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Emblems are little winged logos that can be collected by the player in SRB2's Single Player campaign to unlock secret levels and other content. There are 200 emblems in total: Every non-boss level (excluding Black Core Zone Act 1, but including most bonus levels) contains five emblems hidden in the map itself as a special type of collectable Thing, as well as one emblem each for achieving a certain time and collecting a certain number of rings in Record Attack. Boss levels feature one Record Attack emblem for time and one for score. NiGHTS levels feature four emblems: two hidden in the map, one for time, and one for getting an A rank. Additionally, there are three global emblems that are awarded for certain achievements.

Various unlockables can be unlocked by collecting emblems. The game aids the player with collecting emblems by providing hints (after collecting 40 emblems) and a radar (after collecting 80 emblems) that can be accessed in the pause menu while playing a level. See the Emblem guide for further help on collecting emblems.

Custom modifications can supply their own emblems. Emblems that are hidden in the map are placed with Thing type 322. See Custom unlockables and emblems for an explanation.

  Thing types – Collectibles [view]
CTF Red FlagCTF Blue FlagEmerald Token • Chaos Emerald (1/2/3/4/5/6/7) • Emerald Hunt LocationMatch Chaos Emerald SpawnEmblem