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Black Core Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP25: Black Core Zone Act 1









Bonus stages
Special Stages
Capture the Flag stages
Match stages
Auxiliary stages

MAP25, Black Core Zone Act 1, abbreviated as BCZ1, is the first act of Black Core Zone, the final zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. It is a race against Metal Sonic.


You will start the level in a small room with Metal Sonic. Once he opens the door in front of you, quickly run through it into the hallway and jump over the rows of spikes. You will come to a room full of conveyor belts suspended over lava. Jump across the conveyor belts to reach the exit. You will now reach a drop in the floor. After dropping down, you will come to a large hallway with two fields of spikes. Jump over them and take a right turn to enter a large room with a conveyor belt in the floor. The conveyor belt will push you back, so either jump over it or walk around it. Follow the path, jumping over the spikes, taking the U-turn, and jumping over two more sets of spikes. Jump over the pit to a platform with two vertically moving lasers. Pass under the lasers, jump over the pit again and take a left turn. In the next room, there are some spikes in front of you blocking the path, and some platforms to you left. If you are far ahead of Metal Sonic, jump up the platforms over to the right side, and continue through the hallway, avoiding the downward moving laser. If Metal Sonic is right behind you, however, wait for him to smash through the spikes, letting you through.

In the next room, carefully jump through a set of two lasers slowly moving up and down, and take a left turn. Follow the conveyor belt, avoiding several vertically moving lasers, and enter the next room, which contains a gravity switcher. Use it and make a U-turn to your right to reach a room with a large lava pit and several floating platforms. Jump across the first four platforms to reach a gravity switcher that flips you back to normal gravity. Jump across the remaining platforms, which move up and down, and jump into the opening to the right to find another gravity switcher. Follow the bridge with electric barriers, avoiding the rows of spikes, until you reach another gravity switcher. Turn right and run through the long hallway to reach the Signpost. To beat Metal Sonic, you have to get a time under 1:35. A countdown will start at the end, and if it expires before you reach the Signpost, you will die.

Points of interest

  • After the drop near the beginning, you can fly or climb into the hole in the wall in front of you to enter a pipe with a Super Sneakers Monitor.
  • After the same drop, behind the first pillar next to the rightmost wall lies an Attraction Shield Monitor.
  • At the end of the corridor after this drop, an extra life is located on the platform that holds the arrow, directly behind it.
  • In the room where the path is blocked by spikes, use the platforms attached to the wall to circumvent them. After reaching the other side of the room, look to your left to see two similar platforms attached to the wall, the higher of which contains an extra life.

Technical data