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List of sprites

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This is a full list of sprite sets available in SRB2. There are 387 sprite sets and 512 freeslots that are not occupied in an unmodified game.

Sprite number Sprite name Description Example frame(s)
0 SPR_NULL Empty sprite, for invisible Objects
1 SPR_UNKN Used for Objects with an unknown sprite, displays a warning graphic
2 SPR_THOK Thok trail
3 SPR_PLAY Player
4 SPR_POSS Crawla (Blue)
5 SPR_SPOS Crawla (Red)
6 SPR_FISH Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFish
7 SPR_BUZZ Buzz (Gold)
8 SPR_RBUZ Buzz (Red)
9 SPR_JETB Jetty-Syn Bomber
10 SPR_JETG Jetty-Syn Gunner
11 SPR_CCOM Crawla Commander
12 SPR_DETN Deton
13 SPR_SKIM Skim
14 SPR_TRET Turret
15 SPR_TURR Pop-up Turret
16 SPR_SHRP Spincushion
17 SPR_CRAB Crushstacean
18 SPR_CR2B Banpyura
19 SPR_CSPR Banpyura spring
20 SPR_JJAW Jet Jaw
21 SPR_SNLR Snailer
22 SPR_VLTR Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard
23 SPR_PNTY Pointy, and its spikeballs
24 SPR_ARCH Robo-Hood
25 SPR_CBFS Lance-a-Bot
26 SPR_STAB Lance-a-Bot spear aura
27 SPR_SPSH Egg Guard
28 SPR_ESHI Egg Guard's shield
29 SPR_GSNP Green Snapper
30 SPR_GSNL Green Snapper leg
31 SPR_GSNH Green Snapper head
32 SPR_MNUS Minus
33 SPR_MNUD Minus dirt
34 SPR_SSHL Spring Shells (green and yellow)
35 SPR_UNID Unidus, and its spikeballs
36 SPR_CANA Canarivore
37 SPR_CANG Canarivore gas
38 SPR_PYRE Pyre Fly
39 SPR_PTER Pterabyte
40 SPR_DRAB Dragonbomber
41 SPR_JETF Boss jet fume
42 SPR_EGGM Egg Mobile
43 SPR_EGLZ Egg Mobile laser cannon
44 SPR_EGGN Egg Slimer
45 SPR_TANK Egg Slimer tanks
46 SPR_GOOP Egg Slimer goop
47 SPR_EGGO Sea Egg
48 SPR_SEBH Sea Egg bottom
49 SPR_FAKE Sea Egg decoy
50 SPR_SHCK Sea Egg shockwave
51 SPR_EGGP Egg Colosseum
52 SPR_EFIR Egg Colosseum jet flame
53 SPR_EGR1 Spectator Eggrobo
54 SPR_FANG Fang
55 SPR_BRKN Fang broken robots
56 SPR_WHAT Fang exclamation mark explosion
57 SPR_VWRE Greyscale Fang teleport hoop
58 SPR_PROJ Fang projector light
59 SPR_FBOM Fang bomb
60 SPR_FSGN Fang sign
61 SPR_BARX TNT Barrel explosion
62 SPR_BARD TNT Barrel dust
63 SPR_EGGR Placeholder for Red Volcano Zone's boss
64 SPR_BRAK Brak Eggman and Brak Eggman (Old)
65 SPR_BGOO Brak Eggman (Old) goop
66 SPR_BMSL Brak Eggman (Old) missile
67 SPR_EGGT Placeholder for Egg Rock Zone's boss
68 SPR_RCKT Brak Eggman rocket
69 SPR_ELEC Brak Eggman electric barrier
70 SPR_TARG Brak Eggman target reticule
71 SPR_NPLM Brak Eggman napalm bomb (large)
72 SPR_MNPL Brak Eggman napalm bomb (small)
73 SPR_METL Metal Sonic (Race and Battle)
74 SPR_MSCF Metal Sonic shield
75 SPR_MSCB Unused
76 SPR_RING Ring
77 SPR_TRNG CTF Team Ring (red and blue)
78 SPR_TOKE Emerald Token
79 SPR_RFLG CTF Red Flag
80 SPR_BFLG CTF Blue Flag
81 SPR_SPHR Blue Sphere
84 SPR_EMBM Emblem
85 SPR_CEMG Chaos Emeralds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
86 SPR_SHRD Emerald Hunt shard
Interactive Objects
87 SPR_BBLS Air Bubble Patch
88 SPR_SIGN Signpost
89 SPR_SPIK Spikeball
90 SPR_SFLM Elemental Shield's fire trail
91 SPR_SFLM Elemental Shield's fire trail (Player Colored)
92 SPR_USPK Spike
93 SPR_WSPK Wall Spike
94 SPR_WSPB Wall Spike base
95 SPR_STPT Star Post
96 SPR_BMNE Big Floating Mine
97 SPR_PUMI Rollout Rock
98 SPR_MSTV Miscellaneous monitor sprites
99 SPR_XLTV Golden monitor
100 SPR_TRRI CTF Team Ring Monitor (Red)
101 SPR_TBRI CTF Team Ring Monitor (Blue)
102 SPR_TVRI Super Ring Monitor (10 Rings)
103 SPR_TVPI Pity Shield Monitor
104 SPR_TVAT Attraction Shield Monitor
104 SPR_TVFO Force Shield Monitor
105 SPR_TVAR Armageddon Shield Monitor
106 SPR_TVWW Whirlwind Shield Monitor
107 SPR_TVEL Elemental Shield Monitor
108 SPR_TVSS Super Sneakers Monitor
109 SPR_TVIV Invincibility Monitor
110 SPR_TV1U Extra Life Monitor
111 SPR_TV1P Extra Life Monitor (textless)
112 SPR_TVEG Eggman Monitor
113 SPR_TVMX Teleporter Monitor
114 SPR_TVMY Random Monitor
115 SPR_TVGV Gravity Boots Monitor
116 SPR_TVRC Recycler Monitor
117 SPR_TV1K Score Monitor (1,000 Points)
118 SPR_TVTK Score Monitor (10,000 Points)
119 SPR_TVFL Flame Shield
120 SPR_TVBB Bubble Shield
121 SPR_TVZP Lightning Shield
122 SPR_MISL Snailer missile
123 SPR_TORP Sea Egg torpedo
124 SPR_ENRG Metal Sonic energy ball projectile
125 SPR_MINE Jetty-Syn Bomber's/Skim's mine
126 SPR_JBUL Jetty-Syn Gunner's bullet
127 SPR_TRLS Turret laser
128 SPR_CBLL Cannonball
129 SPR_AROW Robo-Hood arrow
130 SPR_CFIR Glaregoyle fire
Greenflower Zone scenery
131 SPR_LETR Letter
132 SPR_FWR1 GFZ Flower
133 SPR_FWR2 Sunflower
134 SPR_FWR3 Budding Flower
135 SPR_FWR4 CEZ Flower
136 SPR_BUS1 Berry Bush
137 SPR_BUS2 Bush
138 SPR_BUS3 Blueberry Bush
139 SPR_TRE1 GFZ Tree, GFZ Berry Tree, GFZ Cherry Tree
140 SPR_TRE2 Checkered Tree, Checkered Tree (Sunset)
141 SPR_TRE3 Crystal Tree (Aqua), Crystal Tree (Pink)
142 SPR_TRE4 Polygon Tree
143 SPR_TRE5 Bush Tree, Red Bush Tree
144 SPR_TRE6 Spring Tree
Techno Hill Zone scenery
145 SPR_THZP THZ Steam Flower
146 SPR_FWR5 THZ Spin Flower (Red)
147 SPR_FWR6 THZ Spin Flower (Yellow)
148 SPR_THZT Whistlebush
149 SPR_ALRM Alarm
Deep Sea Zone scenery
150 SPR_GARG Gargoyle
151 SPR_SEWE Seaweed
152 SPR_DRIP Dripping Water
153 SPR_CORL Coral (Green), Coral (Red), Coral (Orange), Large Coral (Brown), Large Coral (Beige)
154 SPR_BCRY Blue Crystal
155 SPR_KELP Kelp
156 SPR_ALGA Animated Kelp top
157 SPR_ALGB Animated Kelp segment
158 SPR_DSTG Stalagmite (DSZ1), Stalagmite (DSZ2)
159 SPR_LIBE Light Beam
Castle Eggman Zone scenery
160 SPR_CHAN Chain (Decorative)
161 SPR_FLAM Torch
162 SPR_ESTA Eggman Statue and Eggman Disco Statue
163 SPR_SMCH Chain (Small)
164 SPR_BMCH Chain (Large)
165 SPR_SMCE Mace (Small)
166 SPR_BMCE Mace (Large)
167 SPR_YSPB Yellow Spring Ball
168 SPR_RSPB Red Spring Ball
169 SPR_SFBR Firebar (Small)
170 SPR_BFBR Firebar (Large)
171 SPR_BANR Pole Banner (Red), Pole Banner (Blue)
172 SPR_PINE Pine Tree
173 SPR_CEZB CEZ Shrub (Small), CEZ Shrub (Large)
174 SPR_CNDL Candle, Candle Pricket
175 SPR_FLMH Flame Holder
176 SPR_CTRC Fire Torch
177 SPR_CFLG Waving Flag (Red), Waving Flag (Blue)
178 SPR_CSTA Crawla Statue
179 SPR_CBBS Lance-a-Bot Statue
180 SPR_CABR Brambles
Arid Canyon Zone scenery
181 SPR_BTBL Tumbleweed (Big)
182 SPR_STBL Tumbleweed (Small)
183 SPR_CACT Cacti
184 SPR_WWSG Caution Sign
185 SPR_WWS2 Cacti Sign
186 SPR_WWS3 Sharp Turn Sign
187 SPR_OILL Mine Oil Lamp
188 SPR_OILF Mine Oil Lamp flare
189 SPR_BARR TNT Barrel
190 SPR_REMT TNT Proximity Shell
191 SPR_TAZD Dust Devil
192 SPR_ADST Dust
193 SPR_MCRT Minecart
194 SPR_MCSP Minecart spark
195 SPR_SALD Minecart Saloon Door
196 SPR_TRAE Train cameo locomotive
197 SPR_TRAI Train cameo wagon
198 SPR_STEA Train steam
Red Volcano Zone scenery
199 SPR_FLME Flame from a flame jet
200 SPR_DFLM Flame from a spinning flame jet
201 SPR_LFAL Lavafall
202 SPR_JPLA Big Fern, Jungle Palm
203 SPR_TFLO Torch Flower
204 SPR_WVIN RVZ1 Wall Vine (Long), RVZ1 Wall Vine (Short)
Christmas scenery
205 SPR_XMS1 Christmas Pole
206 SPR_XMS2 Candy Cane
207 SPR_XMS3 Snowman, Snowman (With Hat)
208 SPR_XMS4 Lamp Post, Lamp Post (Snow)
209 SPR_XMS5 Hanging Star
210 SPR_XMS6 Mistletoe
Frozen Hillside Zone scenery
211 SPR_FHZI Ice Shard (Small), Ice Shard (Large)
212 SPR_ROSY Amy Cameo
Haunted Heights Zone scenery
213 SPR_PUMK Jack-o'-lantern 1, Jack-o'-lantern 2, Jack-o'-lantern 3
215 SPR_SHRM Purple Mushroom
216 SPR_HHZM HHZ Grass, HHZ Tentacle 1, HHZ Tentacle 2, HHZ Stalagmite (Tall), HHZ Stalagmite (Short)
Azure Temple Zone scenery
217 SPR_BGAR Glaregoyle, Blue Gargoyle
218 SPR_RCRY ATZ Target
219 SPR_CFLM Green Flame
Botanic Serenity scenery
220 SPR_BSZ1 Tall Flowers (BSZ)
221 SPR_BSZ2 Medium Flowers (BSZ)
222 SPR_BSZ3 Short Flowers (BSZ)
223 SPR_BST1 Tulip (Red)
224 SPR_BST2 Tulip (Purple)
225 SPR_BST3 Tulip (Blue)
226 SPR_BST4 Tulip (Cyan)
227 SPR_BST5 Tulip (Yellow)
228 SPR_BST6 Tulip (Orange)
229 SPR_BSZ5 Clusters (BSZ)
230 SPR_BSZ6 Bushes (BSZ)
231 SPR_BSZ7 Vines (BSZ)
232 SPR_BSZ8 BSZ Shrub, BSZ Clover, Palm Tree (Big), Palm Tree (Small)
Other scenery
233 SPR_STLG Stalagmites
234 SPR_DBAL Disco Ball
Power-up indicators
235 SPR_ARMA Armageddon Shield orb
236 SPR_ARMF Armageddon Shield ring, front
237 SPR_ARMB Armageddon Shield ring, back
238 SPR_WIND Whirlwind Shield orb
239 SPR_MAGN Attraction Shield orb
240 SPR_ELEM Elemental Shield orb and fire
241 SPR_FORC Force Shield orb
242 SPR_PITY Pity Shield orb
243 SPR_FIRS Flame Shield orb
244 SPR_BUBS Bubble Shield orb
245 SPR_ZAPS Lightning Shield orb
246 SPR_IVSP Invincibility sparkle
247 SPR_SSPK Super Sonic spark
248 SPR_GOAL NiGHTS goal sign
249 SPR_FBUB Flicky-sized bubble
250 SPR_FL01 Bluebird
251 SPR_FL02 Rabbit
252 SPR_FL03 Chicken
253 SPR_FL04 Seal
254 SPR_FL05 Pig
255 SPR_FL06 Chipmunk
256 SPR_FL07 Penguin
257 SPR_FL08 Fish
258 SPR_FL09 Ram
259 SPR_FL10 Puffin
260 SPR_FL11 Cow
261 SPR_FL12 Rat
262 SPR_FL13 Bear
263 SPR_FL14 Dove
264 SPR_FL15 Cat
265 SPR_FL16 Canary
266 SPR_FS01 Spider
267 SPR_FS02 Bat
Springs and fans
268 SPR_FANS Fan
269 SPR_STEM Gas Jet
270 SPR_BUMP Bumper
271 SPR_BLON Balloon
272 SPR_SPRY Yellow Spring
273 SPR_SPRR Red Spring
274 SPR_SPRB Blue Spring
275 SPR_YSPR Diagonal Yellow Spring
276 SPR_RSPR Diagonal Red Spring
277 SPR_BSPR Diagonal Blue Spring
278 SPR_SSWY Horizontal Yellow Spring
279 SPR_SSWR Horizontal Red Spring
280 SPR_SSWB Horizontal Blue Spring
281 SPR_BSTY Yellow Boost Panel
282 SPR_BSTR Red Boost Panel
Environmental effects
283 SPR_RAIN Precipitation
284 SPR_SNO1 Snowflake
285 SPR_SPLH Water splish
286 SPR_LSPL Lava splish
287 SPR_SPLA Precipitation water splash
288 SPR_SMOK Puff of smoke
289 SPR_BUBL Air bubbles
290 SPR_WZAP Water zap
291 SPR_DUST Spindash dust
292 SPR_FPRT Spindash dust (Elemental Shield)
293 SPR_TFOG Chaos mode enemy entrance fog
294 SPR_SEED Seed spawned by destroyed enemies
295 SPR_PRTL Fan particle
Game indicators
296 SPR_SCOR Score markers
297 SPR_DRWN Drowning countdown numbers
298 SPR_FLII Tails bot flight indicator
299 SPR_LCKN Lockon target
300 SPR_TTAG Tag "IT!" sign
302 SPR_FNSF "Level finished" flag
Character items
303 SPR_CORK Fang cork
304 SPR_LHRT Amy heart
Weapon rings
305 SPR_RRNG Thrown Red Ring
306 SPR_RNGB Bounce Ring (pickup and thrown)
307 SPR_RNGR Rail Ring (pickup)
308 SPR_RNGI Infinity Ring
309 SPR_RNGA Automatic Ring (pickup)
310 SPR_RNGE Explosion Ring (pickup and thrown)
311 SPR_RNGS Scatter Ring (pickup)
312 SPR_RNGG Grenade Ring (pickup)
313 SPR_PIKB Bounce Ring Panel
314 SPR_PIKR Rail Ring Panel
315 SPR_PIKA Automatic Ring Panel
316 SPR_PIKE Explosion Ring Panel
317 SPR_PIKS Scatter Ring Panel
318 SPR_PIKG Grenade Ring Panel
319 SPR_TAUT Thrown Automatic Ring
320 SPR_TGRE Thrown Grenade Ring
321 SPR_TSCR Thrown Scatter Ring
322 SPR_COIN Coin
323 SPR_CPRK Coin pickup spark
324 SPR_GOOM Goomba
325 SPR_BGOM Goomba (Blue)
326 SPR_FFWR Fire Flower
327 SPR_FBLL Fire Flower fireball
328 SPR_SHLL Koopa Shell
329 SPR_PUMA Puma
330 SPR_HAMM King Bowser's hammer
331 SPR_KOOP King Bowser
332 SPR_BFLM King Bowser's flame
333 SPR_MAXE Axe
334 SPR_MUS1 Mario Bush (Short)
335 SPR_MUS2 Mario Bush (Tall)
336 SPR_TOAD Toad
337 SPR_NDRN Ideya Drone
338 SPR_NSPK NiGHTS sparkle
339 SPR_NBMP NiGHTS Bumper
340 SPR_HOOP Hoop segment
341 SPR_NSCR NiGHTS score markers
342 SPR_NPRU NiGHTS power-ups:
343 SPR_CAPS Ideya Capture
344 SPR_IDYA Ideya
345 SPR_NTPN Pian
346 SPR_SHLP Shleep
Secret enemies and hazards
347 SPR_PENG Penguinator
348 SPR_POPH Pophat
349 SPR_HIVE Hive Elemental
350 SPR_BUMB Bumblebore
351 SPR_BBUZ Buggle
352 SPR_FMCE Smashing Spikeball
353 SPR_HMCE Smashing Spikeball (Large, unused)
354 SPR_CACO Cacolantern
355 SPR_BAL2 Cacolantern projectile
356 SPR_SBOB Spinbobert
357 SPR_SBFL Spinbobert fire trail
358 SPR_SBSK Spinbobert fire ghost
359 SPR_HBAT Hangster
360 SPR_SPRK Pickup spark
361 SPR_BOM1 Robot explosion
362 SPR_BOM2 Boss explosion 1
363 SPR_BOM3 Boss explosion 2
364 SPR_BOM4 Underwater explosion
365 SPR_BMNB Big Floating Mine explosion
366 SPR_ROIA Rock debris
367 SPR_ROIB Rock debris
368 SPR_ROIC Rock debris
369 SPR_ROID Rock debris
370 SPR_ROIE Rock debris
371 SPR_ROIF Rock debris
372 SPR_ROIG Rock debris
373 SPR_ROIH Rock debris
374 SPR_ROII Ice debris
375 SPR_ROIJ Rock debris
376 SPR_ROIK Rock debris
377 SPR_ROIL Rock debris
378 SPR_ROIM Rock debris
379 SPR_ROIN Rock debris
380 SPR_ROIO Rock debris
381 SPR_ROIP Rock debris
383 SPR_BRIC Brick debris
384 SPR_WDDB Wood debris
Special Stage
385 SPR_GWLG Green gravity well sprites for Pull Point
386 SPR_GWLR Red gravity well sprites for Push Point
387–898 n/a n/a