User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/r_state.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __R_STATE__



Name Type Description
sprcache_t struct


Data name Data type Description
width fixed_t
offset fixed_t
topoffset fixed_t
height fixed_t


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
*spritecachedinfo sprcache_t r_data.c
*fadecolormap lighttable_t r_data.c
*colormaps lighttable_t r_data.c
num_extra_colormaps size_t r_main.c
*extra_colormaps extracolormap_t r_main.c
*texturetranslation INT32 r_data.c
size_t r_data.c
Map data
numsprites size_t r_things.c The number of sprite names currently recognised by SRB2, except those for character skins. This is only set on game startup by R_InitSprites, where it is used to count the total number the number of sprite names found in sprnames – because sprnames has a size of NUMSPRITES and has a sprite name set in every slot, numsprites will always have a value of NUMSPRITES in unmodified SRB2.
*sprites spritedef_t r_things.c The lookup table for all sprite definitions in SRB2, except those for character skins. Has a size of numsprites. Individual sprite definitions may be updated whenever a WAD file that declares new sprite names or has replacements for existing sprites is loaded.
numvertexes size_t p_setup.c The number of vertices in the current map.
*vertexes vertex_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's vertices. Has a size of numvertexes.
numsegs size_t p_setup.c The number of segs in the current map.
*segs seg_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's segs. Has a size of numsegs.
numsectors size_t p_setup.c The number of sectors in the current map.
*sectors sector_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's sectors. Has a size of numsectors.
numsubsectors size_t p_setup.c The number of subsector in the current map.
*subsectors subsector_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's subsectors. Has a size of numsubsectors.
numnodes size_t p_setup.c The number of nodes in the current map.
*nodes node_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's nodes. Has a size of numnodes.
numlines size_t p_setup.c The number of linedefs in the current map.
*lines line_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's linedefs. Has a size of numlines.
numsides size_t p_setup.c The number of sidedefs in the current map.
*sides side_t p_setup.c The lookup table for the current map's sidedefs. Has a size of numsides.
POV data
fixed_t r_main.c The X, Y and Z coordinates of the point of view (POV) to render the level from for the current frame.
angle_t r_main.c viewangle is the absolute horizontal angle the POV is looking in for the current frame.

aimingangle is the vertical viewing angle (or pitch/aiming angle) the POV is looking in for the current frame. An angle of 0 is looking directly forward, ANGLE_90 would be looking directly upwards, ANGLE_180 would be looking directly backwards, and ANGLE_270 would be looking directly downwards. In practice however neither the Software nor OpenGL renderers allow aimingangle to go beyond ANGLE_90 upwards or downwards.

*viewsector sector_t r_main.c
*viewplayer player_t r_main.c
cv_allowmlook consvar_t r_main.c allowmlook console variable struct
cv_maxportals consvar_t r_main.c maxportals console variable struct
clipangle angle_t r_main.c
doubleclipangle angle_t r_main.c
viewangletox[FINEANGLES/2] INT32 r_main.c The lookup table for converting view angles to screen X coordinates. The given view angle must be shifted down to fine angle scale with ANGLETOFINESHIFT first in order to get the corresponding X coordinate. This table will be updated whenever the screen resolution is changed.
xtoviewangle[MAXVIDWIDTH+1] angle_t r_main.c The lookup table for converting screen X coordinates to view angles. Specifically, this gives the smallest view angle that maps to each X coordinate. This table will be updated whenever the screen resolution is changed.
rw_distance fixed_t r_segs.c A calculated "distance" value from the POV to the current seg being drawn, used by R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle to determine the texture mapping scales to draw the seg at on the screen (the larger the rw_distance value is the smaller the scales given will be). Specifically, this is calculated to be the closest distance the POV would be from the seg if both ends of the seg's line were extended infinitely.
rw_normalangle angle_t r_segs.c The absolute angle of the normal of the current seg being drawn (i.e.: the angle perpendicular to the seg's angle, directed towards the POV).
rw_angle1 angle_t r_segs.c The absolute angle of the POV to the left vertex (v1) of the current seg being drawn.