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Emerald Hunt Location

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 320, Emerald Hunt Location, is a type of Thing that spawns Chaos Emeralds in Emerald Hunt mode. Up to 64 of these can be placed on the map, and the game will randomly choose three locations to spawn emeralds in. If more than 64 locations are placed, the game will only distribute the emeralds between the first 64.

Giving an emerald hunt location the Ambush flag will make the spawned emerald float 24 fracunits above the ground. All emerald hunt locations that are not already floating above the ground due to Z offsets should have this flag because items that do not float are difficult to collect and look as if they were stuck in the floor. The flag stacks on top of the Thing's regular height, allowing emerald hunt locations to be a total of 4119 fracunits above the ground at maximum.

  Thing types – Collectibles [view]
CTF Red FlagCTF Blue FlagEmerald Token • Chaos Emerald (1/2/3/4/5/6/7) • Emerald Hunt LocationMatch Chaos Emerald SpawnEmblem