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Thing type 131, Spinbobert, is a ghost enemy used in Haunted Heights Zone. It floats up and down in a set pattern, with a pair of skull fireballs orbiting around it in opposite directions. The fireballs must be carefully avoided to defeat this enemy, either by timing a jump properly, or attacking it from below or above, where it cannot attack.

  Thing types – Enemies [view]
Crawla (Blue)Crawla (Red)Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFishBuzz (Gold)Buzz (Red)DetonTurretPop-up TurretSpring Shell (Green)Spring Shell (Yellow)SkimJet JawCrushstaceanBanpyuraRobo-HoodLance-a-BotSuspicious Lance-a-Bot StatueEgg GuardBird Aircraft Strike HazardGreen SnapperMinusCanarivoreUnidusPterabyte SpawnerPyre FlyDragonbomberJetty-Syn BomberJetty-Syn GunnerSpincushionSnailerPenguinatorPophatCrawla CommanderSpinbobertCacolanternHangsterHive ElementalBumbleboreBugglePointy