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The official SRB2 Discord server is a Discord server for members of the SRB2 community. Discord is a text and voice chat client similar to Skype and Ventrilo. The SRB2 Discord users converse about a wide range of topics, including SRB2, other video games, pop culture and many other things. Apart from casual conversation, it can be used by modders to show off their work and can be used to ask for help on editing SRB2 or to set up netgames.

The SRB2 Discord server was established in 2017. Before that, the community's main chatroom was #srb2fun, an IRC channel on EsperNet. The Discord server and #srb2fun coexisted for a while, but the community gradually moved over to Discord and #srb2fun is now largely abandoned, but a small subset of the community still uses the IRC channel.


  1. This is an age 13+ server, per Discord’s ToS. Keep your conversation suitable to that. There are all sorts of people here, so stay polite for a general audience. Don’t throw around hot button topics or inflammatory language. Don't post any gory images or videos. Pirated material (eg. ROMs, BIOS, cracked exes, warez) aren't okay to post here either.This place is primarily for discussion of playing the game and modding the game. Try to build each other up instead of breaking each other down. Good, detailed criticism helps people become better at what they’re doing, whatever it may be. Don’t try to incite negative reactions out of people!
  2. Respect the artist! People put a lot of time and passion into what they make, and if you don’t have permission to edit something, then don’t be posting such edits. This includes unofficial ports, files themselves, and also screenshots of the edits. Think of it like digital art! You might not like someone tracing over your drawing, right? Additionally, don’t ask other modders to make content for you. DO ask for advice on how to get started making your own mods.
  3. Conversation can get really fast and active, and that’s okay. But try not to interrupt conversations with off-topic memes or spamminess. If someone complains about you being spammy, take the hint.
  4. Please do not advertise your servers here without permission. If you want to post an invite, ask a mod first.
  5. Lastly, no financial transactions. We won't stop you from performing commissions on your own in private or elsewhere, but you're on your own if you do. We can’t have your back if a deal goes bad.
  6. We do not sell SRB2 or anything related to SRB2. Our game is 100% free! We do not use services or websites that charge you money. If you see any of our content on sale somewhere, please tell us immediately! We don’t charge for SRB2 content, and we never will.
  7. If you receive messages/DMs that make you uncomfortable, please DM a moderator or administrator, and file a report with Discord Trust & Safety: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000291932-How-to-Properly-Report-Issues-to-Trust-Safety We take these reports DEAD seriously, and we appreciate and respect anonymity when it comes to these things. We’ll investigate the claims and take any actions necessary, because the safety of users in our community is our top priority.
  8. Admins, moderators, and developers are not tech support for SRB2. Instead of DMing us, please ask questions about troubleshooting in one of the support channels (listed below), or even read this wiki for help too! The majority of the community is very helpful as well!
  9. This is primarily an English-speaking server. Please find another server if you would like to chat in another language.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this all! We want everyone to get along and have a fun time playing and making things. Help us create a comfy culture around the game by being kind to each other and remembering that every name has a real person behind it.

Let us know if you see someone acting questionably, and we'll handle it. Use @moderator to notify us, or DM one of us if you don't feel comfortable doing so publicly. Pinging us is helpful to the server and not a bother to us at all, it actually makes our job easier. Just try to make sure you state the reason why you’re pinging. You aren’t annoying us, don’t worry!


To group related conversations together, the Discord server is divided into several channels. The channels and their channel topics are listed below with formatting preserved.

  • #rules: "Server rules."
  • #announcements: "Server and SRB2 announcements."
  • #devetopment[sic]: "it's spelled wrong on purpose dw about it" (Images and GIFs showcasing development previews alongside some jokes.)


  • #off-topic: "General non-SRB2 discussion. Not a random meme dump! Conversation > Imageposting"
  • #your-creations: "Post artwork, music, and other non-SRB2 media you made here for critique."
  • #new-release-spoilers: "Spoilers go here. ONLY spoilers go here. Keep discussion that isn't a spoiler in other channels."
  • #bots: "Channel for using bot commands. Please try to limit most of your usage of bots to this channel."
  • #pets: "send pics of ur dog" (Channel for uploading and discussing pictures of pets.)


  • #srb2: "General SRB2 discussion. If gifs aren't relevant to the conversation, post 'em in #srb2-media!"
  • #srb2-media: "on-demand srb2 gameplay (post your gifs, screenshots, or other recordings here)"
  • #join-my-netgame: "SRB2 netgame setup and planning. Having trouble hosting? Try #srb2-troubleshooting."
  • #wiki: "This channel is for discussion of SRB2 Wiki editing."
  • #speedruns: "Share your replays and discuss tricks."
  • #prerelease-testing: "CHECK THE PINS! Type ".iam prerelease gang" in #bots to chat here and to be notified whenever a new prerelease drops. Don't expect us to make builds for anything other than Windows."


  • #srb2-troubleshooting: "Having technical issues? Ask about it here. Please keep discussion to the vanilla game. For custom builds, please contact whoever made the build."
  • #mac-users: "For discussion and troubleshooting of SRB2 on Mac."
  • #linux-users: "For discussion and troubleshooting of SRB2 on Linux-based operating systems."
  • #android-users: "For discussion and troubleshooting of SRB2 on Android. (Officially discontinued as of v2.2.9.)"

SRB2 Modding

  • #modding-central: "Generalized SRB2 modding discussion and showcasing."
This channel allows the creation of Threads
  • #level-design: "Level design and lump editor (SLADE etc) discussion."
  • #udmf: "Discussions of SRB2's UDMF development, feature requests and bug reports happen here"
  • #spriting: "Spriting discussion. A good place to get critique for your own work."
  • #3d-models: "3D model discussion, help, and critique."
  • #scripting: "For discussion of SOC & Lua scripting."
  • #skincolors: "For discussing, you guessed it, skincolors!"
  • #hardcoding: "Source code discussion for SRB2 and utilities. Lua and SOC goes in #scripting."
  • #git-feed: "Feed for the Gitlab repo."


The SRB2 Discord server has two types of staff:

  • Moderators: These enforce the rules. They have the authority to gun (also known as ban) users if necessary.
  • Administrators: These have greater control over the server, being able to change server settings, create new channels and promote users to moderators.


  • Wolfy


  • Wolfy
  • RoyKirbs


  • Chase
  • Chromatian
  • Frostiikin
  • Inazuma
  • MrMystery
  • Tatsuru

External links

  • Discord server invite – Click this link to join the SRB2 Discord server.
  • Discord website – You can download the desktop version of Discord here, or simply use the web client.
  • Discord server ban appeal - If you are ever banned, send an appeal using the appeal form. Make sure to read and follow the rules before submitting.