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From SRB2 Wiki
"Maps" redirects here. For technical information about maps, see Map.

This is a list of all levels in SRB2 v2.2, along with small preview screenshots of each stage. This page might take a while to load on slow connections. It may also be prone to spoilers. Click here for a text-only version of this list.

Single Player levels

Greenflower Zone

MAP01: Greenflower Zone Act 1

MAP02: Greenflower Zone Act 2

MAP03: Greenflower Zone Act 3

Techno Hill Zone

MAP04: Techno Hill Zone Act 1

MAP05: Techno Hill Zone Act 2

MAP06: Techno Hill Zone Act 3

Deep Sea Zone

MAP07: Deep Sea Zone Act 1

MAP08: Deep Sea Zone Act 2

MAP09: Deep Sea Zone Act 3

Castle Eggman Zone

MAP10: Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

MAP11: Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

MAP12: Castle Eggman Zone Act 3

Arid Canyon Zone

MAP13: Arid Canyon Zone Act 1

MAP14: Arid Canyon Zone Act 2

MAP15: Arid Canyon Zone Act 3

Red Volcano Zone

MAP16: Red Volcano Zone Act 1

Egg Rock Zone

MAP22: Egg Rock Zone Act 1

MAP23: Egg Rock Zone Act 2

Black Core Zone

MAP25: Black Core Zone Act 1

MAP26: Black Core Zone Act 2

MAP27: Black Core Zone Act 3

Bonus stages

MAP30: Frozen Hillside Zone

MAP31: Pipe Towers Zone

MAP32: Forest Fortress Zone

MAP33 (Pre-2.2.14): Techno Legacy Zone

MAP33 (Post-2.2.14): Final Demo Zone

Challenge stages

MAP40: Haunted Heights Zone

MAP41: Aerial Garden Zone

MAP42: Azure Temple Zone

Special Stages

MAP50: Floral Field Zone

MAP51: Toxic Plateau Zone

MAP52: Flooded Cove Zone

MAP53: Cavern Fortress Zone

MAP54: Dusty Wasteland Zone

MAP55: Magma Caves Zone

MAP56: Egg Satellite Zone

MAP57: Black Hole Zone

Multiplayer Special Stages

MAP60: Multiplayer Special Stage 1

MAP61: Multiplayer Special Stage 2

MAP62: Multiplayer Special Stage 3

MAP63: Multiplayer Special Stage 4

MAP64: Multiplayer Special Stage 5

MAP65: Multiplayer Special Stage 6

MAP66: Multiplayer Special Stage 7

NiGHTS bonus stages

MAP70: Christmas Chime Zone

MAP71: Dream Hill Zone

MAP72: Alpine Paradise Zone Act 1

MAP73: Alpine Paradise Zone Act 2

Capture the Flag stages


MAPF0: Lime Forest Zone

MAPF1: Lost Palace Zone

MAPF2: Silver Cascade Zone

MAPF3: Icicle Falls Zone

MAPF4: Twisted Terminal Zone

MAPF5: Clockwork Towers Zone

MAPF6: Iron Turret Zone

MAPF7: Dual Fortress Zone

MAPF8: Nimbus Ruins Zone

MAPF9: Blazing Precipice Zone

MAPFA: Meadow Match Zone

MAPFB: Sapphire Rapids Zone


MAPG0: Metal Star Zone

MAPG1: Conveyor Conflict Zone

MAPG2: Isolated Canyon Zone

Match stages


MAPM0: Jade Valley Zone

MAPM1: Noxious Factory Zone

MAPM2: Tidal Palace Zone

MAPM3: Thunder Citadel Zone

MAPM4: Desolate Twilight Zone

MAPM5 (Pre-2.2.14): Infernal Cavern Zone

MAPM5 (Post-2.2.14): Frigid Mountain Zone

MAPM6: Orbital Hangar Zone

MAPM7: Sapphire Falls Zone

MAPM8: Diamond Blizzard Zone

MAPM9: Celestial Sanctuary Zone

MAPMA: Frost Columns Zone

MAPMB: Meadow Match Zone

MAPMC: Granite Lake Zone

MAPMD: Summit Showdown Zone

MAPME: Silver Shiver Zone

MAPMF: Uncharted Badlands Zone

MAPMG: Pristine Shores Zone

MAPMH: Crystalline Heights Zone


MAPN0: Starlit Warehouse Zone

MAPN1: Midnight Abyss Zone

MAPN2: Airborne Temple Zone

Auxiliary stages

MAP99: Titlemap

MAPZ0: Tutorial Zone