User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/r_data.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __R_DATA__



Name Type Description
texpatch_t struct A single patch from a texture definition.
texture_t struct A texture definition.
textureflat_t struct A texture flat definition.





Data name Data type Description
flip UINT8
alpha UINT8
style enum patchalphastyle


Data name Data type Description
name[8] char
holes boolean
flip UINT8
patchcount INT16
patches[0] texpatch_t



Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
**textures texture_t r_data.c Texture data table.

Note: R_LoadTextures allocates memory to this table for 5 buffers at once:

  • The textures table itself
  • texturecolumnofs (offset by numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes)
  • texturecache (offset by 2 × numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes)
  • texturewidth (offset by 3 × numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes)
  • textureheight (offset by 4 × numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes)

The other four tables listed above are therefore pointers to textures plus an offset. Note that texturecolumnofs and texturecache are static pointers only defined in r_data.c.

*texflats textureflat_t r_data.c Texture flat data table.
*texturewidth INT32 r_data.c Texture width table.

This is a pointer to textures, offset by 3 × numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes.

*textureheight fixed_t r_data.c Texture height mask table.

This is a pointer to textures, offset by 4 × numtextures * sizeof(void *) bytes.

color8to16[256] INT16 r_data.c Used by 16bpp drawing functions.
*hicolormaps INT16 r_data.c Used by 16bpp drawing functions.
Color_cons_t[] CV_PossibleValue_t r_draw.c
size_t r_data.c
numtextures INT32 r_data.c The total number of textures found in a level.

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
ASTBlendPixel UINT32 RGBA_t background,
RGBA_t foreground,
int style,
UINT8 alpha
ASTBlendPixel_8bpp UINT8 UINT8 background,
UINT8 foreground,
int style,
UINT8 alpha
NearestColor UINT8 UINT8 r,
UINT8 g,
R_LoadTextures void none r_data.c Initialises the texture buffers, searches through all currently loaded WADs for textures (both in TEXTURES and between TX_START/TX_END) and loads their properties into the corresponding tables.

This function is called at game startup (via R_InitData) and whenever a new WAD file is added to the game.

R_FlushTextureCache void none r_data.c Empties the texture cache table.
R_GetTextureNum INT32 INT32 texnum r_data.c Returns the current texture number to be used. This may be either the original texture number given, the texture number of the current frame if the texture is animated, or 0 if not a valid texture number.
R_CheckTextureCache void INT32 texnum r_data.c Checks if the texture has already been cached by the game; if not, this function will cause the texture to be cached.
R_GetColumn UINT8 * fixed_t tex,
INT32 col
r_data.c Gets and returns a pointer to a column from the given texture and column numbers. If the texture has not already been cached by the game, this function will cause the texture to be cached.
R_GetFlat UINT8 * lumpnum_t flatnum r_data.c Gets and returns a pointer to a flat from the given lump number.
R_InitData void none r_data.c Initialises texture, sprite and colormap data. Called at game startup.
R_PrecacheLevel void none r_data.c Preloads all relevant graphics for the level.
R_GetFlatNumForName lumpnum_t const char *name r_data.c
R_ClearTextureNumCache void boolean btell r_data.c Clears the texture id cache table.
R_TextureNumForName INT32 const char *name r_data.c Gets the texture number from the texture name. If the texture does not exist, this returns REDWALL's texture number instead (or 1 if REDWALL itself is not available).

Note: This function calls R_CheckTextureNumForName as part of its definition.

R_CheckTextureNumForName INT32 const char *name r_data.c Checks whether a texture is available, using the texture's name as reference. Returns the texture number, or -1 if the texture does not exist. Found textures are added to a texture id cache table, to speed up map loading.

Note: The "no texture" indicator used in map editors ("-") returns 0.

R_ReInitColormaps void UINT16 num r_data.c
R_ClearColormaps void none r_data.c
R_CreateDefaultColormap extracolormap_t * boolean lighttable r_data.c
R_GetDefaultColormap extracolormap_t * none r_data.c
R_CopyColormap extracolormap_t * extracolormap_t *extra_colormap,
boolean lighttable
R_AddColormapToList void extracolormap_t *extra_colormap r_data.c
R_CheckDefaultColormapByValues boolean r_data.c
R_GetColormapFromListByValues extracolormap_t * r_data.c
R_CheckDefaultColormap boolean r_data.c
R_CheckEqualColormaps boolean r_data.c
R_GetColormapFromList extracolormap_t * r_data.c
R_CreateLightTable lighttable_t * r_data.c
R_CreateColormap extracolormap_t * r_data.c
R_AddColormaps extracolormap_t * r_data.c


Macro Defined as Description
R_GetRgbaR(rgba) (rgba & 0xFF)
R_GetRgbaG(rgba) ((rgba >> 8) & 0xFF)
R_GetRgbaB(rgba) ((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF)
R_GetRgbaA(rgba) ((rgba >> 24) & 0xFF)
R_GetRgbaRGB(rgba) (rgba & 0xFFFFFF)
R_PutRgbaR(r) (r)
R_PutRgbaG(g) (g << 8)
R_PutRgbaB(b) (b << 16)
R_PutRgbaA(a) (a << 24)
R_PutRgbaRGB(r, g, b) (R_PutRgbaR(r) + R_PutRgbaG(g) + R_PutRgbaB(b))
R_PutRgbaRGBA(r, g, b, a) (R_PutRgbaRGB(r, g, b) + R_PutRgbaA(a))