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Techno Hill Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP04: Techno Hill Zone Act 1









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MAP04, Techno Hill Zone Act 1, abbreviated as THZ1, is the first act of Techno Hill Zone, the second zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. It takes place in a valley polluted by Eggman's machinery, which has killed the grass and turned the water into purple goo. The goo is buoyant, causing the player to bounce back out after falling into it. Throughout the stage, items are hidden deep in the goo that can only be reached by jumping in from a high vantage point, or using the Elemental Shield's ability to dive in. Other gimmicks in this stage include gas jets, conveyor belts, electrified surfaces, and a high amount of springs.

As enemies, THZ1 features the Spring Shell, a turtle enemy with a spring on its back that the player can use to reach otherwise inaccessible areas, and the Buzz, a small fly-like enemy that flies towards the player.

The next act is Techno Hill Zone Act 2.

The previous act is Greenflower Zone Act 3.


First section

You start out in a small area with a cliff in front of you. At the bottom of the cliff is a pipe from which steam periodically shoots out. Stand on the pipe and let the steam jets propel you up the cliff. In the following area, continue forward until you reach a pool of goo and a cliff to your left. Jumping over the goo pool will lead you to the pool path. If you cannot get up the cliff, use the nearby Spring Shell to clear it and go down the Spring Shell path.

Pool path

Jump over the pool and enter the cave in front of you. Continue straight ahead, making sure not to fall into the goo, then jump down the cliff in front of you. To your right, a gas jet connects to the Spring Shell path. Otherwise, spindash into the springs in front of you. When they send you into a Force Shield turn around and continue until you're past the now-broken steel barrier, then take a right and then a left. If you didn't use the springs, follow the S-shaped path outlined by the springs and then the steel barrier and floor. Jump over the goo pool to reach a factory containing the first Star Post.

Once in the factory, head to either of the two conveyors and ascend it. Behind you is a row of springs that can be accessed by spindashing under the wall to speed you up, but be careful to jump before you reach the opposite wall, because there is a row of springs below it as well that will take you the opposite way and keep you trapped between both sets of springs until you jump out. To your left or right, there will be a set of gas jets that propel you above the wall in front. Follow the conveyor and then the platform attached to it, then bounce yourself up to the next room with the diagonal springs.

Spring Shell path

Run up the slope, turn right, and jump over the gap in front of you. Turn right slightly so that you are facing the ledge opposite you and then jump to it. Continue into the cave then use the gas jets to propel yourself up the cliff. A right turn will lead you down a slope and onto an outcrop. Jump over the area below you and land on the outcrop opposite. To your left, a jump can be made from there that will take you to the pool path, but if you wish to continue down the Spring Shell path, head down from the cliff and onto the ground beneath you. Keep going until you see a raised ledge with a Spring Shell on it to your right. Use its spring to reach the elevation in front of you, then use the slope to jump onto the other elevation in front of you, connected to three white objects. On this elevation, use the gas jet to propel yourself up to a set of two factory entrances. Use either to find the first Star Post.

In the factory, time two jumps across both of the horizontally moving platforms before you, then jump from the second one to the next area in front of you. Run across this hallway, but be careful to avoid the Spring Shells, as they will send you flying into an electrified ceiling.

Second section

Most characters' path

You will now be in a room where three blocks lead up to a wall that divides the room in half. As Knuckles, the platforms are too high to reach and a rim protrudes from the outer walls that cannot be climbed past, so you will have to break the wall to your right and enter the room then revealed. As anyone else, jump up the three blocks and then land on the rim. Here, you can either jump over the railing directly in front of you and then follow the corridor, or you can go to the left and use the springs to take you to the same place. If you used the springs, be careful to jump after using the fourth row, since after them is a fifth row that will send you in the wrong direction back into the fourth set. No matter where you ended up, turn left to emerge in an outdoor area. Continue forward to go down the factory path. Alternately, if you turn left, you will see a barrel. Jump on that barrel, then onto the ledge to your left. Turn around from there and jump onto the higher ledge to go down the tunnel path.

Knuckles' conveyor path

In the room past the breakable wall, cling to the conveyor belt. Follow the trail of rings as it takes you up, because it will allow you to avoid downwards-facing gas jets which will undo your progress. Turn left at the top and kill the red Buzz, then jump down the hole in front of you. Rise out of the goo or land on the pipe, then continue forward, dropping off the two ledges in front of you. Kill the Buzz then climb up the wall in front of you. Once at the top, jump into the goo in front of you, then follow it down the tunnel once you emerge. In front of you will be a platform with a gas jet and a Buzz, which you should kill. The gas jet will propel you above the cliff to your left, landing you in front of a hallway. Follow the hallway for a free Attraction Shield, which is also where this path recombines with the factory path.

Factory path

Run straight, then use the metal slope to jump the cliff. Continue running straight, avoiding the goo stream, and then use either the metal slope or the riverbank to your right to jump onto the small island in the middle of the goo lake. Follow the path outlined on the island then turn left, jump onto the ledge right next to you, and then turn left again. Jump over to the ledge where you can see the second Star Post. Run to the edge of the landmass here and then jump onto the ledge, turn around, and continue to the wall then turn right. Jump over the pipe-filled hole then turn right again and continue, jumping over the ledge. At this point, you may turn right, head to the wall, and then turn right again to find a small slope. It can be used to access an elevation. From this elevation, there is a slope that can be used to jump to the silver-floored cliff in front of you. A left turn and a jump over the giant pipe will drop you to the tunnel path. If you don't turn right to find the small slope and instead continue forward while jumping over the ledges, you will eventually reach a factory. Here, you will encounter a red Buzz. You should kill it before moving on, since it can bother you in the next section. With the insect robot dealt with, follow the conveyor in front of you then turn left to find a pipe at the end of a path. Use the gas jet to your left to make your way up this pipe. Follow it, then continue doing this until you reach a spring. Use it then turn right and make your way down the hallway. Jump down the passage below the malfunctioning elevator, then don't get hit by the Spring Shell in the following room. Look around until you find a slanted block. On the other side of this block is a spring. It will take you down a conveyor and to the Level End Sign.

Tunnel path

Once on the raised ledge, continue forward, avoiding both goo streams. The gas jet in front of you will take you up the cliff. Keep going until you see a goo river and a Spring Shell. Use the Spring Shell to get up to the elevation in front of you, but the goo river will take you to the factory path's open lake if you accidentally kill it. Once on the ledge, continue forward past the Star Post. Once you drop down, enter the cave to your left and jump onto the conveyor belt in front of you. Turn right and go against the conveyor belt until the next gap in the railing, then turn right and jump through the gap in the railing and onto the elevation with a gas jet. This will propel you through the hole in the wall and into a pool of goo. Continue to the end of the pool without hitting the diagonal springs which will undo much of your progress, then turn left. You will emerge in a tunnel. Turn right and jump across the three platforms, then use the gap in the railings to your left to jump to the fourth platform. Follow this platform, then use the red springs and go against the conveyor until you find a slightly raised faulty pipe. Kill the red Buzz in this room as it may annoy you. Use the gas jets on the pipe to boost yourself up into a raised hallway, then go straight to the elevator in front of you. Once it reaches the bottom, turn to your left to find the Level End Sign.

Points of interest


  • In the very first goo pool of the level, there is an Elemental Shield at the bottom. To gain enough momentum to reach it, jump from the Spring Shell path.
  • Down the tunnel path, the first goo pool hides an Elemental Shield.
  • In the large goo lake, after reaching the top of the island, turn to the large goo generator to your left. Protruding from it is a small pipe with a gas jet. Jump to that pipe and use the gas jet to reach the top of the generator. Then, use the Spring Shell to reach the grassy ledge in front of you. From there, use another Spring Shell to reach another ledge containing an Elemental Shield.
  • In the factory down the pool path, don't use the gas jet after going up the conveyor belt. Instead, turn the opposite direction to the gas jet. There is an Elemental Shield above an electrified floor.
  • Where Knuckles' conveyor path leads into the large goo lake, there is an Attraction Shield underneath a cluster of rings. This is to the right of the island if you came from the factory path, and on the opposite side of the room if you used the goo river from the tunnel path.
  • There are two very high ledges to your left at the outdoors goo river on the tunnel path. On the highest one is an Attraction Shield, concealed by flowers next to a barrel with an Eggman Monitor on top.
  • Enter the tunnel path from the factory path's sequence of slopes. Instead of dropping down, when you jump past the giant pipe, land on the floor immediately after it then jump to the alcove in front of you. Turn to your right, cross the bridge, and enter the factory instead of using the springs to your left, as they may send you into an Eggman Monitor. Once in the factory, there is a Force Shield on the stack of crates to your left.
  • A series of horizontal springs down the normal route on the pool path will lead to two breakable walls. Behind them is a Force Shield.
  • Between the two factory entrances down the Spring Shell path is a slightly rusted wall panel. This panel can be broken open to reveal a Force Shield.
  • Knuckles' conveyor path eventually leads to a room full of pipes. On top of the topmost pipe is a Force Shield.
  • The goo pool before the factory on the pool path hides an Armageddon Shield. This shield can be reached by diving into the goop using an Elemental Shield, or by jumping from the Spring Shell path.
  • In the goo pool before the tunnel in the tunnel path, a section of the room is exposed to the sky. There is a small opening in the wall next to this ceiling that hides an Armageddon Shield.
  • In the large goo lake, there are several barrels floating in the goo that lead to a cave containing a Whirlwind Shield.
  • When climbing up the pipes in the factory at the end of the factory path, you will notice a U-shaped pipe hanging from the ceiling that contains a Whirlwind Shield. You can jump to it from the second-highest pipe.
  • The floor of the room just before the tunnel down the tunnel path has a pipe running through it. Following this pipe to the wall will reveal a small gap that can be spindashed under to find a Whirlwind Shield.

Super Sneakers

  • The tunnel on the tunnel path hides a Super Sneakers monitor in the goo.
  • In the room after the large goo lake down the factory path, there is a Super Sneakers monitor on a series of ledges to the right of the room.
  • At the edge of the first ledge with gas jets down the Spring Shell path, there is a Super Sneakers monitor on a barrel.
  • At the platform over a goo pool after the cave down the pool path, a Super Sneakers monitor is located within the goo.


  • On the factory path in the area before the large goo lake, there is a hole in the floor to the right surrounded by metal walls. Use the ledges to your left to drop down there to enter a cave containing an Invincibility monitor.
  • Opposite the last cave entrance down the tunnel path, there's a small hole that can be spindashed through. Behind it is a corridor with an Invincibility monitor.
  • To the right of the factory down the factory path, there is an Invincibility monitor in the goo pool.
  • In the goo pool following the large drop on Knuckles' conveyor path, there's a sunken Invincibility monitor.
  • On the Spring Shell path, don't enter the factory. Instead, turn left to see a ledge with a Spring Shell on it. This Spring Shell can bounce you to another ledge with an Invincibility monitor.

Extra lives

  • Enter the tunnel path from the factory path's sequence of slopes. Instead of dropping down, when you jump past the giant pipe, land on the floor immediately after it then jump to the alcove in front of you. Turn to your right, cross the bridge, and enter the factory instead of using the springs to your left, as they may send you into an Eggman Monitor. Once in the factory, there will be a conveyor to your left. Look to the right wall by the conveyor to see a small opening that can be spindashed under. Do that, then jump before hitting the springs on the other side which will evict you from the room to acquire an extra life placed above the springs.
  • On Knuckles' conveyor path, after reaching the top of the cliff in the outdoors area after the pipe-filled area, climb the wall to your left to reach a ledge containing an extra life. Avoid the downwards gas jet.
  • Down the factory path, there is a huge crater next to the Whirlwind Shield and the goofall in the large goo lake. Suspended above the deepest part is an extra life that can be reached by jumping from one of the tall cliffs to the left of the room.
  • On the factory path in the area before the large goo lake, there is a hole in the floor to the right surrounded by metal walls. Use the ledges to your left to drop down there to enter a cave containing an Invincibility monitor. Make your way to the end of this area to see two giant pipes with Spring Shells on them. The turtle robots can launch you to a cliff to the right of the second one which has an extra life on it.
  • In the factory on the factory path, there is a set of elevated platforms behind you while you are scaling the pipes. Above where the lowest one turns, there is an extra life.
  • Stay on the elevator until it starts moving up again in the tunnel path. It will take you all the way to an extra life.
  • In the room after the large goo lake in the factory path, there is an extra life hidden in the goo.
  • Right before the factory in the factory path, the floor above the level wall to the left can in fact be walked on if you can reach it. There's an extra life in the factory wall up there.
  • The floor above the level barrier to the left of the opening room can be walked on. In the floor of the part that juts out, there is a small hole with an extra life monitor.


Speedrunning is fairly straightforward in this level. The key challenge is to avoid falling into the goo, since it will slow you down a lot. Use Sonic or Tails, since Knuckles' path takes longer than the other ones.

Technical data