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Amy Rose

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Amy Rose
Primary ability Twin Spin
Secondary ability Hammer
This article is about the playable character. For the Frozen Hillside Zone cameo, see Amy Cameo.

Amy Rose is a major recurring character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series and Sonic's self-proclaimed girlfriend, though Sonic does not return this affection. She was captured by Metal Sonic on Little Planet in Sonic CD and has since become one of Sonic's closest allies and friends. In SRB2, she guides the player through the Tutorial Zone and can be unlocked as a playable character by completing Frozen Hillside Zone.

As a playable character, Amy's primary method of attack is her Piko Piko Hammer, which has a variety of uses outside of attacking enemies. She also has the highest jump out of all the playable characters, allowing her to reach areas others can't with a regular jump. Her lack of a Spindash means she cannot roll under small gaps and will often need to find other paths to take, making her well suited for advanced players.

Abilities and techniques

Amy using Twin Spin.

Amy's double jump ability is Twin Spin, in which she swings her Piko Piko Hammer with a flip. It can be performed by pressing Jump twice or by pressing Spin after jumping without a shield. She does not have a Spindash and thus cannot roll under small gaps or go up steep slopes. Instead, pressing Spin will make her swing her hammer in front of her, which spreads five heart-shaped particles that damage enemies upon hitting a floor.

In addition to attacking enemies, Amy's hammer can break spikes and breakable walls and floors. Walls and floors often hide items or paths exclusive to her, because she is the only character who can break both; spikes occasionally hide secrets for her as well. Like Knuckles, Amy can break some walls that Sonic and Tails cannot. Amy can also hit a spring with her hammer to go 20% higher and 33% farther than it would normally go. In Multiplayer gametypes, the heart particles her hammer emits can give other players and teammates a pink Pity Shield, though Amy can't give one to herself. She can also use her hammer to attack other players in Match gametypes.

Due to her inability to spindash and abilities oriented upon combat instead of movement, Amy may seem like a poor choice for speedrunning levels. However, her ability to hammer springs makes her a strong choice in some levels. Some springs, when hammered on, will allow Amy to skip over significant hazards or chunks of levels, and reach heights much faster than anyone else. The Whirlwind Shield makes hammering springs even more powerful, because its double jump ability can be used after springs by pressing jump. Because of this ability and her high jump height, Amy can get more mileage out of the Whirlwind Shield than anyone else. Furthermore, due to a glitch in how the game reads button inputs, pressing jump and spin at the same time will give Amy an instant speed boost. This is dubbed as the "hammer cancel", and it's an extremely advanced technique that helps with not only regaining speed after a full stop, but also redirecting momentum to a different direction. This, in turn, makes Amy one of the most technically complex characters to speedrun as.

Amy defeating a Unidus with her hammer.


Technical information

Speed Fast (36)
Acceleration Low (40)
Thrustfactor High (5)
Accelstart Low (96)
Jump height factor High (1.135)
Rough jump

height equivalent

Two 64x64 blocks of terrain
Primary ability Twin Spin
Secondary ability Hammer

  Characters [view]
Heroes Sonic the HedgehogMiles "Tails" ProwerKnuckles the EchidnaAmy Rose
Villains Dr. EggmanFang the SniperMetal Sonic