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Jet Jaw

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 113, Jet Jaw, is an orange fish enemy used in Deep Sea Zone. When it sees a player, it will quickly swim after them and chomp, hurting them upon contact. Since 2.2.5, it makes a sound when chomping. It is intended to be placed underwater, but it can also be placed in the air, where it will crawl along the ground when chasing the player. However, this is generally discouraged because it looks strange.

  Thing types – Enemies [view]
Crawla (Blue)Crawla (Red)Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFishBuzz (Gold)Buzz (Red)DetonTurretPop-up TurretSpring Shell (Green)Spring Shell (Yellow)SkimJet JawCrushstaceanBanpyuraRobo-HoodLance-a-BotSuspicious Lance-a-Bot StatueEgg GuardBird Aircraft Strike HazardGreen SnapperMinusCanarivoreUnidusPterabyte SpawnerPyre FlyDragonbomberJetty-Syn BomberJetty-Syn GunnerSpincushionSnailerPenguinatorPophatCrawla CommanderSpinbobertCacolanternHangsterHive ElementalBumbleboreBugglePointy