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Welcome to the Help section of the SRB2 Wiki. If you need help on anything regarding the Wiki, you can find it here. Our editing policies are also described here, so be sure to take a look at them. If you need help on anything regarding SRB2 and the Wiki's articles aren't helping you out, then look below for how to get more information.

Table of contents

Manual of Style

These are the editing policies for the SRB2 Wiki. They describe the format that articles are supposed to have and the conventions we use, and following them is advised and encouraged.

Wikitext formatting help

Wikitext formatting is the main formatting used on the site, which, for example, allows text to be bold.


Having trouble with SRB2 or making a WAD? Go to Help:Troubleshooting. Your question might be answered there!

SRB2 help

If you need help on anything regarding SRB2 or the Wiki, there are several options.

Ask the Message Board

The SRB2 Message Board is the main place of discussion about SRB2, and there you can find people who will be willing to answer your question. If your question has to do with editing SRB2, put it in the Editing Help subforum. For any other question regarding the game, use the Help subforum. You can also look at the main forum list here if these aren't the places you're looking for.

Ask on Discord

Our Discord server is a good place to get a quick response in real-time. Many of the more experienced members of the SRB2 community frequent the Discord server, so you are likely to find someone who can answer your question.

Contact the editors

If you have a question about the Wiki or any of the topics it covers, then the Wiki team is here to help! It currently consists of Cookiefonster, LoganA, MascaraSnake, Monster Iestyn and Tatsuru. You can contact them by simply writing onto their talk pages. Every user listed above has an SRB2 Message Board account, if you prefer to contact them that way. You can also often find them in the Discord server. If they're not there, someone else is usually around who might be able to answer any questions you might have.

Use and copying of content

Feel free to link to any of the articles or pages on our site. Textual content, unless specified, is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. Some binary/non-text resources are, too, but they're usually released under other usage terms.

For use and copying of our resources, please check SRB2 Wiki:Copyrights.

  Help [view]
Wiki editing help Main pageImagesTablesTemplatesList of templates
Manual of Style Main pageModifications
SRB2 troubleshooting Main page