatination by +; setup of LREG_EXTVARS index; registers the Base library functions)
LUA_MathLib int lua_State *L lua_mathlib.c Opens the Math library (registers the Math library functions)
LUA_HookLib int lua_State *L lua_hooklib.c Opens the Hook library (initialises hooksAvailable; registers the addHook function)
LUA_ConsoleLib int lua_State *L lua_consolelib.c Opens the Console library (consvar_t metatable; setup of console command/consvar registry tables; registers the Console library functions)
LUA_InfoLib int lua_State *L lua_infolib.c Opens the Info library (setup of LREG_STATEACTION, LREG_ACTIONS indexes; state_t, mobjinfo_t, sfxinfo_t metatables; sprnames[], states[], mobjinfo[], sfxinfo[] metatables)
LUA_MobjLib int lua_State *L lua_mobjlib.c Opens the Mobj library (mobj_t, mapthing_t metatables; mapthings[] metatable)
LUA_PlayerLib int lua_State *L lua_playerlib.c Opens the Player library (player_t, player.powers[], ticcmd_t metatables; players[] metatable)
LUA_SkinLib int lua_State *L lua_skinlib.c Opens the Skin library (skin_t, skin.soundsid[] metatables; skins[] metatable)
LUA_ThinkerLib int lua_State *L lua_thinkerlib.c Opens the Thinker library (thinkers metatable)
LUA_MapLib int lua_State *L lua_maplib.c Opens the Map library (sector_t, sector.lines[], subsector_t, line_t, line.sidenum[], side_t, vertex_t, ffloor_t, mapheader_t; sectors[], subsectors[], lines[], sides[], vertexes[], mapheaderinfo[] metatables)
LUA_BlockmapLib int lua_State *L lua_blockmaplib.c Opens the Blockmap search library (searchBlockmap)
LUA_HudLib int lua_State *L lua_hudlib.c Opens the HUD library (initialises hud_enabled; setup of HUD registry table; hudinfo, colormap, patch_t, camera_t metatables; hudinfo[] metatable)