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Tulips (BSZ)

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(Redirected from Tulip (Yellow))

Thing types 1430–1435, Tulips (BSZ), are a group of scenery Things from Botanic Serenity Zone that can be used in custom maps. These are colored tulips similar in appearance to GFZ's Budding Flower, but with darker leaves and stem. There are six different tulip colors available:

Thing type number Name Object type Sprite
1430 Tulip (Red) MT_BSZTULIP_RED
1431 Tulip (Purple) MT_BSZTULIP_PURPLE
1432 Tulip (Blue) MT_BSZTULIP_BLUE
1433 Tulip (Cyan) MT_BSZTULIP_CYAN
1434 Tulip (Yellow) MT_BSZTULIP_YELLOW
1435 Tulip (Orange) MT_BSZTULIP_ORANGE

Object/state data

  Thing types – Botanic Serenity [view]
Tall FlowersMedium FlowersShort FlowersTulipsClustersBushesVinesShrubCloverPalm Tree (Big)Palm Tree (Small)