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Deep Sea Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP07: Deep Sea Zone Act 1









Bonus stages
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Capture the Flag stages
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Auxiliary stages

MAP07, Deep Sea Zone Act 1, abbreviated as DSZ1, is the first act of Deep Sea Zone, the third zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. It takes place in underground caverns and ruins, which are partially submerged in water. Staying underwater for more than 30 seconds will make you drown. To prevent this, grab air from the air bubble patches that are scattered throughout the level. The level features gimmicks such as waterslides that provide platforming challenges, platforms that rise up when the player stands on them, buttons that can be pressed to open doors or alter the level layout, and occasional gargoyles that can be pushed to open doors.

DSZ1 introduces three new enemies: the Jet Jaw, a fish enemy that chases the player, the Skim, an enemy that floats on the water surface and drops bombs, and the Crushstacean, a crab enemy that attacks the player with a far-reaching claw. A common obstacle is the Big Floating Mine, which explodes a few seconds after contact with the player and can be pushed with billiard physics to cause explosion chains that sometimes uncover secrets.

The next act is Deep Sea Zone Act 2.


At the level's starting area, go down the slope right in front of you until you land on a set of vertical yellow springs that launch you onto diagonal yellow springs. This will take you to a bridge where you can take different paths depending if you go left or right.

Left path

Upper route

After going left on the bridge, keep following the bridge scenery as you jump over gaps and avoid spikes and Crushstaceans. If you fall into the gap, you will enter a more difficult alternate underwater route that leads to the right path's lower route but can be exited with yellow springs behind where you land. If you manage to get through the obstacles, you will enter a room with a large temple surrounded by pillars and platforms with springs on them. There are several goodies you can collect hidden around the temple or in the underwater area, but to enter the next room you simply have to make your way through the partially underwater spiked route on the side until you leave the room and see a tall structure too high to directly jump on with a red button on top, with spikes and tiny holes in the floor. Behind that structure is the first Star Post.

Jump over a gap to a waterslide, then jump again so to continue the waterslide and enter the next area. If you fall into the gap, you will enter the lower route of the left path. If not, you will enter a structure with two diagonal springs inside. Those springs will take you to the next area, where you turn right to see a platform surrounded by spikes. Jump on the platform so that it will rise, then turn left to take the second, higher-up rising platform. Be careful not to stay on a rising platform for too long, or else it will take you all the way to the ceiling and crush you to death.

After jumping off the second platform, you will enter a room with a set of collapsing and reappearing platforms on a waterfall. In this area, you have to carefully time your jump so that you can get on the platforms at the right time, then turn right and jump off them so you reach a set of diagonal red springs. Jump onto those springs, and they will launch you through three circles of rings down to the final area of the left path.

Pillar button route

Diagram showcasing the different paths and how they connect.

If you press the red button on the aforementioned pillar, either using a Whirlwind Shield or a more vertically oriented character's ability, the pillar will sink and the floor around it will disappear, revealing a new underwater path with a checkpoint on the left side. From the checkpoint, turn right and you will see a structure with an air bubble too high to get to by jumping. At the platform in front of the structure, there is a gargoyle that can be pushed to the right to raise the platform so you can enter the structure. Stop for an air bubble, then turn right, go through the hallway, and drop down to enter the final underwater portion of the left path.

The pillar button route can also merge with the right path's two main subpaths if you turn left instead of right from the aforementioned structure. Run through a series of horizontal crushers, then use a set of Big Floating Mines to break a wall leading to a room with vertical red springs inside. If you jump on the springs, you will break two ceilings, the lower of which takes you near the end of the right path's left subpath; if you jump down into the water, you will arrive near the end of the right path's right subpath.

Lower route

The lower route of the left path is mostly underwater, so you need to make sure to stop for air bubbles along the way. The first area of note after progressing through the water is a cramped room with a group of Big Floating Mines and a Crushstacean. Hit one of the mines, then back off so that they won't hurt you; all mines in the room and the Crushstacean will be killed. You will then enter an area with three air bubbles surrounded by tall plants. Grab one of the air bubbles, then proceed through the next area while avoiding the squares with retractable spikes. Step on the button that follows, and the door in front of you will open.

After the door, take a sharp right turn through the steep sloped area and you will encounter a set of three vertical yellow springs. Jump on those springs and you will be taken out of the water, onto a road that contains the second Star Post. After the road gets steep, turn left to land on the other side of the road to merge back with the left path's upper route and continue to the rising platform section.

Final area

The final area of the left path is underwater and begins with a Star Post, either the second or third depending which route you took. Getting to the end should be straightforward: take a slight left then right while avoiding Crushtaceans and Big Floating Mines, and be sure to stop for air bubbles along the way to avoid drowning. At the end, you will step on a button to open one of the three doors to the end of the level. After opening the door, turn right to reach the Level End Sign.

Right path

After going right on the bridge, avoid the Crushstacean and turn right again to go underwater. After going under two arches, each with a monitor on top, you will see a bridge with a platform surrounded by spikes on the left. You can either hop on the spiked platform which will rise up, or turn right to enter the lower route. If you don't make it up the rising platforms on the first try, there is another rising platform behind you that you can go up to try again. The rising platform on the left will take you close to sea level; in front of you, there is a higher-up bridge with a similar platform on the right that you can hop on to get out of the water. Jump off the second rising platform to land on a bridge; jump over a gap and turn right to enter a room with spikes on the floor surrounded by four waterfalls, which leads to the first Star Post of the right path. At this point, you have a choice between taking the left subpath and the right subpath.

Lower route

The lower route begins with a slope that has an air bubble next to it. Run up the slope, then jump over the broken door to enter a large, open room. In the bottom of the open room, turn right to reach a Star Post surrounded by four air bubbles. Behind the star post is a series of horizontal crushers. As most characters, you can spin dash to make it past those crushers and land on downward diagonal springs that take you to a bridge; as Amy and Fang, grab a Whirlwind Shield to your right, run through the crushers, then double jump to land on that bridge. Alternately, you can turn left after making it past the crushers and jump on red springs that lead you to a red button. If you press the red button, a door will open that leads to a room in the zone's left path.

Continuing the right path's lower route, the bridge leads to another series of horizontal crushers with a Super Sneakers monitor behind it. The sneakers may be helpful but are not required to make it through the crushers. The crushers are followed by a set of red springs that leads you to a sloped bridge above water. Falling into the water will take you to the underwater portion of the right path's left subpath, while continuing on the bridge will continue this route. There are four platforms with gargoyles on the sides of the bridge; the gargoyle on the back left one can be pushed to open a door that leads to a collapsing bridge. When the bridge collapses, you will be taken to the underwater portion of the right path's right subpath, ending the lower route.

Left subpath

The left subpath starts with a set of springs directly behind the Star Post. Jump on one of the diagonal yellow springs, and you'll land on a downward yellow spring that will take you underwater. Turn right and you will see two walls back to back, each with a U-shaped hole that you can jump over if timed right, aided by a thok as Sonic or whichever other ability your character has. If you don't make the jump, you can instead walk around the walls at the very edge of the room. Shortly ahead of you is the second Star Post.

To the left the second Star Post, there is a slope that you will need to spin up with the help of the horizontal springs on the right unless you are playing as Amy or Fang, in which case there are platforms on the slope that you can jump on instead. You will need to be quick with those platforms or else you will drown. To make the platforming easier, you can jump on one of the Big Floating Mines directly behind the Star Post, then back off; the combined explosion of all of them destroys a wall and reveals a Whirlwind Shield. When facing the direction of the slope, there is an air bubble to the left that you can grab.

After going up the slope, you will enter a room with a set of appearing and disappearing platforms, with at most two platforms usable at a time. Go up the vertical yellow springs on the left, then wait for the platform closest to you to appear. Then, get onto each following platform immediately after it appears. You need to be careful in this section, or else you may fall into a row of spikes. After making it through the waterfall platforms, there is a set of three diagonal yellow springs for you to jump on. Those springs will take you to another timing-based challenge. To your right is a horizontal red spring, which you have to enter at just the right time to make it through the narrow openings without being hit by retractable spikes. You can alternately jump through each opening individually when the spikes disappear, but it will be less tedious just to take the spring at the right time.

After the set of narrow openings, step on the red button to open a door to a bridge with a Crushstacean on it. Jump directly off the bridge into the water, then you can either descend the large circular staircase of steep slopes, or jump straight down at the risk of getting hit by a Big Floating Mine. Once you make it all the way down, there is a button nearby that opens a door. When the door is opened, the Level End Sign is directly in front of you.

Right subpath

The right subpath begins directly to the right of where the left subpath begins, with a rising platform surrounded by spikes. After the rising platform is another rising platform slightly higher up then a steep curved slope that you can jump off to reach a wider rising platform on the side of a rocky area. If you land in the water from the curved slope, you will enter the right path's lower route instead. If you go on the wide rising platform, there is one last rising platform over a waterfall that, if fallen into, takes you back to the start of the subpath split. The last rising platform will take you to a temple area that leads to a wide open room. To proceed through the subpath, jump straight down through a column filled with Big Floating Mines to reach the subpath's underwater area.

The underwater portion of the right subpath begins with several rooms with retractable spikes and Big Floating Mines. Turn left and then right as you avoid the spikes and mines, and the next room contains a Star Post surrounded by two air bubbles. Turn left from the star post room to enter a hallway area with enemies and broken parts inside; if you thok or use a different character's ability at the right time, you can land on top of the hallway and avoid enemies, but you may need to backtrack a bit for an air bubble before reaching the end. After a right turn at the end of the hallway, there is a button that opens a door. After opening the door, turn left to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest


  • On the right path's lower route, right after the collapsing bridge, there is an Attraction Shield in the wall to the right. It is useful for collecting the rings under the bridge, but will dissipate once you land in the water.
  • Early in the left path, jump into the water instead of turning right. You will enter an underwater area with an Attraction Shield on the left side. Since the shield dissipates in water, the only way you can use the shield is along with an Invincibility Monitor, which can fortunately be found by using Big Floating Mines to destroy the wall behind the shield. Collect the Invincibility Monitor and then the Attraction Shield, so you can either collect all the rings in the nearby room with Big Floating Mines, or leave the water using springs and use the shield above ground.
  • On the left path, in the area before the two rising platforms that take you to the waterfall room, there is an Attraction Shield in a small area deep underwater surrounded by a high-up curved slope. The only way to make meaningful use of this shield is to collect the Invincibility Monitor behind the waterfalls, then quickly make it to the underwater area with the Attraction Shield and spring out of the water before the invincibility timer runs out.
  • In the big, open room in the right path's right subpath, there is a platform high up with a waterfall coming from it. Right where the waterfall pours out, a Force Shield can be found.
  • On the left path, after the room with a button on a pillar, there is a structure at the corner to the left of the first waterslide that contains a Force Shield.
  • On the right path's left subpath, after the room with two walls with U-shaped holes in them, there is a ledge high up that contains a Force Shield. Tails and Knuckles can easily access this ledge, but Sonic can only do so with a precisely aimed thok.
  • At the very beginning of the level, the first pillar to your left contains an Armageddon Shield that is accessible from behind.
  • On the pillar button path's merger with the right path's left subpath, take the red springs up to the second ceiling to reveal a Super Ring Monitor on one side, and an Armageddon Shield on the other.
  • In the left path's final underwater section, there is a pillar in a dimly lit room with a platform holding a Super Ring Monitor and an air bubble patch to the right. If you look at the pillar from that platform, you will notice an Armageddon Shield hidden inside the pillar that you can grab.
  • Near the start of the left path, push a gargoyle behind the quarter pipe to open a door behind the gargoyle on the other side to reveal a room with a purple button. Step on the purple button, then take the pillar button path and turn left instead of right after the star post. You will enter a room containing both an Armageddon Shield and an Elemental Shield.
  • Early in the right path's lower route, there is an opening in the wall hidden behind the fourth in a set of horizontal crushers. Trigger the crushers, then back off to reveal the hole. Behind that hole is a small room with an Armageddon Shield.
  • At the start of the left path's final underwater area, there is a Whirlwind Shield found up high on a cliff accessible as Tails or Knuckles. Sonic can also access this shield by taking the pillar button route and turning right onto a cliff instead of jumping straight down.
  • At the start of the right's subpath, turn left from the first rising platform and jump off at the right time to collect a Whirlwind Shield.
  • In the large room early in the left path featuring a structure with a letter V on it, go down underwater behind the walkway to enter a room with a red button on it. Press the red button to unlock the door in front of you, then spin onto the horizontal red spring behind the button. The spring will take you up the slope into a room with two Super Ring Monitors and a Whirlwind Shield.
  • In the right path's lower route, a bit to the right of the first Star Post, there is a Super Ring Monitor and Whirlwind Shield surrounded by coral.
  • In the right path's left subpath, before the steep slope that leads to a waterfall platforming section, use Big Floating Mines to destroy a wall by the Star Post to reveal a Whirlwind Shield.
  • At the start of the right path, a Whirlwind Shield is found up high on one of the arches over the water.
  • On the left path, after springing from the structure following the waterfalls, look on the right side of the slope your just entered. Part of that rock wall is bustable as Knuckles; destroying it will reveal a small room with a Whirlwind Shield.
  • On the pillar button route, right before the structure with a pushable gargoyle that raises a platform, a Whirlwind Shield can be found in a dark area all the way to the left.
  • Early in the right path's right subpath, if you land in a waterfall below one of the rising platforms, you can jump to access a Whirlwind Shield and start that subpath over.
  • Near the start of the left path, an Elemental Shield is found behind the waterfall, in plain sight but too high up to reach by jumping. While the shield may seem inaccessible to Sonic at first, you can access it as him by spin dashing up the quarter pipe behind spikes shortly before into a platform with a Super Ring Monitor, then thokking onto the small platform with the Elemental Shield.
  • Early in the right path's lower route, an Elemental Shield and Super Ring Monitor can be found behind the slope that leads to the broken door.
  • Near the end of the right path's right subpath, outside and to the left of the hallway, an Elemental Shield can be found on a small gray square between two pillars.
  • In the pillar button route's merger with the left path, there is a door with a small crack next to it that leads to a room with a blue button inside. Step on the button, then go near the end of the left path's final area to find a raised platform on the right with a now open door. The opened door leads to a room with a red button, an extra life, and an Elemental Shield.


  • On the right path's left subpath, in the room with the appearing and disappearing platforms on a waterfall, use the platforms to go higher on the left side instead of the right side. The platform contains an Invincibility Monitor on the very corner in place of one of the gargoyles.
  • On the right path's right subpath, in the room with the Star Post and two air bubbles, time a jump or thok off the crack in the wall to reach an Invincibility Monitor on the side of the sloped rock.
  • At the sloped bridge on the right path's lower route, there are waterfalls on the left and right slides. On the right side, fly or climb up to the source of the falls to enter an extremely dark cave area. There, you will find an invincibility monitor hidden behind the center of the falls, plus an extra life all the way at the end.
  • In the pillar button route's merger with the left path, there is a door with a small crack next to it that leads to a room with a blue button inside. Step on the button, and a door directly across from the one with a crack will open. Behind that now open door is a room with an Invincibility Monitor.

Super Sneakers

  • On the right path's right subpath, in the big open room, there is a small room up high behind the waterfall that you can easily fly or climb to but can also access as Sonic with a well-timed thok. Inside that room behind the spikes is a Super Sneakers Monitor.
  • Early in the left path right before entering the big open room with a structure surrounded by pillars, a Super Sneakers Monitor can be found in dent in the wall.
  • In the large open room early in the right path's lower route, look in a dent in the downward slope and you will see a Super Sneakers Monitor on a small patch of flat ground.
  • On the right path's left subpath, in the same area that has an Invincibility Monitor in place of a gargoyle in a corner, a lowered patch of land contains a Super Sneakers Monitor, meaning that both can be used in conjunction.
  • On the pillar button route's merger with the right path's right subpath, in the very bottom of the vertical room with springs and breakable ceilings, there is a set of three Eggman Monitors concealing a Super Sneakers Monitor.
  • On the right path's lower route, there is a Super Sneakers Monitor behind the second set of horizontal crushers.

Extra lives

  • Jump into the water instead of turning right at the start of the left path, then take a sharp right turn instead of progressing past the spikes. You will find an extra life surrounded by a lot of Big Floating Mines.
  • In the large, open room near the start of the right path's lower route, instead of going straight down, go up on the narrow curved slope in the middle and you will see an extra life at its peak.
  • At the start of the pillar button route, look on the other side of the pillar from the underwater Star Post. You will find an extra life surrounded by two Super Ring Monitors and two Jet Jaws.
  • At the side of the second waterslide in the left path's upper route (which Sonic can most easily access with a well-timed thok off the first slide), there are two gargoyles that can be pushed to generate three platforms and open a door behind the waterfall. The now opened door leads to a room with an extra life.
  • Behind the quarter pipe near the start of the left path, there is one gargoyle on each wall, one of which is can be pushed to open a room behind the other. The room contains a purple button with an extra life behind it.
  • On the left path's upper route, on the top of the structure with two diagonal springs, there is an extra life surrounded by spikes that is easiest to access as Tails or Knuckles, but can also be accessed as Sonic by jumping on it from an area higher up, like the slope to the right of that structure that can be spin dashed up.
  • On the right path before the subpath split, on the second of two bridges with rising platforms, go left instead of progressing to the next Star Post. Down below, there is a rising platform with spikes on it; underneath the platform are four Eggman Monitors closely surrounding an extra life.
  • On the bridge on the right path's lower route, after the door that is opened by pushing a gargoyle there is a set of horizontal yellow springs. Spin onto the last of those springs to go up a slope, which will bust a wall open lead you to a small room with an extra life beside a waterfall. Riding the waterfall will take you to the right path's left subpath.
  • Fly or climb up the wall to the left of the structure containing the Level End Sign. An extra life lies hidden in a dent.
  • Near the start of the right path's lower route, instead of jumping over the broken door, jump on the broken door. Position yourself on the left side of the door's top and point the camera left, then spin dash up the wall to enter an enclosed, hidden area. In front of you is a closed yellow door; behind you is a yellow door with a gap that you can spin under, leading to a small room with an extra life on top of a button that fully opens both doors and takes you to the right path's subpath split.
  • On the right path's right subpath, turn right immediately after leaving the temple area instead of jumping into the water. You will see a short bustable wall with X shapes on it. Spin, walk, or hammer through it depending on your character and you will collect an extra life.
  • On the left path, platform to the top of the structure with a V on it (Sonic will need a Whirlwind Shield found in the same room) and press a cyan button. Later in the same path, after making it through the waterfall with appearing and disappearing blocks, take a sharp left turn instead of going on the springs to enter the room the cyan button opened. The room contains a staircase pyramid with twelve Eggman Monitors surrounding an extra life at the very top.


This article or section contains a spoiler, an unlockable, or a secret. Please leave the page if you do not wish to view spoilers.
  • Spring chain room: In the room mentioned in the extra lives section accessible by pushing two gargoyles, there are two freely pushable gargoyles on pillars next to the door that was opened. Push one of those gargoyles onto the button in the middle of the room, and a door to the left will open, revealing a room containing a set of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal springs positioned in such a way that when you jump on one of the diagonal springs, you will be taken on a spring chain that loops indefinitely, but can be freely exited. Also inside that room is an extra life.
  • Cirno door: Take the pillar button route and take the right turn on the path split. You will see a door blocked off by Big Floating Mines - behind it is a blue button, which opens a door at the end of the left path, leading you to a corridor with an extra life and an emblem. Press the button in this room, then make your way back to the area with the big temple with a V-shaped mark. In this room, go underwater, then look for a red button - it will open up an indent in the room. Spin through the horizontal spring to reach an area where you would normally find a Whirlwind Shield and two Super Ring Monitors. You'll notice, however, that the door to your right is now open, showcasing a moving portrait of Cirno, one of the most iconic characters of the Touhou franchise. This is best done with Tails.
  • Brak door: Open all three doors at the end of the level. This opens up a new path inside the room where the clover emblem is located; to reach it, take the left path at the beginning and push the gargoyle to your left before going up the quarterpipe to reveal a hidden room with a purple button; pressing it will open the leftmost door at the very beginning of the pillar button route. Behind the emblem and two shield monitors will be a sloped path that leads to a small cave; at the dead end, you will find a Golden Elemental Shield, two extra lives and a green button. Pressing this button opens up a door located behind the Level End Sign. To see this door in singleplayer, however, you will need to use a different entrance, as simply going through the front will end the level. As such, head to the walls at the very top of the tower; one of the walls is, although seemingly identical to the others, a bustable block. You will be dropped to the back of the structure, and to your left will be a small staircase and the now open door, showcasing a portrait of Brak Eggman, the final boss of SRB2.
  • Room behind the bridge: On the bridge in the right path's left subpath, there are two doors that the gargoyle opens, one permanently and another temporarily and only once. If you can make it to the second door before it closes, you will enter a room with seven Eggman Monitors, two Teleporter Monitors (which are useless in singleplayer), and, hidden behind the pillars, two extra lives. This is only possible when playing as Super Metal Sonic with extremely precise timing and usage of boost mode. With any other character, or as Metal Sonic without his super form, there is no way to enter this room, unless you use noclip. Additionally, this room contains a green button and a closed door. While pressing the button simply reopens the entrance so you may leave the room, the closed door can only be opened by pressing the purple button (located at the start of the left path). Once open, it leads to a small room that renders an endless void of bricks.
Spoilers end here.

Technical data