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Boss Escape Point

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 290, Boss Escape Point, is a type of Thing placed inside a map (or outside the boundaries) that a boss flies to when defeated. Multiple escape points can be placed in the same map. When defeated, the boss will fly to whichever point is closest to it at the time the boss is destroyed. In the absence of an escape point, the boss will just fly directly upwards towards the ceiling.

Of the bosses included in SRB2, all except Brak Eggman and Brak Eggman (Old) fly to a Boss Escape Point when defeated. Any Object that uses the action A_BossDeath will fly to a Boss Escape Point in the manner described above, even if it does not have the MF_BOSS flag. Exceptions are both versions of Brak Eggman, King Bowser, and any Object type using the Lua hook BossDeath to overwrite the default behavior of A_BossDeath.

  Thing types – Bosses [view]
Egg MobileEgg SlimerSea EggEgg ColosseumFangBrak Eggman (Old)Metal Sonic (Race)Metal Sonic (Battle)Brak EggmanBoss Escape PointEgg Capsule CenterBoss WaypointMetal Sonic Gather PointFang Waypoint