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Sea Egg

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Thing type 202, Sea Egg, is the third boss encountered in SRB2; it appears in Deep Sea Zone Act 3. It moves along a network of boss waypoints, which are usually laid out in the shape of a cross, and shoots torpedoes at the player when it reaches certain pre-determined waypoints. The boss is usually placed in a level with a pool of water at the bottom of the room. If the player is underwater while the boss reaches the center point of its waypoint network, it will make the water flash and shock the player. After five hits, the Sea Egg will spawn two fake balloon replicas of itself, which will also move along the waypoints and shoot at the player. Hitting the fake Sea Eggs will cause the player to be bounced back.

Adding the Special flag will cause the level to end when the Sea Egg is defeated, rather than by destroying an Egg Capsule.


The Sea Egg uses a network of 6 to 16 waypoints, which are numbered serially using their Angle value, e.g., the first waypoint has an Angle of 0, the second waypoint has an Angle of 1 etc. Upon starting the level, the Sea Egg will first go to the waypoint with an Angle of 0 and then randomly choose a waypoint with an Angle between 1 and 5. From there on, the next waypoint to go to is determined by the Parameter value or the Thing type number of the current waypoint. In the latter case, the Thing type number is calculated as 292, plus the Angle of the next waypoint multiplied by 4096. For example, if the Sea Egg should go to a waypoint with an Angle of 4 next, the current waypoint should have a Thing type number of 292 + 4096×4, which equals 16676.

Parameter Thing type # Angle of next waypoint
0 292 0
1 4388 1
2 8484 2
3 12580 3
4 16676 4
5 20772 5
6 24868 6
7 28964 7
Parameter Thing type # Angle of next waypoint
8 33060 8
9 37156 9
10 41252 10
11 45348 11
12 49444 12
13 53540 13
14 57636 14
15 61732 15

Once the Sea Egg reaches the waypoint with an Angle of 0 again, it will again choose a random waypoint with an Angle between 1 and 5 and repeat the process. If the player is underwater while the boss is at the waypoint with an Angle of 0, it will stop where it is, make the water flash and shock the player, and continue its movement once the player escapes or dies. If the Sea Egg reaches a waypoint whose Ambush flag is checked, it will stop to fire torpedoes at the player.

Deep Sea Zone Act 3 uses 14 waypoints. The waypoint with an Angle of 0 is located at the bottom of the middle tube. Each tube except the middle one contains three waypoints: one at the bottom of the tube that the boss travels to from the center position, one at the top of the tube that it can shoot from, and a third one at the bottom of the tube that leads back to the center position. The middle tube only contains one additional waypoint at the top, which allows the boss to shoot and immediately leads back down again.

Object/state data

  Thing types – Bosses [view]
Egg MobileEgg SlimerSea EggEgg ColosseumFangBrak Eggman (Old)Metal Sonic (Race)Metal Sonic (Battle)Brak EggmanBoss Escape PointEgg Capsule CenterBoss WaypointMetal Sonic Gather PointFang Waypoint