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Green Snapper

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 120, Green Snapper, is a turtle-like enemy used in Arid Canyon Zone. It does not move until a player wanders into its territory, after which it will chase after them at high speeds until its target has left its territory. This enemy has a ring of spikes surrounding it, which will hurt players who walk or spindash into it. Thus, the Green Snapper can generally only be destroyed by jumping on it (though Amy and Fang can use their weapons instead).

  Thing types – Enemies [view]
Crawla (Blue)Crawla (Red)Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFishBuzz (Gold)Buzz (Red)DetonTurretPop-up TurretSpring Shell (Green)Spring Shell (Yellow)SkimJet JawCrushstaceanBanpyuraRobo-HoodLance-a-BotSuspicious Lance-a-Bot StatueEgg GuardBird Aircraft Strike HazardGreen SnapperMinusCanarivoreUnidusPterabyte SpawnerPyre FlyDragonbomberJetty-Syn BomberJetty-Syn GunnerSpincushionSnailerPenguinatorPophatCrawla CommanderSpinbobertCacolanternHangsterHive ElementalBumbleboreBugglePointy