Linedef type 15

Linedef type 15, Fan Particle Spawner Parameters, is a type of linedef special which is used to set the parameters for one or multiple Fan Particle Generators.
In the UDMF map format, this special is named Fan Particle Generator Heights, used to determine the heights between which the particles are bound.
Binary setup
The tag of the control linedef should be the same as the Angle of the affected Fan Particle Generator Thing(s). The name of the Object type to be spawned as fan particles should be written in the control linedef's front upper texture field. If the name is longer than eight characters, it continues in the front middle texture and front lower texture fields. If the texture fields are left empty, MT_PARTICLE
is used as the default particle type.
The Z position field of the generator Thing determines the number of particles that are spawned around the Thing's center each tic. The length of the control linedef determines the radius at which the particles are spawned. The particles will be distributed evenly around the center. The front texture X offset determines the speed at which the particles rise upwards, in fracunits per tic. If the generator Thing is given the Object Flip flag, the particles sink downwards instead. If the Y offset is set to something other than 0, the spawn locations of the particles will rotate around the center of the Thing; in this case, the Y offset sets the number of degrees to turn per tic. The back texture X offset determines the expanded space of particles. If the Z position is set to 0, the generator will spawn just one particle per tic directly from its center; in this case, the Y offset and length of the linedef are ignored.
The floor and ceiling heights of the control sector determine the heights between which the particles are bound: Normally, the floor height sets the spawn height of the particles and the ceiling height sets the height at which they disappear. If the generator Thing is flipped with the Object Flip flag, this is inverted.
UDMF setup
On the Fan Particle Generator thing, the tag provided in Argument 7 / Heights control linedef should match this linedef's tag.
The floor and ceiling heights of the control sector determine the heights between which the particles are bound: Normally, the floor height sets the spawn height of the particles and the ceiling height sets the height at which they disappear. If the generator Thing is flipped with the Object Flip flag, this is inverted.
- Example file: ex_ld015_fanparticlespawnerparameters.wad (MAP01)
How to use |