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A_BossFireShot is an action that shoots an Object at its target à la Egg Mobile and Sea Egg. Var1 is the Object to shoot, Var2 determines how the Object is shot: 0 is from Egg Mobile's left side, 1 is from Egg Mobile's right side, 2 is from Sea Egg's upper left side, 3 from Sea Egg's lower left, 4 from Sea Egg's upper right and 5 from Sea Egg's lower right. If Var2 is set to any other value, however, the Object is simply fired from the center of the actor. When the actor fires the chosen Object, the SeeSound of the fired Object is played. If the actor doesn't have a target, this action does nothing.

Var2 Description Left/right offset (fracunits) Up/down offset (fracunits)
0 Egg Mobile's left side 43 to the left, from center of actor 48 upwards, from bottom of actor
1 Egg Mobile's right side 43 to the right, from center of actor 48 upwards, from bottom of actor
2 Sea Egg's upper left side 56 to the left, from center of actor 42 upwards, from bottom of actor
3 Sea Egg's lower left side 58 to the left, from center of actor 30 upwards, from bottom of actor
4 Sea Egg's upper right side 56 to the right, from center of actor 42 upwards, from bottom of actor
5 Sea Egg's lower right side 58 to the right, from center of actor 30 upwards, from bottom of actor
6+ Default Center of actor (0) 1/2 the actor's height, from bottom of actor
Object property Use
SeeSound (of Object being shot) Played when fired

  Actions – Boss thinkers [view]