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List of sounds

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This is a full list of sound effects that are available in SRB2. There are 735 sounds and 1600 freeslots that are not occupied in an unmodified game. Each sound can be played by typing soundtest <soundnumber> in the console, or by using the secrets menu's Sound Test feature (unlocked by beating Deep Sea Zone).

Sounds in SRB2 are stored in srb2.pk3. Their lump names are in uppercase and contain a "DS" in place of the "sfx_" prefix. For example, sfx_alarm is stored in the lump DSALARM. Slots 727 to 2327 are freeslots that allow modifications to have new sounds without overwriting the existing ones.

Sound number Sound name Caption Description
0 sfx_None n/a n/a
Skin sounds
1 sfx_altdi1 [Dying] Placeholder slot for custom character death sound
2 sfx_altdi2 [Dying] Placeholder slot for custom character death sound
3 sfx_altdi3 [Dying] Placeholder slot for custom character death sound
4 sfx_altdi4 [Dying] Placeholder slot for custom character death sound
5 sfx_altow1 [Ring loss] Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound
6 sfx_altow2 [Ring loss] Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound
7 sfx_altow3 [Ring loss] Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound
8 sfx_altow4 [Ring loss] Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound
9 sfx_victr1 n/a Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound
10 sfx_victr2 n/a Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound
11 sfx_victr3 n/a Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound
12 sfx_victr4 n/a Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound
13 sfx_gasp [Bubble gasp] Player grabbing an air bubble
14 sfx_jump [Jump] Player jumping
15 sfx_pudpud [Tired flight] Tails exhausted from flying
16 sfx_putput [Flight] Tails flying
17 sfx_spin [Spin] Player spinning
18 sfx_spndsh [Spindash] Spindash charge
19 sfx_thok [Thok] Sonic thokking/Ring being fired
20 sfx_zoom [Spin launch] Spindash release
21 sfx_skid [Skid] Player skidding
Ambience/background Objects
22 sfx_ambint [Obnoxious disco music] Disco Ambience
23 sfx_alarm [Alarm] Alarm
24 sfx_buzz1 [Electric zap] Mechanical buzzing, Sea Egg electrifying water
25 sfx_buzz2 [Electric zap] Mechanical buzzing (unused)
26 sfx_buzz3 [Wacky worksurface] Mechanical alarm sound
27 sfx_buzz4 [Buzz] Mechanical beep, Buzz flying
28 sfx_crumbl [Crumbling] Crumbling FOF
29 sfx_fire [Flamethrower] Flamethrower sound
30 sfx_grind [Metallic grinding] Mechanical grinding (unused)
31 sfx_laser [Laser hum] Laser
32 sfx_mswing [Swinging mace] Spinning mace
33 sfx_pstart n/a Placeholder crusher slot
34 sfx_pstop [Crusher stomp] Crusher
35 sfx_steam1 [Steam jet] Gas Jet
36 sfx_steam2 [Steam jet] Gas Jet
37 sfx_wbreak [Wood breaking] Wood breaking, Egg Guard's shield breaking
38 sfx_ambmac [Machinery] Machinery
39 sfx_spsmsh [Heavy impact] Smashing Spikeball hitting the ground.
40 sfx_rainin [Rain] Rain
41 sfx_litng2 [Lightning] Lightning
42 sfx_litng3 [Lightning] Lightning
43 sfx_litng4 [Lightning] Lightning
45 sfx_athun1 [Thunder] Thunder
46 sfx_athun2 [Thunder] Thunder
47 sfx_amwtr1 [Stream] Water Ambience A (Large)
48 sfx_amwtr2 [Stream] Water Ambience B (Large)
49 sfx_amwtr3 [Stream] Water Ambience C (Medium)
50 sfx_amwtr4 [Stream] Water Ambience D (Medium)
51 sfx_amwtr5 [Stream] Water Ambience E (Small)
52 sfx_amwtr6 [Stream] Water Ambience F (Small)
53 sfx_amwtr7 [Stream] Water Ambience G (Extra Large)
54 sfx_amwtr8 [Stream] Water Ambience H (Extra Large)
55 sfx_bubbl1 [Glub] Bubbling – getting in/out of water
56 sfx_bubbl2 [Glub] Bubbling – getting in/out of water
57 sfx_bubbl3 [Glub] Bubbling – getting in/out of water
58 sfx_bubbl4 [Glub] Bubbling – getting in/out of water
59 sfx_bubbl5 [Glub] Bubbling – getting in/out of water
60 sfx_floush [Glub] Shallow water
61 sfx_splash [Glub] Water bubble sound; crumbling platform bobbling into water; running on lava
62 sfx_splish [Splash] Falling into water
63 sfx_wdrip1 [Drip] Water dripping
64 sfx_wdrip2 [Drip] Water dripping
65 sfx_wdrip3 [Drip] Water dripping
66 sfx_wdrip4 [Drip] Water dripping
67 sfx_wdrip5 [Drip] Water dripping
68 sfx_wdrip6 [Drip] Water dripping
69 sfx_wdrip7 [Drip] Water dripping
70 sfx_wdrip8 [Drip] Water dripping
71 sfx_wslap [Splash] Water skipping
72 sfx_doora1 [Sliding open] Door opening – mechanical
73 sfx_doorb1 [Sliding open] Door opening – mechanical
74 sfx_doorc1 [Wooden door opening] Door opening – wooden
75 sfx_doorc2 [Slamming shut] Door slamming shut – wooden, Egg Colosseum's cage landing
76 sfx_doord1 [Creaking open] Gate opening, Egg Colosseum's cage rising
77 sfx_doord2 [Slamming shut] Gate slamming shut (unused)
78 sfx_eleva1 [Starting elevator] Elevator type A starting
79 sfx_eleva2 [Moving elevator] Elevator type A running
80 sfx_eleva3 [Stopping elevator] Elevator type A stopping
81 sfx_elevb1 [Starting elevator] Elevator type B starting
82 sfx_elevb2 [Moving elevator] Elevator type B running
83 sfx_elevb3 [Stopping elevator] Elevator type B stopping
84 sfx_ambin2 [Natural vibrations] Volcano Ambience
85 sfx_lavbub [Bubbling lava] Bubbling lava (unused)
86 sfx_rocks1 [Falling rocks] Falling rocks
87 sfx_rocks2 [Falling rocks] Falling rocks
88 sfx_rocks3 [Falling rocks] Falling rocks
89 sfx_rocks4 [Falling rocks] Falling rocks
90 sfx_rumbam [Ominous rumbling] Rumbling noise (unused)
91 sfx_rumble [Ominous rumbling] RVZ earthquake rumbling
Game Objects
92 sfx_appear [Appearing platform] Appearing FOF sound
93 sfx_bkpoof [Armageddon pow] Armageddon Shield explosion
94 sfx_bnce1 [Bounce] Bounce – sharp, Bounce Ring being fired
95 sfx_bnce2 [Scatter] Bounce – bass, Scatter Ring being fired
96 sfx_cannon [Powerful shot] Cannonball/Explosion Ring being fired
97 sfx_cgot [Got Emerald] Collecting a Chaos Emerald
98 sfx_cybdth [Explosion] Boss being destroyed, Cannonball crashing sound
99 sfx_deton [Threatening beeping] Deton chasing after player
100 sfx_ding [Ding] ATZ Target "ding" sound (old appearing FOF sound)
101 sfx_dmpain [Machine damage] Boss/Crawla Commander getting hurt
102 sfx_drown [Drowning] Drowning
103 sfx_fizzle [Electric fizzle] Turret being destroyed; Brak Eggman's electric barrier deactivating
104 sfx_gbeep [Threatening beeping] Big Floating Mine approaching the player
105 sfx_wepfir [Firing weapon] Firing a Weapon Ring
106 sfx_ghit [Goop splash] THZ goo water, Egg Slimer goop landing on ground
107 sfx_gloop [Splash] Plunging into water
108 sfx_gspray [Goop sling] Egg Slimer throwing goop
109 sfx_gravch [Recycler] Recycler
110 sfx_itemup [Sparkle] Collecting a ring
111 sfx_jet [Jet engine] Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard flying
112 sfx_jshard [Life Transfer] Transferring a life in multiplayer;Unused sound from XSRB2 (collecting a jewel shard)
113 sfx_lose [Failure] Time up (Special Stage), Wrong Star Post (Race)
114 sfx_lvpass [Spinning signpost] Level End Sign spinning; picking up a flag (CTF)
115 sfx_mindig [Tunnelling] Minus tunneling underground
116 sfx_mixup [Teleport] Teleport
117 sfx_monton [Golden Monitor activated] Golden Monitor activating
118 sfx_pogo [Mechanical pogo] Egg Slimer jumping
119 sfx_pop [Pop] Enemy or monitor being destroyed
120 sfx_rail1 [Firing rail] Rail Ring being fired
121 sfx_rail2 [Crashing rail] Rail Ring crashing sound
122 sfx_rlaunc [Firing] Egg Mobile/Snailer firing missile
123 sfx_shield [Pity Shield] A Pity Shield spawning around the player
124 sfx_wirlsg [Whirlwind Shield] A Whirlwind Shield spawning around the player
125 sfx_forcsg [Force Shield] A Force Shield spawning around the player
126 sfx_frcssg [Weak Force Shield] Weak Force Shield
127 sfx_elemsg [Elemental Shield] An Elemental Shield spawning around the player
128 sfx_armasg [Armageddon Shield] An Armageddon Shield spawning around the player
129 sfx_attrsg [Attraction Shield] An Attraction Shield spawning around the player
130 sfx_shldls [Hurt] Losing a shield
131 sfx_spdpad [Speedpad] Speed pad
132 sfx_spkdth [Spiked] Spike hitting a player
133 sfx_spring [Spring] Spring being hit
134 sfx_statu1 [Pushing a statue] Gargoyle being pushed (unused)
135 sfx_statu2 [Pushing a statue] Gargoyle being pushed
136 sfx_strpst [Starpost] Star Post being activated
137 sfx_supert [Transformation] Super transformation
138 sfx_telept [Dash] Egg Mobile dashing
139 sfx_tink [Tink] Chaos Emerald appearing on Special Stage results screen
140 sfx_token [Got Token] Special Stage Token being collected
141 sfx_trfire [Laser fired] Turret/Pop-up Turret firing shot
142 sfx_trpowr [Powering up] Turret loading
143 sfx_turhit [Laser hit] Turret laser hitting a target
144 sfx_wdjump [Whirlwind jump] Whirlwind Shield jump, launching out of a Dust Devil
145 sfx_shrpsp [Spincushion] Spincushion
146 sfx_shrpgo [Launch] A Spincushion launching toward the player
147 sfx_mswarp [Spinning out] Metal Sonic spinning out
148 sfx_mspogo [Breaking through] Metal Sonic bouncing off the walls/breaking through spikes
149 sfx_boingf [Bouncing] Fang the Sniper bouncing on his tail
150 sfx_corkp [Cork fired] Fang firing his cork gun
151 sfx_corkh [Cork hit] Cork hitting an obstacle
152 sfx_alart [Caught red handed!] Fang getting caught.
153 sfx_vwre [Clone fighter!] A clone fighter spawning. (Sound from Sonic the Fighters)
154 sfx_bowl [Bowling] A TNT Barrel being launched.
155 sfx_chuchu [Train horn] The train in Arid Canyon Zone Act 2 and 3.
156 sfx_bsnipe [Home-run smash] SRB2: Touching an Egg Robo in Castle Eggman Zone Act 3
SRB2Kart: Hitting someone in the head with a Banana.
Super Smash Bros.: The Home-Run Bat hitting another player.
DRRR: Hitting someone with a Kitchen Sink or Banana in the head
157 sfx_sprong [Power spring] Amy Rose hitting a Spring with her hammer.
158 sfx_lvfal1 [Rumble] A Lavafall about to erupt.
159 sfx_pscree [SCREE!] A Pterabyte swooping towards the player.
160 sfx_iceb [Ice crack] Ice cracking
161 sfx_shattr [Shattering] Shattered object
162 sfx_antiri [Depletion] Rings being depleted from the player's count
163 sfx_chchng [Score] Score tally cashier noise
164 sfx_dwnind [Thinking about air] Air countdown
165 sfx_emfind [Radar beep] Emerald Hunt/Emblem radar
166 sfx_flgcap [Flag captured] Flag captured
167 sfx_menu1 [Menu beep] Menu sound
168 sfx_oneup [One-up] Alternate one-up jingle
169 sfx_ptally [Tally] Score tally point counter
170 sfx_radio [Notification] Netgame chat sound
171 sfx_wepchg [Weapon change] Weapon changing in Match
172 sfx_wtrdng [Aquaphobia] Underwater sound
173 sfx_zelda [Discovery] Legend of Zelda chimes
174 sfx_adderr [Error] An error has occurred while loading a file
175 sfx_notadd [Reject] A file could not be added
176 sfx_addfil [Accept] File added
177 sfx_ideya [Success] Finishing a stage
178 sfx_xideya [Success] Finishing a stage (Christmas)
179 sfx_nbmper [Bumper] NiGHTS Bumper
180 sfx_nxbump [Bumper] NiGHTS Bumper (Christmas)
181 sfx_ncchip [Got chip] Collecting a Chip
182 sfx_ncitem [Got special] Collecting a star
183 sfx_nxitem [Got special] Collecting a bell (Christmas)
184 sfx_ngdone [Bonus time start] Bonus time start
185 sfx_nxdone [Bonus time start] Bonus time start (Christmas)
186 sfx_drill1 [Drill] Starting a drill
187 sfx_drill2 [Drill] Drilling
188 sfx_ncspec [Power-up] Collecting a power-up
189 sfx_nghurt [Hurt] Super Sonic being hurt
190 sfx_ngskid [Force stop] Immediate stop
191 sfx_hoop1 [Hoop] Flying through a hoop (normal)
192 sfx_hoop2 [Hoop+] Flying through a hoop (link number is between 6 and 10)
193 sfx_hoop3 [Hoop++] Flying through a hoop (link number is 11 or above)/CTF: Opposing team's flag returned to base
194 sfx_hidden [Discovery] Uncovering a power-up
195 sfx_prloop [Gust of wind] Paraloop
196 sfx_timeup [Ominous countdown] Ten seconds left on the timer (unused)
197 sfx_ngjump [Jump] The player jumping in a NiGHTS map.
Haunted Heights Zone
198 sfx_peww [Pew] Unknown
199 sfx_lntsit [Cacolantern awake] Cacolantern awaking
200 sfx_lntdie [Cacolantern death] Killing a Cacolantern
201 sfx_pumpkin [Pumpkin smash] Destroying a pumpkin
202 sfx_ghosty [Laughter] Hit by a Spinbobert
203 sfx_koopfr [Fire] King Bowser breathing fire
204 sfx_mario1 [Hit] Hitting a ceiling
205 sfx_mario2 [Bonk] Hitting a Koopa Shell
206 sfx_mario3 [Power-up] Collecting a power-up
207 sfx_mario4 [Got coin] Collecting a coin
208 sfx_mario5 [Boot-stomp] Killing a Goomba
209 sfx_mario6 [Jump] Jumping
210 sfx_mario7 [Fire] Thokking/Throwing Fireballs
211 sfx_mario8 [Hurt] Getting hurt
212 sfx_mario9 [Emerging power-up] Opening a power-up
213 sfx_marioa [One-up] Extra life
214 sfx_thwomp [Thwomp] Thwomp block hitting the floor
Brak Eggman
215 sfx_bebomb [Big explosion] Brak Eggman bomb explosion (unused)
216 sfx_bechrg [Powering up] Brak Eggman charging up his gun for a laser blast (unused)
217 sfx_becrsh [Crash] Unused Brak Eggman sound
218 sfx_bedeen [Metallic crash] Brak Eggman hit, Egg Colosseum's cage being destroyed
219 sfx_bedie1 [Eggman crying] Brak Eggman dying (unused)
220 sfx_bedie2 [Eggman crying] Brak Eggman dying
221 sfx_beeyow [Failing machinery] Brak Eggman firing (unused)
222 sfx_befall [Metallic slam] Brak Eggman landing
223 sfx_befire [Firing goop] Brak Eggman firing goop
224 sfx_beflap [Mechanical jump] Brak Eggman jumping
225 sfx_begoop [Powerful shot] Brak Eggman cannonball fire
226 sfx_begrnd [Metallic grinding] Brak Eggman hitting antenna
227 sfx_behurt [Eggman shocked] Brak Eggman getting hurt
228 sfx_bejet1 [Jetpack charge] Brak Eggman charging up jetpack (unused)
229 sfx_belnch [Mechanical jump] Brak Eggman jumping
230 sfx_beoutb [Failed shot] Brak Eggman firing when out of bullets (unused)
231 sfx_beragh [Eggman screaming] Brak Eggman screaming (unused)
232 sfx_beshot [Firing missile] Brak Eggman shooting missiles
233 sfx_bestep [Mechanical stomp] Brak Eggman walking
234 sfx_bestp2 [Mechanical stomp] Brak Eggman walking
235 sfx_bewar1 [Eggman laughing] Brak Eggman laughing
236 sfx_bewar2 [Eggman laughing] Brak Eggman laughing
237 sfx_bewar3 [Eggman laughing] Brak Eggman laughing
238 sfx_bewar4 [Eggman laughing] Brak Eggman laughing
239 sfx_bexpld [Explosion] Brak Eggman missile exploding
240 sfx_bgxpld [Explosion] Brak Eggman exploding
206 sfx_beelec [Electricity] Brak Eggman's electric barrier
242 sfx_brakrl [Rocket launch] Brak Eggman launching a rocket
243 sfx_brakrx [Rocket explosion] Brak Eggman's rocket exploding
Sounds from Sonic 1
244 sfx_s1a0 [s1a0] S1: Jumping
245 sfx_s1a1 [s1a1] S1: Checkpoint
246 sfx_s1a2 [s1a2] S1: Spike pop-up sound
247 sfx_s1a3 [s1a3] S1: Death, losing a shield
248 sfx_s1a4 [s1a4] S1: Skidding
249 sfx_s1a5 [s1a5] S1:
250 sfx_s1a6 [s1a6] S1: Spike death, spike hitting a player with shield
251 sfx_s1a7 [s1a7] S1: Pushing an object
252 sfx_s1a8 [s1a8] S1: Leaving a Special Stage
253 sfx_s1a9 [s1a9] S1: Increasing/decreasing Special Stage speed
254 sfx_s1aa [s1aa] S1: Falling into water
255 sfx_s1ab [Chomp] S1:
SRB2: Jet Jaw approaching the player
256 sfx_s1ac [s1ac] S1: Eggman hurt
257 sfx_s1ad [s1ad] S1: Touching an air bubble
258 sfx_s1ae [s1ae] S1: Fireball emerging, lava bubble
259 sfx_s1af [s1af] S1: Shield
DRRR: Casting a barrier (Battle Mode)
260 sfx_s1b0 [s1b0] S1: Scrap Brain Zone saw blades
261 sfx_s1b1 [s1b1] S1: Electricity
262 sfx_s1b2 [s1b2] S1: Drowning
DRRR: Getting caught in a Bubble Shield trap
263 sfx_s1b3 [s1b3] S1: Scrap Brain flame jet
264 sfx_s1b4 [s1b4] S1: Bumper
DRRR: Toggling ALL items in Random Item Toggles
265 sfx_s1b5 [s1b5] S1: Collecting a ring – stereo
DRRR: Using a Ring
266 sfx_s1b6 [s1b6] S1: Spike pop-up sound; stereo
267 sfx_s1b7 [s1b7] S1: Final Zone piston moving
268 sfx_s1b8 [s1b8] S1:
269 sfx_s1b9 [s1b9] S1: Crumbling platform
270 sfx_s1ba [s1ba] S1: Color Block
DRRR: Toggling an item in Random Item Toggles
271 sfx_s1bb [s1bb] S1: Trapdoor opening
DRRR: Podium platforms rising
272 sfx_s1bc [s1bc] S1:
273 sfx_s1bd [s1bd] S1:
274 sfx_s1be [s1be] S1: Player spinning
275 sfx_s1bf [s1bf] S1: Continue got
276 sfx_s1c0 [s1c0] S1:
277 sfx_s1c1 [s1c1] S1: Enemy or monitor destroyed
278 sfx_s1c2 [s1c2] S1: Underwater sound
279 sfx_s1c3 [s1c3] S1: Entering a Big Ring
280 sfx_s1c4 [s1c4] S1: Small explosion
281 sfx_s1c5 [s1c5] S1: Score tally finished
DRRR: Ring Box/Capsule finishes giving rings
282 sfx_s1c6 [s1c6] S1: Rings lost
DRRR: Rings lost
283 sfx_s1c7 [s1c7] S1: Marble Zone crushers being lifted
284 sfx_s1c8 [s1c8] S1:
285 sfx_s1c9 [s1c9] S1: Bonus points
SRB2Kart: Hitting a player with an item, with "Character voices" set to never.
DRRR: Item box collected
286 sfx_s1ca [s1ca] S1: Entering a Special Stage
287 sfx_s1cb [s1cb] S1:
288 sfx_s1cc [s1cc] S1: Spring
289 sfx_s1cd [s1cd] S1: Menu sound
290 sfx_s1ce [s1ce] S1: Collecting a ring – mono
291 sfx_s1cf [s1cf] S1: Level End Sign spinning
Sounds from Sonic 2
292 sfx_s220 [s220] S2: Player jumping
293 sfx_s221 [s221] S2: Checkpoint, "COOL!" message in Special Stages
294 sfx_s222 [s222] S2: Spike pop-out sound
295 sfx_s223 [s223] S2: Dying, losing a shield
296 sfx_s224 [s224] S2: Skidding
297 sfx_s225 [s225] S2: A Rumble sound
298 sfx_s226 [s226] S2: Spike death, spike hitting a player with shield
299 sfx_s227 [s227] S2: Title screen shine
DRRR: Collecting a Ring
300 sfx_s228 [s228] S2: Menu beep
301 sfx_s229 [s229] S2:
302 sfx_s22a [s22a] S2: Falling into water
303 sfx_s22b [s22b] S2:
304 sfx_s22c [s22c] S2: Boss hurt
305 sfx_s22d [s22d] S2: Touching an air bubble
306 sfx_s22e [s22e] S2: Fireball emerging
307 sfx_s22f [s22f] S2: Shield
308 sfx_s230 [s230] S2: Robo-Sonic spinning
309 sfx_s231 [s231] S2: Electrical sound
310 sfx_s232 [s232] S2: Drowned
311 sfx_s233 [s233] S2: Fire Spread
312 sfx_s234 [s234] S2: Bumper
313 sfx_s235 [s235] S2: Collecting a ring
314 sfx_s236 [s236] S2: Spike Retract
315 sfx_s237 [s237] S2:
316 sfx_s238 [s238] S2: Door?
317 sfx_s239 [s239] S2: Big wall smash
318 sfx_s23a [s23a] S2:
319 sfx_s23b [s23b] S2:
320 sfx_s23c [s23c] S2: Spindash release
SRB2Kart: Drift boost
321 sfx_s23d [s23d] S2:
SRB2Kart: Ballhog bouncing
322 sfx_s23e [s23e] S2: Player spinning
323 sfx_s23f [s23f] S2: Continue got
324 sfx_s240 [s240] S2: Casino Night Zone slot machine
325 sfx_s241 [s241] S2: Enemy or monitor destroyed
326 sfx_s242 [s242] S2: Underwater sound
327 sfx_s243 [s243] S2: Big Ring (Sonic 1 Leftover)
328 sfx_s244 [s244] S2: bomb explode
329 sfx_s245 [s245] S2: Score tally finished
330 sfx_s246 [s246] S2: Rings lost
331 sfx_s247 [s247] S2:
332 sfx_s248 [s248] S2:
333 sfx_s249 [s249] S2: Bonus Points (Sonic 1 Leftover)
334 sfx_s24a [s24a] S2: Entering a Special Stage
335 sfx_s24b [s24b] S2: Crumbling platform
336 sfx_s24c [s24c] S2: Spring
337 sfx_s24d [s24d] S2: Menu sound
338 sfx_s24e [s24e] S2: Collecting a ring
339 sfx_s24f [s24f] S2: Level End Sign spinning
DRRR: Resetting button mappings back to default
340 sfx_s250 [s250] S2: Electric spark
341 sfx_s251 [s251] S2:
342 sfx_s252 [s252] S2:
343 sfx_s253 [s253] S2: Player finishes in 2 Player VS mode
SRB2Kart: 1st place finishes
344 sfx_s254 [s254] S2: Oil Pipe cap launching
345 sfx_s255 [s255] S2: Oil Ocean Zone spikes
346 sfx_s256 [s256] S2: Casino Night Zone elevator
347 sfx_s257 [s257] S2:
348 sfx_s258 [s258] S2: Casino Night Zone bouncy bars
DRRR: Toggling Drop Target in Random Item Toggles
349 sfx_s259 [s259] S2: Casino Night Zone triangular bumper
SRB2Kart: Throwable items colliding with one another
350 sfx_s25a [s25a] S2: Chemical Plant Zone slime balls
351 sfx_s25b [s25b] S2:
352 sfx_s25c [s25c] S2:
353 sfx_s25d [s25d] S2:
354 sfx_s25e [s25e] S2: Eggman flies away
355 sfx_s25f [s25f] S2: Transformation
SRB2Kart: Boost start
356 sfx_s260 [s260] S2: Spindash charge
Sounds from Sonic 3 & Knuckles
357 sfx_s3k2b [Got Emerald] S3&K: Collecting a Chaos Emerald – stereo (Note: both sounds are identical in SRB2)
358 sfx_s3k33 [Sparkle] S3&K: Collecting a ring – stereo (Note: both sounds are identical in SRB2)
359 sfx_s3k34 [Sparkle] S3&K: Collecting a ring – mono (Note: both sounds are identical in SRB2)
360 sfx_s3k35 [Hurt] S3&K: Death, losing a shield
361 sfx_s3k36 [Skid] S3&K: Skidding
362 sfx_s3k37 [Spiked] S3&K: Spike death, spike hitting a player with shield
363 sfx_s3k38 [Bubble gasp] S3&K: Touching an air bubble
364 sfx_s3k39 [Splash] S3&K: Falling in water
365 sfx_s3k3a [Shield] S3&K: Unused sound
SRB2Kart: Orbinaut, Jawz, or Rocket Sneakers deployed
366 sfx_s3k3b [Drowning] S3&K: Drowning
367 sfx_s3k3c [Spin] S3&K: Spinning
368 sfx_s3k3d [Pop] S3&K: Popping a badnik or monitor
369 sfx_s3k3e [Flame Shield] S3&K: Flame shield
370 sfx_s3k3f [Bubble Shield] S3&K: Bubble shield
371 sfx_s3k40 [Attraction blast] S3&K: Unused sound
SRB2: Attraction Shield homing attack
372 sfx_s3k41 [Thunder Shield] S3&K: Thunder shield
373 sfx_s3k42 [Twinspin] S3&K: Insta-shield
SRB2: Twin-Spin ability
374 sfx_s3k43 [Flame burst] S3&K: Fire shield's fireball attack, Launch Base Zone flamethrower
375 sfx_s3k44 [Bubble bounce] S3&K: Water shield's bounce attack, Signpost bouncing off hidden monitor
376 sfx_s3k45 [Lightning zap] S3&K: Lightning shield's double-jump
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect
377 sfx_s3k46 [Transformation] S3&K: Turning super in Doomsday Zone
378 sfx_s3k47 [Rising dust] S3&K: Sandopolis rising sand wall
379 sfx_s3k48 [Pulse] S3&K: Rinobot skidding, Spiked crushing platforms from Lava Reef Zone flying
SRB2: Button sound used in CEZ2
380 sfx_s3k49 [Impact] S3&K: Big rock falling down (used in a Knuckles cutscene)
SRB2Kart: Player or Orbinaut bumping off a wall
381 sfx_s3k4a [Grab] S3&K: Grabbing onto Tails or a bar, Knuckles latching onto wall
SRB2: Grabbing onto Tails or a rope pulley, Knuckles latching onto wall
382 sfx_s3k4b [Splash] S3&K: Disappearing rock platforms from Angel Island Zone, Angel Island Zone's boss appearing/disappearing from waterfall

SRB2: Entering a Dust Devil

383 sfx_s3k4c [Heavy hit] S3&K: Knuckles landing after gliding, Angel Island Zone's flipping bridges, Player decending using rappel wire in Sandopolis Zone
384 sfx_s3k4d [Firing bullet] S3&K: Enemy firing a projectile
SRB2: Jetty-Syn Gunner firing bullet
385 sfx_s3k4e [Big explosion] S3&K: Explosion sound, Hydrocity Zone's boss's depth charges exploding
SRB2: Brak Eggman napalm bomb exploding
SRB2Kart: Explosion sound
386 sfx_s3k4f [Flamethrower] S3&K: Angel Island Zone's mini-boss's flamethrower
387 sfx_s3k50 [Siren] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's mini-boss siren
388 sfx_s3k51 [Falling] S3&K: Projectile falling
SRB2: Jetty-Syn Bomber or Skim dropping bomb
389 sfx_s3k52 [Spike] S3&K: Spike pop-up sound
390 sfx_s3k53 [Powering up] S3&K: Charging sound
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect, Brak Eggman (Old) preparing to destroy platform
391 sfx_s3k54 [Firing] S3&K: Firing sound
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect, Brak Eggman (Old) destroying platform, Metal Sonic firing energy balls
392 sfx_s3k55 [Mechanical movement] S3&K: Pushable rock moving on track in Sandopolis Zone
SRB2: Rope pulley sound
393 sfx_s3k56 [Heavy landing] S3&K: Unused sound for Angel Island Zone 2's end bridge (?)
394 sfx_s3k57 [Burst] S3&K: Water sound from Hydrocity Zone
395 sfx_s3k58 [Mechanical movement] S3&K: Door closing sound
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect
396 sfx_s3k59 [Crumbling] S3&K: Collapsing platform
397 sfx_s3k5a [Aiming] S3&K: Unused sound
SRB2: Metal Sonic aiming at the player
398 sfx_s3k5b [Menu beep] S3&K: Menu/Results screen beep, Player pressing a button
DRRR: Menu beep, Activating the buttons on Chrome Gadget and Desert Palace Zones
399 sfx_s3k5c [Electric spark] S3&K: Mecha Sonic flashing
SRB2: Brak Eggman's electric barrier spark sound
SRB2Kart: Mine pulsing
400 sfx_s3k5d [Heavy hit] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's boss dropping ball, Stalactite from Ice Cap Zone landing
SRB2: Brak Eggman napalm bomb/thrown Grenade Ring bouncing off floor
SRB2Kart: Orbinaut or Jawz destroyed after bumping into (too many/a) wall(s)
401 sfx_s3k5e [Releasing charge] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's Corkey enemy firing laser
402 sfx_s3k5f [Crusher stomp] S3&K: Crusher smashing
403 sfx_s3k60 [Accelerating] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss moving into the background
404 sfx_s3k61 [Drilling] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss drilling into ground
405 sfx_s3k62 [Jump] S3&K: Jump sound
406 sfx_s3k63 [Starpost] S3&K: Checkpoint, Menu confirm sound
DRRR: Menu confirm
407 sfx_s3k64 [Clatter] S3&K: Player grabbing pulley in Marble Garden Zone
SRB2: Pop-up Turret/Spike pop-up sound, Tumbleweed rolling around
408 sfx_s3k65 [Got sphere] S3&K: Blue Sphere collected
SRB2: Blue Sphere collected
409 sfx_s3k66 [Special stage end] S3&K: Blue Sphere clear
SRB2: Multiplayer Super form end, time runs out in a Special Stage
410 sfx_s3k67 [Firing missile] S3&K: Head statue shooting arrows in Marble Garden Zone, Flying Battery Zone's missiles
411 sfx_s3k68 [Discovery] S3&K: Player can now be super
SRB2Kart: Final Lap
412 sfx_s3k69 [Switch click] S3&K: Pushing a rock/switch in Sandopolis Zone
413 sfx_s3k6a [Special stage clear] S3&K: Special Stage finish
SRB2Kart: Race Completed
414 sfx_s3k6b [Punch] S3&K: Unused sound
415 sfx_s3k6c [Burst] S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's Sandworm enemy jumping out of quicksand
416 sfx_s3k6d [s3k6d] S3&K: Unused sound
417 sfx_s3k6e [Mechanical damage] S3&K: Boss hit
SRB2: Metal Sonic being destroyed
418 sfx_s3k6f [Ominous rumbling] S3&K: Rumble
419 sfx_s3k70 [Burst] S3&K: Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss flying up
SRB2: Brak Eggman small napalm bomb exploding
420 sfx_s3k71 [Basic Shield] S3&K: Unused sound
421 sfx_s3k72 [Movement] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's hover fans, Launch Base Zone's cup elevator
422 sfx_s3k73 [Warp] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's vertical one-way tunnel sound, Teleporter from Hidden Palace Zone/Sky Sanctuary Zone, Death Egg Zone's gravity-reversal button
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect
423 sfx_s3k74 [Gong] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's horizontal one-way tunnel sound, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss summoning ice balls, Death Egg Zone's Chainspike enemy moving, Puzzle bumpers from Death Egg Zone 1's engine room
SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect
424 sfx_s3k75 [Rising] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's rising platforms
425 sfx_s3k76 [Click] S3&K: Trap door closing after player is ejected from a corkscrew in Carnival Night Zone
SRB2: Player riding in a minecart
426 sfx_s3k77 [Balloon pop] S3&K: Balloon pop
427 sfx_s3k78 [Magnet] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's boss's magnet
428 sfx_s3k79 [Electric charge] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's Sparkle enemy emitting electrical charge, Lightning from Death Egg Zone
SRB2: Brak Eggman's electric barrier respawning sound
429 sfx_s3k7a [Rising from lava] S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's boss appearing
430 sfx_s3k7b [Soft bounce] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's ratchet rack bumpers
SRB2: Player bouncing off Egg Guard's shield or Sea Egg decoy
SRB2Kart: Orbinaut or Jawz hitting a player
431 sfx_s3k7c [Magnet] S3&K: Flying Battery Zone's magnetic platform
432 sfx_s3k7d [s3k7d] S3&K: Unused sound
433 sfx_s3k7e [Dust] S3&K: Knuckles skidding after landing from a glide
SRB2: Knuckles skidding after landing from a glide
434 sfx_s3k7f [Freeze] S3&K: Freezer from Ice Cap Zone
435 sfx_s3k80 [Ice spike burst] S3&K: Harmful ice spike ball from Ice Cap Zone being broken
436 sfx_s3k81 [Burst] S3&K: Cannon launching/Player ejected from pipes in Launch Base Zone 2
SRB2: Brak Eggman firing napalm bomb
437 sfx_s3k82 [Burst] S3&K: Launching out of ground in Launch Base Zone 1, Falling into ground and launching out in Sandopolis Zone 1, Sandopolis rising sand wall destroyed
SRB2: Minus popping up
438 sfx_s3k83 [Collapsing] S3&K: Angel Island Zone 2's end bridge collapsing
SRB2Kart: Player's engine backfires as a result of failed start boost
DRRR: Player falling off the map during POSITION phase
439 sfx_s3k84 [Powering up] S3&K: Unused sound
440 sfx_s3k85 [Powering down] S3&K: Unused sound
441 sfx_s3k86 [Alarm] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's alarm sound
442 sfx_s3k87 [Bounce] S3&K: Bouncing on a mushroom, Death Egg Zone's boss dropping crawling bombs
443 sfx_s3k88 [Metallic squeak] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's hand-operated elevator sound
444 sfx_s3k89 [Advanced tech] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's boss satellite dish sound
SRB2Kart: Jawz lock-on reticle
445 sfx_s3k8a [Boing] S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's ghosts disappearing, Sky Sanctuary Zone's bouncy clouds, Death Egg Zone's Spikebonker enemy shooting its spikeball
446 sfx_s3k8b [Powerful hit] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's mini-boss chopping wood
SRB2: Amy's hammer hitting the ground
447 sfx_s3k8c [Humming power] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's mini-boss stuck in a log
448 sfx_s3k8d n/a S3&K: Unused sound
449 sfx_s3k8e [Accelerating] S3&K: Unused sound
450 sfx_s3k8f [Opening] S3&K: Door opening
451 sfx_s3k90 [Impact] S3&K: Door closing in Sandopolis Zone 2, Knuckles defeated
SRB2: Fang defeated
452 sfx_s3k91 [Closed] S3&K: Door closed in Sandopolis Zone 2
453 sfx_s3k92 [Ghost] S3&K: Sandopolis Zone 2's ghosts appearing
SRB2Kart: Hyudoro stealing an item
454 sfx_s3k93 [Gas release] S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's boss's shell re-appearing
455 sfx_s3k94 [Spike] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's Bubbles enemy protracting its spikes, Chained platforms from Lava Reef Zone
456 sfx_s3k95 [Lava burst] S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's mini-boss's hand appearing
457 sfx_s3k96 [Landing] S3&K: Crushers/falling columns from Ice Cap Zone
SRB2Kart: Orbinaut rolling + dropped (from spinning out)
458 sfx_s3k97 [Wind] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's Cluckoid enemy releasing a gust of wind
459 sfx_s3k98 [Falling spike] S3&K: Falling spike in Lava Reef Zone
460 sfx_s3k99 [Bounce] S3&K: Unused sound
SRB2: Brak Eggman small napalm bomb bouncing off wall
461 sfx_s3k9a [Click] S3&K: Unused sound
462 sfx_s3k9b [Crusher stomp] S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's boss walking, Lava Reef Zone's mini-boss slamming hand onto ground, Lava Reef Zone's boss hit, Death Egg Zone's final boss walking/slamming fingers onto ground, Doomsday Zone's boss hit
463 sfx_s3k9c [Got Super Emerald] S3&K: Super Emerald collected
464 sfx_s3k9d [Targeting] S3&K: Eggman aiming at platforms in Lava Reef Zone 2
SRB2: Brak Eggman targeting sound
465 sfx_s3k9e [Wham] S3&K: Flying Battery Zone's rotating sphere chain
466 sfx_s3k9f [Transformation] S3&K: Super transformation, Lava Reef Zone 2 boss cutscene sound, Death Egg Zone's vertical gravity-reversal tunnel
467 sfx_s3ka0 [Launch] S3&K: Death Egg launching Egg Robos in Sky Sanctuary Zone
468 sfx_s3ka1 [s3ka1] S3&K: Unused sound
469 sfx_s3ka2 [Launch] S3&K: Hydrocity Zone's Turbo Spiker enemy firing its shell, Launcher from Flying Battery Zone/Death Egg Zone
SRB2Kart: Sparks/Mini-Turbo charged
470 sfx_s3ka3 [Rising charge] S3&K: Death Egg Zone's swinging platform lift
471 sfx_s3ka4 [Powering up] S3&K: Mecha Sonic transforming super
472 sfx_s3ka5 [s3ka5] S3&K: Unused sound
473 sfx_s3ka6 [Attraction fizzle] S3&K: Unused sound
SRB2: Failed Attraction Shield homing attack
474 sfx_s3ka7 [Countdown beep] S3&K: Countdown beep for Competition mode/Death Egg Zone's light tunnel launcher
SRB2: Competition/Race starting/Time Over countdown, Tag/H&S hiding period countdown, Ringslinger ending countdown (3, 2, 1)
SRB2Kart: Starting Countdown (3, 2, 1)
475 sfx_s3ka8 [Energy] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's gate laser, Death Egg Zone's energy bridge
476 sfx_s3ka9 [Aquaphobia] S3&K: Underwater counter
477 sfx_s3kaa [Bumper] S3&K: Bumper
478-493 sfx_s3kab-s3kabf [Spindash] S3&K: Spindash
494 sfx_s3kac [Got Continue] S3&K: Continue got
495 sfx_s3kad [GO!] S3&K: "GO" beep for Competition mode/Death Egg Zone's light tunnel launcher
SRB2: Competition/Race starting countdown, Tag/H&S hiding period countdown (GO)
SRB2Kart: Starting Countdown (GO)
496 sfx_s3kae [Pinball flipper] S3&K: Pinball flipper
497 sfx_s3kaf [To Special Stage] S3&K: Warp to bonus/special stage
498 sfx_s3kb0 [Score] S3&K: Score tally done
499 sfx_s3kb1 [Spring] S3&K: Spring
500 sfx_s3kb2 [Failure] S3&K: Error sound
SRB2Kart: Wrong way/Too many checkpoints skipped
501 sfx_s3kb3 [Warp] S3&K: Big Ring warp/collected
502 sfx_s3kb4 [Explosion] S3&K: Boss explosion
SRB2: Brak Eggman sniper attack explosion
503 sfx_s3kb5 [Clink] S3&K: Unused sound
504 sfx_s3kb6 [Spin launch] S3&K: Spindash release
505 sfx_s3kb7 [Tumbler] S3&K: Save screen select sound, Slot Machine
506 sfx_s3kb8 [Spinning signpost] S3&K: Signpost falling sound, Super Emerald sound
507 sfx_s3kb9 [Ring loss] S3&K: Rings lost
508 sfx_s3kba [Flight] S3&K: Tails flying
509 sfx_s3kbb [Tired flight] S3&K: Tails tired
510 sfx_s3kbcs [s3kbcs] S3&K: Unused sound (Short)
511 sfx_s3kbcl [s3kbcl] S3&K: Unused sound (Long)
512 sfx_s3kbds [Flying fortress] S3&K: Battleship flying over Angel Island Zone/Flying Battery flying over Mushroom Hill Zone (Short)
513 sfx_s3kbdl [Flying fortress] S3&K: Battleship flying over Angel Island Zone/Flying Battery flying over Mushroom Hill Zone (Long)
SRB2Kart: Egg Zeppelin Zone ambience
514 sfx_s3kbes [Flying] S3&K: Eggman flying away (Short)
515 sfx_s3kbel [Flying] S3&K: Eggman flying away (Long)
516 sfx_s3kbfs [Turbine] S3&K: Water spinning at Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss flying (Short)
517 sfx_s3kbfl [Turbine] S3&K: Water spinning at Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss flying (Long)
518 sfx_s3kc0s [Turbine] S3&K: Large fan from Hydrocity Zone, Horizontal turbines from Lava Reef Zone (Short)
SRB2Kart: Jawz fired
519 sfx_s3kc0l [Turbine] S3&K: Large fan from Hydrocity Zone, Horizontal turbines from Lava Reef Zone (Long)
520 sfx_s3kc1s [Fan] S3&K: Small fan from Hydrocity Zone (Short)
521 sfx_s3kc1l [Fan] S3&K: Small fan from Hydrocity Zone (Long)
522 sfx_s3kc2s [Flamethrower] S3&K: Flying Battery Zone/Lava Reef Zone flamethrower (Short)
SRB2: Brak Eggman flamethrower
523 sfx_s3kc2l [Flamethrower] S3&K: Flying Battery Zone/Lava Reef Zone flamethrower (Long)
524 sfx_s3kc3s [Levitation] S3&K: Death Egg Zone's gravity switch tunnel sound, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss orb rotating, Competition mode character select sound (Short)
525 sfx_s3kc3l [Levitation] S3&K: Death Egg Zone's gravity switch tunnel sound, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss orb rotating, Competition mode character select sound (Long)
526 sfx_s3kc4s [Firing laser] S3&K: Death Egg Zone's mini-boss firing laser (Short)
527 sfx_s3kc4l [Firing laser] S3&K: Death Egg Zone's mini-boss firing laser (Long)
528 sfx_s3kc5s [Revving up] S3&K: Unused sound (Short)
529 sfx_s3kc5l [Revving up] S3&K: Unused sound (Long)
530 sfx_s3kc6s [Orbiting] S3&K: Rotating vertical mesh from Carnival Night Zone, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss's second form flying, Death Egg Zone's boss flying, Orbiting around magnetic ball in Glowing Spheres bonus stage (Short)
531 sfx_s3kc6l [Orbiting] S3&K: Rotating vertical mesh from Carnival Night Zone, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss's second form flying, Death Egg Zone's boss flying, Orbiting around magnetic ball in Glowing Spheres bonus stage (Long)
532 sfx_s3kc7s [Aiming] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone cannon aiming (short)
533 sfx_s3kc7l [Aiming] S3&K: Carnival Night Zone cannon aiming (long)
534 sfx_s3kc8s [Sliding] S3&K: Sonic riding snowboard in Ice Cap Zone 1, Ice Cap Zone's Penguinator enemy sliding, Sandopolis Zone's sand chutes, Sand rising after cork is broken in Sandopolis Zone 2 (Short)
535 sfx_s3kc8l [Sliding] S3&K: Sonic riding snowboard in Ice Cap Zone 1, Ice Cap Zone's Penguinator enemy sliding, Sandopolis Zone's sand chutes, Sand rising after cork is broken in Sandopolis Zone 2 (Long)
536 sfx_s3kc9s [Swinging] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's swinging spikeball, Door closing in Flying Battery Zone, Flying Battery Zone's boss swinging (Short)
537 sfx_s3kc9l [Swinging] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's swinging spikeball, Door closing in Flying Battery Zone, Flying Battery Zone's boss swinging (Long)
538 sfx_s3kcas [Energy] S3&K: Player going through light tunnel in Death Egg Zone (Short)
SRB2Kart: Player respawning from falling off the track
539 sfx_s3kcal [Energy] S3&K: Player going through light tunnel in Death Egg Zone (Long)
540 sfx_s3kcbs [Ominous rumbling] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's ground rising (Short)
541 sfx_s3kcbl [Ominous rumbling] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's ground rising (Long)
542 sfx_s3kccs [Bursting] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss causing ground to collapse (Short)
SRB2: Fang digging through the box of scrap metal
543 sfx_s3kccl [Bursting] S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss causing ground to collapse (Long)
544 sfx_s3kcds [Ominous rumbling] S3&K: Death Egg rumbling sound from Launch Base Zone (Short)
545 sfx_s3kcdl [Ominous rumbling] S3&K: Death Egg rumbling sound from Launch Base Zone (Long)
546 sfx_s3kces [Wind tunnel] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone wind tunnel (Short)
547 sfx_s3kcel [Dust devil] S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone wind tunnel (Long)
548 sfx_s3kcfs [s3kcfs] S3&K: Unused sound? (Short)
549 sfx_s3kcfl [s3kcfl] S3&K: Unused sound? (Long)
550 sfx_s3kd0s [Rising] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's boss rising (Short)
551 sfx_s3kd0l [Rising] S3&K: Launch Base Zone's boss rising (Long)
552 sfx_s3kd1s [s3kd1s] S3&K: Unused sound (Short)
553 sfx_s3kd1l [s3kd1l] S3&K: Unused sound (Long)
554 sfx_s3kd2s [Turning] S3&K: Gumball Machine handle turn (Short)
555 sfx_s3kd2l [Turning] S3&K: Gumball Machine handle turn (Long)
556 sfx_s3kd3s [Digging] S3&K: Unused sound? (Short)
557 sfx_s3kd3l [Digging] S3&K: Unused sound? (Long)
558 sfx_s3kd4s [Engine] S3&K: Death Egg Zone 1's engine room sound (Short)
559 sfx_s3kd4l [Engine] S3&K: Death Egg Zone 1's engine room sound (Long)
560 sfx_s3kd5s [Falling lava] S3&K: Falling lava in Lava Reef Zone (Short)
561 sfx_s3kd5l [Falling lava] S3&K: Falling lava in Lava Reef Zone (Long)
SRB2: Falling lava in Red Volcano Zone
562 sfx_s3kd6s [s3kd6s] S3&K: Unused sound (Short)
563 sfx_s3kd6l [s3kd6l] S3&K: Unused sound (Long)
564 sfx_s3kd7s [Movement] S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's spindash lift moving, Moving conveyor belt from Death Egg Zone (Short)
565 sfx_s3kd7l [Movement] S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's spindash lift moving, Moving conveyor belt from Death Egg Zone (Long)
566 sfx_s3kd8s [Acceleration] S3&K: Unused sound (Short)
SRB2: Sharp turning red
567 sfx_s3kd8l [Acceleration] S3&K: Unused sound (Long)
568 sfx_s3kd9s [Magnetism] S3&K: Magnetic ball from Flying Battery Zone, Hover machine from Death Egg Zone (Short)
569 sfx_s3kd9l [Magnetism] S3&K: Magnetic ball from Flying Battery Zone, Hover machine from Death Egg Zone (Long)
570 sfx_s3kdas [Click] S3&K: Knuckles turning on fan in Mushroom Hill Zone 2 (Short)
571 sfx_s3kdal [Click] S3&K: Knuckles turning on fan in Mushroom Hill Zone 2 (Long)
572 sfx_s3kdbs [Running on water] S3&K: Running on water in Hydrocity Zone (Short)
573 sfx_s3kdbl [Running on water] S3&K: Running on water in Hydrocity Zone (Long)
Sounds from Sonic 3D Blast
574 sfx_3db06 [Collection] S3DB: Collecting a Flicky
SRB2Kart: Stealing a Bumper from another player
575 sfx_3db09 [Peep] S3DB:
576 sfx_3db14 [Chirp] S3DB:
577 sfx_3db16 [3db16] S3DB: Unknown
Sounds from Sonic CD
578 sfx_cdfm00 [Skid] SCD: Skidding
SRB2Kart: Improper start.
579 sfx_cdfm01 [cdfm01] SCD: Releasing a Spin Dash
580 sfx_cdfm02 [Jump] SCD: Player jumping
581 sfx_cdfm03 [Dying] SCD: Death, losing a shield
582 sfx_cdfm04 [Ring loss] SCD: Rings lost
583 sfx_cdfm05 [Sparkle] SCD: Collecting a ring
584 sfx_cdfm06 [Pop] SCD: Enemy or monitor being destroyed
585 sfx_cdfm07 [Shield] SCD: Shield
586 sfx_cdfm08 [Spring] SCD: Spring
587 sfx_cdfm09 [cdfm09] SCD:
588 sfx_cdfm10 [cdfm10] SCD:
589 sfx_cdfm11 [cdfm11] SCD:
590 sfx_cdfm12 [cdfm12] SCD:
591 sfx_cdfm13 [cdfm13] SCD:
592 sfx_cdfm14 [cdfm14] SCD:
593 sfx_cdfm15 [cdfm15] SCD:
594 sfx_cdfm16 [cdfm16] SCD:
595 sfx_cdfm17 [cdfm17] SCD:
596 sfx_cdfm18 [cdfm18] SCD:
597 sfx_cdfm19 [cdfm19] SCD:
598 sfx_cdfm20 [cdfm20] SCD:
599 sfx_cdfm21 [cdfm21] SCD:
600 sfx_cdfm22 [cdfm22] SCD:
601 sfx_cdfm23 [cdfm23] SCD:
602 sfx_cdfm24 [cdfm24] SCD:
603 sfx_cdfm25 [cdfm25] SCD:
604 sfx_cdfm26 [cdfm26] SCD:
605 sfx_cdfm27 [cdfm27] SCD:
606 sfx_cdfm28 [cdfm28] SCD: Unknown
SRB2Kart: Eggman Monitor placed
607 sfx_cdfm29 [Bubble gasp] SCD: Touching an air bubble
608 sfx_cdfm30 [Starpost] SCD: Checkpoint
609 sfx_cdfm31 [cdfm31] SCD: Entering the Special Stage
610 sfx_cdfm32 [cdfm32] SCD:
611 sfx_cdfm33 [cdfm33] SCD: Metallic Madness saw blade
612 sfx_cdfm34 [cdfm34] SCD: Wacky Workbench electrical trap activating
613 sfx_cdfm35 [cdfm35] SCD:
614 sfx_cdfm36 [cdfm36] SCD:
615 sfx_cdfm37 [cdfm37] SCD: Collision Chaos neon bumper
616 sfx_cdfm38 [cdfm38] SCD: Drowning
617 sfx_cdfm39 [cdfm39] SCD: Spike pop-up sound
SRB2Kart: Mine activates
618 sfx_cdfm40 [Power up] SCD: Fan block
SRB2: Boost Mode activated
619 sfx_cdfm41 [cdfm41] SCD:
620 sfx_cdfm42 [cdfm42] SCD: Metallic Madness boss's blades spinning
621 sfx_cdfm43 [cdfm43] SCD: Stardust Speedway door closing
622 sfx_cdfm44 [Extra time] SCD: Extra Time UFO appears; Metallic Madness Zone's grow laser
DRRR: Magician Box revealing transformed character
623 sfx_cdfm45 [cdfm45] SCD:
624 sfx_cdfm46 [cdfm46] SCD:
625 sfx_cdfm47 [cdfm47] SCD:
626 sfx_cdfm48 [cdfm48] SCD:
627 sfx_cdfm49 [Aquaphobia] SCD:
628 sfx_cdfm50 [cdfm50] SCD:
629 sfx_cdfm51 [cdfm51] SCD:
630 sfx_cdfm52 [cdfm52] SCD:
631 sfx_cdfm53 [cdfm53] SCD: Metallic Madness Zone's shrink laser
632 sfx_cdfm54 [cdfm54] SCD:
633 sfx_cdfm55 [cdfm55] SCD:
634 sfx_cdfm56 [Warp] SCD:
635 sfx_cdfm57 [cdfm57] SCD: Metal Sonic charging up
636 sfx_cdfm58 [cdfm58] SCD: Metal Sonic boosting
637 sfx_cdfm59 [cdfm59] SCD: Quartz Quadrant boss mine dropper
638 sfx_cdfm60 [cdfm60]
639 sfx_cdfm61 [cdfm61] SCD:
640 sfx_cdfm62 [Speed boost] SCD: Speedpad activated
641 sfx_cdfm63 [cdfm63] SCD:
DRRR: Player passing through tripwire
642 sfx_cdfm64 [cdfm64] SCD:
643 sfx_cdfm65 [cdfm65] SCD:
DRRR: Battle Bumper destroyed
644 sfx_cdfm66 [cdfm66] SCD:
645 sfx_cdfm67 [cdfm67] SCD:
DRRR: ZVote being called
646 sfx_cdfm68 [cdfm68] SCD:
647 sfx_cdfm69 [cdfm69] SCD:
648 sfx_cdfm70 [cdfm70] SCD: Running on grass in a Special Stage
SRB2Kart: Driving on off-road
649 sfx_cdfm71 [cdfm71] SCD:
DRRR: Lost Battle Bumper floating in the air
650 sfx_cdfm72 [cdfm72] SCD: Traveling through time
651 sfx_cdfm73 [cdfm73] SCD: Good Future success jingle, got Time Stone, Tails getting an extra life
SRB2Kart: Destroying a UFO
DRRR: Getting an Extra Life
652 sfx_cdfm74 [cdfm74] SCD: Wacky Workbench Zone's bouncy floors
DRRR: Explosion cue
653 sfx_cdfm75 [cdfm75] SCD:
654 sfx_cdfm76 [cdfm76] SCD:
655 sfx_cdfm77 [cdfm77] SCD:
656 sfx_cdfm78 [cdfm78] SCD:
657 sfx_cdfm79 [cdfm79] SCD: Air countdown
658 sfx_cdpcm0 [Future.] SCD: Touching a Future post
659 sfx_cdpcm1 [Past.] SCD: Touching a Past post
660 sfx_cdpcm2 [All right!] SCD:
661 sfx_cdpcm3 [I'm outta here...] SCD: Getting a Game Over after doing nothing for 3 minutes
662 sfx_cdpcm4 [Yes!] SCD: Extra life
663 sfx_cdpcm5 [Yeah!] SCD:
664 sfx_cdpcm6 [Giggles] SCD: Player being hugged by Amy
SRB2: Player being hugged by Amy
665 sfx_cdpcm7 [Eep!] SCD: Amy getting captured by Metal Sonic
SRB2: Jumping into Amy
666 sfx_cdpcm8 [cdpcm8] SCD: The EGG-HVC-001 landing
667 sfx_cdpcm9 [Bumper] SCD: Collision Chaos bumper
SRB2Kart: Nullified damage while player is flashing
Sounds from Knuckles' Chaotix
668 sfx_kc2a [kc2a] KC: Small explosion
669 sfx_kc2b [kc2b] KC: Skidding
670 sfx_kc2c [kc2c] KC: Rings lost
671 sfx_kc2d [kc2d] KC: Collecting a ring
672 sfx_kc2e [kc2e] KC: Enemy or monitor destroyed
673 sfx_kc2f [kc2f] KC: Spring
SRB2Kart: Spring Panel
674 sfx_kc30 [kc30] KC: Checkpoint
675 sfx_kc31 [kc31] KC: Disappearing platform
SRB2Kart: A racer in last place, or players who did not finish within the specified countdown time, exploding.
DRRR: Bubble Shield popping upon fast-fall
676 sfx_kc32 [kc32] KC: Earthquake
677 sfx_kc33 [kc33] KC:
678 sfx_kc34 [kc34] KC: Failure
679 sfx_kc35 [kc35] KC: Amazing Arena clock ticking
680 sfx_kc36 [kc36] KC: Metal Sonic flying
681 sfx_kc37 [kc37] KC:
DRRR: The claw grabbing the map selected during voting time
682 sfx_kc38 [kc38] KC:
683 sfx_kc39 [kc39] KC: Zone roulette
SRB2Kart: Voting screen roulette sound
684 sfx_kc3a [kc3a] KC: Bumper
685 sfx_kc3b [kc3c] KC:
686 sfx_kc3c [kc3c] KC: Spindash release
687 sfx_kc3d [kc3d] KC: Amazing Arena clock location
DRRR: Hyudoro returning with a stolen item
688 sfx_kc3e [kc3e] KC:
DRRR: Hyudoro giving a stolen item
689 sfx_kc3f [kc3f] KC: Enemy or monitor destroyed
690 sfx_kc40 [kc40] KC: Boss hit
DRRR: Tripwire pushing player back, Damaging battle item box, Overtime barriers appear (multi-use)
691 sfx_kc41 [kc41] KC:
692 sfx_kc42 [Confirm] KC:
DRRR: Redeem Password
693 sfx_kc43 [kc43] KC:
694 sfx_kc44 [kc44] KC:
695 sfx_kc45 [kc45] KC:
696 sfx_kc46 [kc46] KC: Entering a Bonus Stage
SRB2Kart: Using the Shrink item
697 sfx_kc47 [kc47] KC:
698 sfx_kc48 [Select] KC: Activating the Combi-Catcher
SRB2Kart: A map being selected on the voting screen.
699 sfx_kc49 [kc49] KC:
700 sfx_kc4a [kc4a] KC: Menu beep sound
SRB2Kart: Choosing a map on the voting screen
701 sfx_kc4b [kc4b] KC:
702 sfx_kc4c [Pop-shot] KC:
703 sfx_kc4d [Power up] KC:
SRB2: Metal Sonic enters Boost Mode
704 sfx_kc4e [kc4e] KC:
705 sfx_kc4f [kc4f] KC:
706 sfx_kc50 [kc50] KC:
707 sfx_kc51 [kc51] KC: Amazing Arena pressure platform retracting
SRB2Kart: "No Contest" explosion smoke
708 sfx_kc52 [kc52] KC: Amazing Arena pressure platform launching
DRRR: Losing a battle bumper after falling off the map
709 sfx_kc53 [kc53] KC: Amazing Arena rideable platform
710 sfx_kc54 [kc54] KC: Shield
711 sfx_kc55 [kc55] KC:
712 sfx_kc56 [kc5] KC: Beep
713 sfx_kc57 [Sheer terror] KC: Unused sound
SRB2Kart: A Self-Propelled Bomb targeting the racer in 1st place.
714 sfx_kc58 [kc58] KC: Death, losing a shield
715 sfx_kc59 [Shrink] KC: Getting a Shrink item
SRB2Kart: Getting shrunk by another player's Shrink item
716 sfx_kc5a [Grow] KC: Getting a Grow item
SRB2Kart: Using a Grow item
717 sfx_kc5b [kc5b] KC:
718 sfx_kc5c [kc5c] KC: Getting a Chaos Ring
DRRR: Gutbuster's winning sound
719 sfx_kc5d [kc5d] KC:
720 sfx_kc5e [kc5e] KC: Collecting a Blue Sphere, activating a bonus item
DRRR: Kart Krew startup screen
721 sfx_kc5f [kc5f] KC: Jumping
722 sfx_kc60 [kc60] KC: Score tally finishes
723 sfx_kc61 [kc61] KC:
724 sfx_kc62 [kc62] KC:
725 sfx_kc63 [kc63] KC:
726 sfx_kc64 [Terrifying rumble] KC:
SRB2Kart: SPB Rush
727 sfx_kc65 [Power down] KC: Swap Monitor
SRB2: Metal Sonic exits Boost Mode
728 sfx_kc66 [kc66] KC:
729 sfx_kc67 [kc67] KC:
730 sfx_kc68 [kc68] KC:
731 sfx_kc69 [kc69] KC:
732 sfx_kc6b [Ascending] KC:
SRB2: Ascending in the Continue screen
733 sfx_kc6c [kc6c] KC: Charging a Spin Dash
734 sfx_kc6d [kc6d] KC:
735 sfx_kc6e [kc6e] KC:
736–2327 n/a n/a n/a