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CTF Team Ring Monitor (Red)

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 414, CTF Team Ring Monitor (Red), is a monitor that awards members of the red team in Capture the Flag mode 10 rings. These monitors cannot be destroyed by members of the blue team. This item only spawns in the CTF gametype; a Super Ring Monitor will be spawned in its place in any other gametype.

This monitor does not respawn randomly, and ignores the flags used for Strong Random Monitors and Weak Random Monitors.

  Thing types – Monitors [view]
Super Ring Monitor (10 Rings)Pity Shield MonitorAttraction Shield MonitorForce Shield MonitorArmageddon Shield MonitorWhirlwind Shield MonitorElemental Shield MonitorSuper Sneakers MonitorInvincibility MonitorExtra Life MonitorEggman MonitorTeleporter MonitorGravity Boots MonitorCTF Team Ring Monitor (Red)CTF Team Ring Monitor (Blue)Recycler MonitorScore Monitor (1,000 Points)Score Monitor (10,000 Points)Flame Shield MonitorBubble Shield MonitorLightning Shield Monitor