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Arid Canyon Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAP14: Arid Canyon Zone Act 2









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Capture the Flag stages
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Auxiliary stages

MAP14, Arid Canyon Zone Act 2, abbreviated as ACZ2, is the second act of Arid Canyon Zone, the fifth zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. The level itself is shorter than Act 1 and takes place at sunset, but this is complemented by the introduction of mine carts and a gauntlet featuring said obstacles at the end of the level. A badnik called the Canarivore, which hangs off of ceilings and spews slowing gas when a character gets near it, is introduced in this level.


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You start out in a small cave leading to a plateau. Proceed forward while avoiding the two Green Snappers, then stop at the jump across a death pit. Worth noting is that to the right of this plateau from the start, there is a dust devil that allows characters to recover from certain falls.

From this point on, the progression of this level changes depending on your character. Everyone except Knuckles and Amy can access the Canarivore path. Everyone except Knuckles can access the looping path and the dust devils path. Only Knuckles can access his tiles path, and Knuckles and Amy can both access the spiked pillars path.

Canarivore path

Jump across the death pit, then charge a spindash into the red horizontal springs to your left. They will take you up a quarter pipe with diagonal yellow springs that propel you down onto an elevated platform. Jump to the next platform then to solid ground while the Canarivores aren't emitting gas, as it will slow you down enough to drop you down to the looping path. Once you've made it across, a Whirlwind Shield will be freely available to you. While Fang cannot use the quarter pipe properly, he can jump off the quarter pipe onto the ground in front of it then bounce his way up to a slightly sloped elevation and then bounce off that to reach the Whirlwind Shield, but this is more difficult than with other characters. After the Whirlwind Shield, head forward and jump onto the ledge overlooking a large drop while avoiding the Canarivore. Falling down the pit will send you to the entrance to Knuckles' tiles path. If you aren't Knuckles, you can use the dust devil across the death pit behind you to recover. Once on the ledge, there will be a platform with two sets of retractable spikes mounted on it. While the first set is down, jump across to the platform, using the Whirlwind is necessary, then jump again to the next while the second set of spikes are deactivated. Following this, jump to another platform and over a set of cacti, and you will reach the first Star Post. Failing the platforming sequence will drop you into the crate room of the looping path.

Looping path

Jump across the death pit, then turn right and run up the quarter pipe. Jump off halfway through, then land on the elevation in front of you. Follow it then use the dust devil to propel yourself into the tunnel up ahead and across a pit of cacti. You will land on an area with some crates, a Minus, and the first Star Post to your left.

Dust devils path

Jump across the death pit, then turn right and cross the bridge. To your left is a narrow cliff. Follow it while avoiding the cacti and TNT barrels, one set of which must be jumped over, until you arrive at some wall spikes. Jump over them, and get ready to deal with the Minus that will ambush you once on this elevation - beware, as it is likely to pick up a TNT barrel. Take the Attraction Shield that is in plain sight if you want, but it's not needed. Take the dust devil to your left to arrive at the first Star Post.

Spiked pillars path

As Knuckles cannot get across the death pit, he can instead jump down and enter the crevice in the wall. Bust the wall open as Knuckles or Amy then continue until you reach a room with some spiked pillars. Knuckles must grab onto the side of one of the pillars, then climb up while alternating sides every so often and not hitting the spikes. Amy, however, should look right and jump onto the ledge that holds a golden Whirlwind Shield monitor. Once it's popped, she can either turn right and Whirlwind jump up the brown rock to find a diagonal red spring that will take her to the dust devils path, or she can turn around and jump onto the spiked platform in front of her, smashing the spikes. If the second option is chosen, turn around and jump onto the next platform, smashing those spikes as well, then keep going until you reach the top, using the Whirlwind Shield on the way. Follow the half turn and jump across the two platforms to reach the first Star Post.

Knuckles' tiles path

As Knuckles cannot get across the death pit, he can instead turn right and glide across to the platform with a Green Snapper on it. Avoid the badnik and bust open the wall in front of you, then jump over the fence. Amy cannot proceed further than here, and nobody else can break the wall to get into this path. To your right, there will be illuminated tiles against the walls. Climb up these, then follow the rings and tiles as necessary. Eventually there will be a hole in the ceiling you should enter. Avoid the TNT, spindash under the wall, then grab the free Force Shield and smash open the wall here. Turn right, then jump over the cactus bed and roll under the plank with spikes to reach the first Star Post.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • At the start of the level, fly up to the ledge on the left to find an Extra Life Monitor on top of a crate.
  • Jump down the ledge immediately at the beginning of Amy and Fang's path to find an alcove with a collapsing wooden bridge. An Extra Life Monitor is located on the other side of the bridge.
  • On the right path, in the wide-open cave area, an Extra Life Monitor is hidden inside a wooden structure low to the ground near a pit. Most characters cannot get this life without dying without an incredibly precise bounce.
  • Take the upper section of the right path at the start of the level. When you reach the half-pipe room filled with cacti, look above the entrance to the next cave to find two Super Ring Monitors and an Extra Life Monitor that can be reached by rolling back and forth to gain speed.
  • On the right path, in the room before the minecart section, turn around and fly to the top of the brown pillar in the middle of the room to find an Extra Life Monitor. From there, turn back toward the minecart, then fly up and to the right to find an alcove with another Extra Life Monitor. From there, fly out into the canyon to find a ledge along the left wall with a third Extra Life Monitor.
  • On the left Knuckles path, just before breaking the wooden beams to rejoin the main path, turn left and squeeze behind the solid beams to find two Super Ring Monitors and an Extra Life Monitor.
  • In the sloped platforming jumping room on the right path, carefully jump down from the second slope and look to the right to find an alcove with an Extra Life Monitor.
  • On the left path, just before the third Star Post, turn around and fly up to an alcove containing an Extra Life Monitor.
  • On the left path, after the second Star Post, find a cave low to the ground and fly to the top to find two Super Ring Monitors and an Extra Life Monitor.
  • At the end of Amy and Fang's path, an Extra Life Monitor is hidden behind some boxes just before the breakable rock.
  • In the final minecart section, the set of four parallel tracks has an Extra Life Monitor in the second turnaround.
  • After the final minecart section of Amy and Fang's path, turn around and climb up the TNT Barrels to find an Extra Life Monitor.


  • On the right path, after descending into the wide-open cave room, look for a small cave high upon the left wall just outside the big cave's opening to find an Attraction Shield.
  • On the right path, drop down at the start of the sloped platforming jumping room and look for an Attraction Shield in a corner behind some TNT barrels, close to the drop that leads to the next hallway.
  • At the start of the level on the left path, an Attraction Shield is hidden behind some cacti and a TNT Barrel right before the first Dust Devil.
  • On Amy and Fang's path, an Attraction Shield is sitting on a wooden beam right after breaking the first wooden barricade. Hold forward and aim carefully to land on the beam.
  • On the left path, during the minecart section that leads to the right path, an Attraction Shield can be reached just after the second set of doors with a well-timed jump.
  • On the right path, a Force Shield is located on a beam at the end of the sloped platforming jumping room.
  • On the right Knuckles path, at the breakable wooden beams that lead back into the main left path, turn around before breaking them for a Force Shield.
  • Jump down the ledge immediately at the beginning of Amy and Fang's path to find a Force Shield behind some cacti.
  • At the final minecart section on the left path, hold left as you exit the minecart to land in an alcove containing a Force Shield.
  • On the left path, after the second Star Post, climb to the top of the rock pillar toward the left to find an Armageddon Shield.
  • On the right path, after the sloped platforming jumping room, jump across the exit room into the hallway that connects to the left path. Before going into the hallway, investigate the room with the minecart tracks to find an Armageddon Shield hidden in a corner.
  • On the right path, just before the hallway that leads to the final minecart section, fly around the cliffside to find an Armageddon Shield hidden on top of a crumbling platform.
  • At the start of the left Knuckles path, turn around just before the springs and climb up to an Armageddon Shield.
  • An Armageddon shield is located high above the quarter-pipe right at the start of the level. The easiest way to reach it as Tails is to charge a spindash from right in front of the first minecart of the left path and fly around back to the wooden beam that holds it.
  • On the left path, on the ledge just before the section with multiple Dust Devils, an Armageddon Shield is hidden behind some cacti.
  • At the end of Amy and Fang's path, after breaking the spikes as Amy to use the springs inside them, aim to the left to reach a ledge in the following room containing an Armageddon Shield.
  • At the start of the right path, use the horizontal springs to reach the upper section. A Whirlwind Shield is sitting in plain sight after the first platforms.
  • On the left path, after breaking the beam holding the second slanted rock up, look under the other side to find a Whirlwind Shield.
  • At the start of the left Knuckles path, in the room with the pillars that must be climbed, look to the right for an open-air alcove with a respawning Whirlwind Shield.
  • An Elemental Shield is located on the first brown ledge to the right at the start of the level.
  • In the wide-open cave room, on the upper path, look to the left from the walkway with the Canarivore to find an Elemental Shield.
  • On the left path, after the first minecart section, turn left and hop over the TNT Barrels to find an Elemental Shield on the ground below.
  • On the right path, after the first minecart section, an Elemental Shield can be found at the top of the dried-up waterfall.

Super Sneakers

  • At the start of the level, use the horizontal springs to get to the upper section of the right path. Follow this path without falling until you reach a section with a sequence of springs that carries you across the ceiling of the sloped platforming jumping room. A Super Sneakers monitor is present at the end of this section.


  • On the right path, just before the minecart section, there is a cave on the other side of the cliff from the bridge. This can be reached by using the Dust Devil surrounded by cacti. An Invincibility Monitor is inside this cave.
  • On the left path, after the second Star Post, look up for a wooden bridge. An Invincibility Monitor is next to the bridge.
  • In the room after the second minecart section of Amy and Fang's path, an Invincibility Monitor can be found on top of the narrow wooden beam with horizontal springs on its sides.
Spoilers end here.


Technical data