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A_Boss2PogoTarget is an action that is used as part of the Egg Slimer's pinch phase thinker. This part causes the actor to pogo around, and attempts to make the actor land on the target player if close enough. Var1 determines the vertical speed – when the actor is far away from the target player (512 fracunits away or more), the Z-momentum given is Var1 fracunits/tic, and when the actor is close, the Z-momentum given is Var1×1.5 fracunits/tic. Var2 determines the horizontal speed multiple – when the actor is more than 512 fracunits away from the target player, the actor will pogo forward at Speed×Var2 fracunits/tic. Both Var1 and Var2 must be multiples of FRACUNIT – the Egg Slimer for example uses a Var1 value of of 7*FRACUNIT and a Var2 value of 8*FRACUNIT.

Object property Use
ActiveSound Bouncing sound
Speed Horizontal speed when far away (Speed×Var2)
MissileState Object type used as pogo stick collision box

  Actions – Boss thinkers [view]