Linedef type 4

Linedef type 4, Speed Pad, is a type of linedef special which turns the floor of a tagged sector into a speed pad that will dash the player forward at a specified speed. After the dash, the player will also be momentarily invincible (just like after taking damage).
Binary Setup
The target sector must have the Speed Pad sector special for this linedef effect to work. The direction of the speed pad is indicated by the direction of the control linedef. The linedef's front texture X offset sets the speed in fracunits per tic. Unless Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 is checked, the player will be teleported to the center of the sector when the speed pad is activated. If Flag [10] / Repeat Midtexture / Effect 5 is checked and the player is using a character with the spindash ability, they will be forced into a spin when the speed pad is activated. By the default, the sound sfx_spdpad
is played upon activating the speed pad. Alternatively, a different sound can be specified via the linedef's front upper texture, using the DS
prefix (e.g., DSSPDPAD
to play sfx_spdpad
UDMF Setup
The target sector must have the Speed Pad sector special for this linedef effect to work. The direction of the speed pad is indicated by the direction of the control linedef. The linedef's arg1 sets the speed in fracunits per tic. Unless Flag [1] / Don't teleport player to sector center is checked, the player will NOT be teleported to the center of the sector when the speed pad is activated. If Flag [2] / Force spinning frames is checked and the player is using a character with the spindash ability, they will be forced into a spin when the speed pad is activated. By the default, the sound sfx_spdpad
is played upon activating the speed pad. Alternatively, a different sound can be specified via Stringarg 1, using the DS
prefix (e.g., DSSPDPAD
to play sfx_spdpad
- Example file: ex_ld004_speedpad.wad (MAP01)
How to use |