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Greenflower Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAP02: Greenflower Zone Act 2









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MAP02, Greenflower Zone Act 2, abbreviated as GFZ2, is the second act of Greenflower Zone, the first zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. Compared to the first act, GFZ2 is longer and more diverse, being set in a tall valley with high cliffs and much vertical variation, and featuring multiple paths. It is slightly more difficult than GFZ1, but still very easy.

Act 2 of Greenflower Zone introduces the Red Crawla as an enemy.

The next act is Greenflower Zone Act 3.

The previous act is Greenflower Zone Act 1.


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First section

You start the level in a narrow valley with high cliffs to your left and right. After running down the initial slope, there are five puddles and two paths that can be taken. Running forward will take you to the low path, but looking for a spring in the first puddle will take you to a ledge to your left or right with a golden Whirlwind Shield monitor. This ledge marks the start of the Whirlwind path.

Low path

Run forward, avoiding the Crawlas in your way. After crossing a small river via a wooden bridge, the path makes a right turn, followed by a left turn where you have to pass between two fences. After another left turn, you will come to a slope with a row of diagonal springs at the top. Use the springs to reach the ledge on the other side, where you will find the Star Post. If you missed the ledge, you will land back in the area after the small river and must try again.

After the Star Post, jump over the row of spikes in front of you. You will enter a cave where the floor is covered by a shallow layer of water and blocks with springs on all sides are placed occasionally. Continue through the cave to reach a row of red springs. Use the springs to be propelled up into another outdoor area. Walk up to the cliff with the waterfall on the other side of this area, avoiding the corral filled with Crawlas in the center. Next to the cliff, between the waterfall and a Super Ring Monitor, you will find a diagonal yellow spring. Jump on the spring and then stop moving, as it leads to two other springs, each of them propelling you higher until you reach the top of the cliff.

Whirlwind path

Pop the Whirlwind Shield monitor. It will respawn and can then be popped again. If you don't have an ability that allows you to gain height, you must make your way back to this monitor and pop it again if you lose the shield, as an ability that does this is needed to progress through this path. At any time in this path, an ability that gives you height can replace the Whirlwind Shield.

In front of you is a cliff you cannot get up by jumping alone. However, after acquiring a Whirlwind Shield, its Whirlwind Jump will allow you to make your way up this cliff. Run forward until you see a spring and a tree. Turn right to find a ledge near this tree that must be ascended with the Whirlwind Jump. After clearing this ledge, a Super Ring Monitor is visible to your left and another pair of tall ledges to your right. Whirlwind Jump up the ledges to your right to find a tall cliff, a jagged pillar of land, and a group of Crawlas having a picnic with an Eggman Monitor. Make your way aroud to the back of the jagged pillar to find some yellow springs at its base that will take you to its top. There, you can either use the square pillar or the Whirlwind Jump to make your way up the cliff with a diagonal red spring in front of you. At this point, you no longer need a Whirlwind Shield. Once on the cliff, use the spring and do not move. It will send you into another pair of diagonal springs which in turn will propel you over the tallest cliff and land you on a riverbank.

Second section

If you came from the low path beforehand, the entrance to another cave with the second Star Post will be to your left once you land on top of the cliff, as is a pool with two SDURFs jumping out of it. A waterfall feeds into this pool. If you came from the whirlwind path, you will instead land on the riverbank past this waterfall. The second Star Post can also be found on this riverbank. A spring within the pool can take you from the slope path and land you on a riverbank of the river path, and jumping off the riverbank and landing in the area below takes you from the river path to the slope path.

Slope path

Enter the cave. Maneuver past the blocks within this cave and run down the slope to reach a long slope with a horizontal spring at the top. Spindash into it and let yourself be launched off the slope. You will bounce off the water to arrive at a small indent in a landmass. If you cannot spin, run down the slope instead. From there you can either jump onto a small platform jutting out of the side of a cliff and turn right to enter the cave there or leap across the lake and land on a big flat area.

River path

Follow the riverbank, jumping from the left side to the right and then over some spikes. You will eventually end up at an obstacle which prevents you from passing via walking through it. Jump over this obstacle and land in the lake on the other side. If you fall into the river at any point in this area, make your way back to the start of this section, jump back onto the initial bank, and try again. Once past the obstacle, turn to your left to find a waterfall leading into an open area. Here you can either make a wide jump onto the immediately visible area or fall down into the lake.

Third section

If you took the slope path, you will be within an indent in a landmass that leads into another cave with the third Star Post. You can jump up and land on the landmass to take the double bridge path. However, you can also turn around and leap over to the platform surrounded by SDURFs. If you choose the latter, jump again from this platform to the big flat area in front of you. This area is where you may end up if you didn't use the spring to launch yourself off the slope. Make your way to the left of this area and jump to clear the three ledges, then again to cross the gap that follows. Jumping from the trunk found within this gap can take you straight to the third ledge allowing for quick recovery if you fail. Once past the gap, follow the ground you are currently on to find a small platform jutting out of the side of the cliff to your left. Jump onto it and then onto the similar platform that follows, then turn left to enter a cave within the cliff. Here, make your way across the two ledges then use the spring to emerge on top of the cliff. This platform is where you can also end up if you ran down the slope rather than launching yourself off of it. One side of the cliff will have a Blue Crawla and a corral, while the other side has a pair of fences to the left and right. Go through the two fences to find a pair of floating platforms that rise and fall. Jump onto the first platform when it is at the height of the cliff you are on. Once it meets the second platform's height, jump onto the other one, and then wait for the second platform to rise up to a taller cliff. Jump onto this cliff. There, follow the curve and clear both ledges in front of you to find an elevation that leads to another cave which also contains the third Star Post. The gap between the cliff you are on and the elevation in front of you can be crossed from either of the top two ledges, though using an ability that gives you more distance may be wise here if you have one. Entering this cave will take you to the split path. The row of blocks facing the cave has a row of horizontal springs on the side that you cannot immediately see.

If you took the river path, you may land anywhere in this area, so find the part you landed on and follow the walkthrough from there. If at any point you fall into the lake, there are slopes that lead out of it and back onto the big flat area.

Double bridge path

Enter the cave and jump the first three ledges and avoid the Crawlas. After making the third jump, you will land on a small elevation. Follow its curve and jump over the gap at the end to land on a higher outcrop that leads to an outdoor area with a small lake and a cliff. Use the two bridges to cross the lake and make sure to jump over the gap in between both. If you fell into the water, go back to the start of the two bridges and then jump out. At the end of the second bridge, jump to reach a diagonal spring with a SDURF occasionally blocking its launch trajectory. Walk into the spring when the SDURF is not obstructing its path, or you will take damage. The path the spring will take you through is outlined by the five rings leading off from it. Once you use the spring, a second spring will launch you to the top of the cliff. Be wary of the Red Crawla when you land. Following this, run up the slope and take the red springs in front of you that lead to the floor of the cave up above. In this cave, run up the mossy slope to reach the Level End Sign.

Split path

The split path is different depending on which character you are playing as. Immediately visible for everyone, however, is a cave containing the third Star Post, a wall with a small opening under it, and a cracked floor. Enter the cave then follow the guide for the character you are currently playing as.

Sonic, Tails, Metal Sonic, Knuckles (Whirlwind)

Spindash under the small opening in the wall and then jump up to the area in front of you, above the horizontal springs. Within this area is a small ledge to your left and two floating platforms in front of you that follow a square pattern, one higher than the other. At the back of the area is a tall cliff. When the first platform is at the bottom of its path, jump onto it, turn right, and wait for it to rise. Jumping from the ledge to your left can make this much easier. Once it is at the top of its trajectory, jump from the first platform to the second platform. The second platform will also rise. Make sure to turn left while it does this. Once it is at the peak of its path, jump from the platform to the top of the cliff, then turn left and follow the corridor. Spindash under the small opening found along this corridor, then run up the slope. Whether or not you fall off its edge, turn right at the end to find a final mossy slope and the Level End Sign.

Knuckles (no Whirlwind)

Spindash under the small opening in the wall. However, Knuckles cannot jump up to the area in front of you, unless he has a Whirlwind Shield, nor can he climb the room's walls. Instead, you must run into the cracked wall to your left, which will break it and reveal another room. In this room, climb up the large pillar in front of you until you reach a ceiling, then jump off and glide to the second pillar opposite you. Climb this second pillar to end up on a bridge. Turn right on this bridge and spindash into the horizontal springs to be taken to another set of springs and then through another breakable wall. You will end up on a slope with an area below it. Make your way up the slope. Whether or not you fall off its edge, turn right at the end to find a final mossy slope and the Level End Sign.

Amy, Fang

As Amy and Fang cannot spindash, they must break the cracked floor with their hammer or tail instead. Do this to end up in an underground tunnel and a yellow spring. The yellow spring brings you back up into the cave, so turn left and use the red spring you will find to ascend to the next area. In this area, jump over the small stream to find a barricade of spikes and blocks. Amy can't jump over the obstacle, but she can use her hammer to break through the spikes and proceed safely, while Fang's tail allows him to jump over the obstacle entirely. Past this barrier, use the springs in front of you to climb the cliff. Make sure to avoid the spikes and Crawlas up top. Proceed forward and break the floor in front of you. Here, all you have to do is move forward and you'll reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Hidden cave

There is a hidden cave in this level that contains an Armageddon Shield and eight Super Ring Monitors. It can be reached as Tails or Knuckles, but the others can't get up there.

In the starting area, jump into the first pool of water and take the Whirlwind path until you reach the chain of diagonal springs. When you use the second diagonal red spring, instead of landing on the yellow spring, move left so that you land on the tall cliff next to it. Follow this cliff and you will come to a large, pole-like wall. Walk around to the other side of it and look up to see an opening in the wall. This is the hidden cave. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it, but it is too high up to reach directly as anyone else.


  • A golden Whirlwind Shield is located at the very beginning of the Whirlwind path.
  • At the end of the starting area, where the low path turns right, there is a moving platform that leads up to a platform with an Attraction Shield.
    • Another way to reach this shield is as follows: look behind the platforms to your left at the starting point to see a diagonal yellow spring with a row of rings in front of it. Take this spring to be propelled up to a small ledge with another diagonal yellow spring. This is the first in a chain of springs that will eventually lead you to the cliff with the Attraction Shield. Do not move while on the spring chain or you will miss the next spring.
  • In the outdoor area shortly after the flooded cave, an elevation with a Force Shield is located right next to the river and behind the fence housing five Red Crawlas. Tails and Knuckles can fly or climb to get there, while Sonic can get there by jumping from the cliff above with enough speed or a properly aimed thok.
  • In the outdoor area immediately before the cave and riverbank with the second Star Post, the pool that contains a spring also has an Elemental Shield.
  • When passing the second riverbank, look up in front of you to see a ledge high above you. Fly or climb up there to find several rings, a Super Sneakers Monitor and a Force Shield.
  • In the large valley near the end of the level, there is a large flat area where you can find one of each shield, some only accessible as certain characters:
    • After making your way over to the flat area, there will be several platforms to your left, two of which contain tree stumps. The smaller one contains a Force Shield.
    • There is a breakable floor surrounded by spring blocks. Under it is a spring, an extra life monitor, two Eggman Monitors, and an Armageddon Shield.
    • A Whirlwind Shield is hidden behind the large landmass that is used to access the upper path.
    • There is an opening directly to the left of the cave with a Star Post on the lower path. High above this opening is an outcrop with an Attraction Shield. Sonic can access this shield with a precisely timed and aimed thok from the platforms up high.
    • Underwater to the right of the large waterfalls feeding into the valley, there is a breakable wall. Hidden behind it is a cave with an extra life and an Elemental Shield at the very end.

Super Sneakers

  • Look behind the platforms to your left at the starting point to see a diagonal yellow spring with a row of rings in front of it. Take this spring to be propelled up to a small ledge containing a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • If you take the double bridge path, a Super Sneakers monitor is hidden behind the waterfall in the cave.
  • When passing the second riverbank on the second upper path, look up in front of you to see a ledge high above you. Fly or climb up there to find several rings, a Super Sneakers monitor and a Force Shield.
  • On the Whirlwind path, the cliff the first diagonal red spring launches you towards has a Super Sneakers monitor and an Invincibility monitor on top. Tails and Knuckles can easily reach this area, but Sonic has to whirlwind jump off a spring and aim properly to reach it.


  • In the cave after the first Star Post on the low path, instead of turning right, drop down into the underwater area in front of you. To your right is an Invincibility monitor.
  • After the first jump, a bridge leads to an Invincibility monitor guarded by a Red Crawla on the Whirlwind path.
  • In the large valley near the end of the level, look to the left of the double bridge path from the high cliff reached with a yellow spring from inside a cave. You should see an opening in the wall below you. A spindash combined with a jump and thok, or Tails, Knuckles, or Metal Sonic's abilities can reach this opening and reveal a cave with an extra life. To the right in this cave is a breakable wall that only Knuckles can open, leading to a corridor with an Invincibility monitor inside it. This corridor can also be accessed by turning around just before the last outdoor area on the double bridge path. A jump can be made to a set of pillars on the other side of the room which in turn lead to a breakable wall that reveals the same area. Knuckles can also access this corridor this way, but in order to obtain this monitor, Amy has to use this method.
  • In the slope path's cave, don't go down the slope. Instead, follow the grass and go around it to the left. On top of the last pillar is an Invincibility monitor.
  • On the Whirlwind path, the cliff the first diagonal red spring launches you towards has a Super Sneakers monitor and an Invincibility monitor on top. Tails and Knuckles can easily reach this area, but Sonic has to whirlwind jump off a spring and aim properly to reach it.

Extra lives

  • In the large valley near the end of the level, follow the route to go to the split path until the platforms you are supposed to jump up right before the one that actually connects to the cave with the Star Post. After walking to the end of the first cliff, instead of jumping to the ledges in front of you, look down to the left to see another ledge attached to them that contains an extra life, as well as a yellow spring that you can use to get back up.
  • In the large valley near the end of the level, look to the left of the double bridge path from the high cliff reached with a yellow spring from inside a cave. You should see an opening in the wall below you. A spindash combined with a jump and thok, or Tails, Knuckles, or Metal Sonic's abilities, can reach this opening and reveal a cave with an extra life.
  • There is a breakable floor surrounded by spring blocks in the same flat area. Under it is a spring, an extra life monitor, two Eggman Monitors, and an Armageddon Shield.
  • In the slope path's cave, there is an area to the right before the slope that is sunlit. Fly or climb to the top to find an extra life hidden within the wall.
  • At the end of the level, underwater and to the right of the large waterfalls feeding into the valley, there is a breakable wall. Hidden behind it is a cave with an extra life and an Elemental Shield at the very end.
  • An extra life is found at the top of the waterfall down the low path.
  • In the final room that contains the Level End Sign, a pillar to the far left is adorned with an extra life. Sonic can only access it by coming in from the split path.
  • At the start of the final outdoor room in the double bridge path, there is a ledge to the left. There's an extra life high up embedded into the wall behind this ledge.
  • In the Whirlwind path, don't use the first diagonal red spring. Instead, follow the grass all the way to a corral with an extra life in the middle.
Spoilers end here.

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