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Water Ambiences A - H

From SRB2 Wiki
(Redirected from Water Ambience F (Small))

Thing types 700–707, Water Ambiences A–H, are a group of Thing types that play an ambient water-related sound effect when the player is in range. There are eight different types of water ambiences available:

Thing type number Name Object type Sound played Lump name Notes
700 Water Ambience A (Large) MT_AWATERA sfx_amwtr1 DSAMWTR1 Ideally used at the base of large waterfalls, or in the distance of larger waterfalls.
701 Water Ambience B (Large) MT_AWATERB sfx_amwtr2 DSAMWTR2 Ideally used in large rivers, or in the distance of larger rivers.
702 Water Ambience C (Medium) MT_AWATERC sfx_amwtr3 DSAMWTR3 Ideally used at the base of mid-sized waterfalls, or in the distance of larger waterfalls.
703 Water Ambience D (Medium) MT_AWATERD sfx_amwtr4 DSAMWTR4 Ideally used in mid-sized rivers, or in the distance of larger rivers.
704 Water Ambience E (Small) MT_AWATERE sfx_amwtr5 DSAMWTR5 Ideally used at the base of small waterfalls, or in the distance of larger waterfalls.
705 Water Ambience F (Small) MT_AWATERF sfx_amwtr6 DSAMWTR6 Ideally used in small streams, or in the distance of larger rivers.
706 Water Ambience G (Extra Large) MT_AWATERG sfx_amwtr7 DSAMWTR7 Ideally used at the base of very large waterfalls.
707 Water Ambience H (Extra Large) MT_AWATERH sfx_amwtr8 DSAMWTR8 Ideally used in very large rivers.

Object data

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Water Ambiences A - HDisco AmbienceVolcano AmbienceMachine AmbienceSlope VertexTeleport DestinationAlternate View PointZoom Tube WaypointPush PointPull PointBlast Linedef ExecutorFan Particle GeneratorObject Angle AnchorPolyObject AnchorPolyObject Spawn PointPolyObject Spawn Point (Crush)Skybox View Point