SRB2Kart/Actions/A MayonakaArrow

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A_MayonakaArrow is an action exclusive to SRB2Kart. It is the animation handler for the MC Sign. If the Extra flag is checked then 3 frames are added to the actor. The delay before the actor changes frames is randomly determined. If the Special flag is checked then the actor's frame has 6 added to it and different animation behavior occurs. The actor will have FF_PAPERSPRITE applied to it while this action is called.

  SRB2Kart Actions [view]
A_BallhogExplodeA_FlameParticleA_FZBoomFlashA_FZBoomSmokeA_ItemPopA_JawzChaseA_JawzExplodeA_LightningFollowPlayerA_MayonakaArrowA_MementosTPParticlesA_MineExplodeA_RandomShadowFrameA_ReaperThinker A_RoamingShadowThinkerA_SPBChase