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A_BossJetFume is an action that spawns extra Objects such as jet fumes to be used by the bosses. If Var1 is set to 0, it spawns three Egg Mobile-style fumes in a triangle formation behind the actor. If it is set to 2, it will spawn Metal Sonic's jet fume. If it set to 3, it will spawn Egg Colosseum's jet flame that appears during its pinch phase. If it is set to 4, it will spawn the Spectator Eggrobos' jet fumes. The spawned Objects will all set the actor as their target, while the actor sets only one of them as its tracer.

This action should ideally only be used once, when the actor is first spawned – SpawnState however should only be used if the actor won't return to it, otherwise the actor will repeatedly spawn more of the selected jet fumes each time SpawnState is used. One way around this problem could be to have another Object make the actor call this action via A_RemoteAction so the action won't need to be called in the actor's own states.

Var1 Description Object Front/back offset (fracunits) Left/right offset (fracunits) Up/down offset (fracunits) Miscellaneous details
0 Egg Mobile-style fumes MT_JETFUME1 #1 (center)
MT_JETFUME1 #2 (right)
MT_JETFUME1 #3 (left)
64 backwards, from center of boss
64 backwards, from center of boss
64 backwards, from center of boss
24 to the right, from center of boss
24 to the left, from center of boss
38 upwards, from bottom of boss
12 upwards, from bottom of boss
12 upwards, from bottom of boss
Fuse set to 56
Fuse set to 57
Fuse set to 58; actor sets this as its tracer
1 Unused (formerly Sea Egg propeller) none N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 Metal Sonic fume MT_JETFUME1 0 0 0 Scaled to 1/3 the scale of the actor so it appears smaller; actor sets this as its tracer
3 Egg Colosseum jet flame MT_JETFLAME 0 0 50 downwards, from bottom of boss
4 Spectator Eggrobo jet fumes MT_EGGROBO1JET (×2) 19 backwards, from center of boss 12 to the left or right, from center of boss 0 The Spectator Eggrobo's thinker uses the flag MF2_STRONGBOX to prevent calling this action again and spawning these repeatedly

  Actions – Boss thinkers [view]