SRB2Kart/Actions/A FZBoomSmoke

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A_FZBoomSmoke is an action exclusive to SRB2Kart. It spawns 8 pinkish F-Zero Smoke around the actor up to 47 fracunits away from it by default. The actor's Var1 determines how much to expand the default distance using 23*Var1. Var1 also determines how many extra smoke particles to spawn using 4*Var1. This action is used by players that explode if they are unable to finish a race in time or are in last place at the end of a race.

  SRB2Kart Actions [view]
A_BallhogExplodeA_FlameParticleA_FZBoomFlashA_FZBoomSmokeA_ItemPopA_JawzChaseA_JawzExplodeA_LightningFollowPlayerA_MayonakaArrowA_MementosTPParticlesA_MineExplodeA_RandomShadowFrameA_ReaperThinker A_RoamingShadowThinkerA_SPBChase