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Gravity Boots Monitor

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 413, Gravity Boots Monitor, is a monitor that, when destroyed, reverses the player's gravity for a short amount of time. This monitor should only be placed where it serves an actual purpose (navigating a certain area upside-down in order to reach a secret or path), and not just randomly. Very few levels use this monitor since only one player can obtain this item when placed as a monitor. Thus, it is recommended to either use linedef type 434 to award several players this power, or to use the Thing type 443, Gravity Boots Monitor (Respawn) instead.

This monitor does not respawn randomly, and ignores the flags used for Strong Random Monitors and Weak Random Monitors.

This Monitor type also comes in a gold variation, Thing Type 443, Gravity Boots Monitor (Respawn), which will give the player the Gravity Boots once popped, before respawning after about 3 seconds. SRB2 itself does not use the Gravity Boots Monitor (Respawn), but it is still available for custom maps.

  Thing types – Monitors [view]
Super Ring Monitor (10 Rings)Pity Shield MonitorAttraction Shield MonitorForce Shield MonitorArmageddon Shield MonitorWhirlwind Shield MonitorElemental Shield MonitorSuper Sneakers MonitorInvincibility MonitorExtra Life MonitorEggman MonitorTeleporter MonitorGravity Boots MonitorCTF Team Ring Monitor (Red)CTF Team Ring Monitor (Blue)Recycler MonitorScore Monitor (1,000 Points)Score Monitor (10,000 Points)Flame Shield MonitorBubble Shield MonitorLightning Shield Monitor