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Linedef type 8

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Linedef type 8, Special Sector Properties, is a type of linedef special which adds extended properties to the special effect of every tagged sector.

In the UDMF map format, this special is named Set Camera Collision Planes, used to limit the movement of the camera to specific heights from the sector ceiling or floor.

Binary setup

The extended properties to assign to the target sector or sectors are determined by the linedef flags applied to the control linedef.

If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is checked, special effects that normally apply when the player touches the target sector's floor will apply only when the player touches the ceiling instead. This is useful for creating effects such as death pits when the player is in reverse gravity. If Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 is checked, the target sector's special effects will apply when the player touches either the floor or the ceiling, instead of just the floor.

Note that in general, touching a sector's ceiling (if [6] / Not Climbable or [9] / Solid Midtexture are checked) does not activate special effects unless the player is in reverse gravity; likewise, touching a sector's floor does not activate special effects unless the player is in normal gravity. This is changed if Flag [7] / No Midtexture Skew / Effect 2 is checked – in this case, special effects can be triggered by touching either the floor or the ceiling, in any gravity.

If the control linedef is tagged to a solid FOF's control sector, the behavior of flags [6] / Not Climbable and [9] / Solid Midtexture is flipped when the player interacts with the FOF – the "floor" is instead the top of the FOF (which sector specials affect by default), and the "ceiling" is instead the bottom of the FOF. If the control linedef is tagged to an intangible FOF's control sector, flags [6] / Not Climbable and [9] / Solid Midtexture will normally have no effect, as the sector's special effect will apply anywhere in the FOF. An exception to this is the Spikes special.

If Flag [8] / Peg Midtexture / Effect 3 is checked, the player only needs to touch the edge of the target sector to activate its special effects, rather than enter it completely. If Flag [5] / Slope Skew / Effect 1 is checked, the presence of precipitation (e.g., rain, snow) in the target sector is inverted – precipitation will only appear when the sector is considered "indoors", i.e., does not use F_SKY1 as its ceiling flat.

If the sector special Intangible to the Camera is applied to the front sector of the control linedef, this allows the heights of the "floor" and "ceiling" planes the camera collides with to be adjusted. These planes are defined by the linedef's front sector's floor and ceiling heights, rather than the target sector's floor and ceiling heights. This is useful for allowing the camera to pass through the target sector's floor or ceiling even after either have been moved, or alternatively for preventing the camera from crossing a point above the target sector's floor or below the target sector's ceiling.

UDMF setup

Most of this linedef special's functionality has been superseded by sector flags, which can be set directly on every sector. As a result, in UDMF this special is only used to define floor and ceiling plane heights used for camera collision.

Argument 1 is used for tagging the target sector(s). This linedef's front sector's floor and ceiling heights are used to define the heights of the "floor" and "ceiling" planes the camera collides with, instead of the target sector's floor and ceiling heights. This is useful for allowing the camera to pass through the target sector's floor or ceiling even after either have been moved, or alternatively for preventing the camera from crossing a point above the target sector's floor or below the target sector's ceiling.


Example file: ex_ld008_sectorspecialparameters.wad (MAP01) 
  • All of the four blocks have a death pit effect and a gravity flip effect. You can touch the floor by jumping close to the block and pressing forward to land on the very edge of the sector. If you walk forward, you will touch the floor.
  • The yellow block has no other effects, so it kills players who touch the floor. Standing on the edge of the floor or on the ceiling is safe.
  • The green block has Flag [8] / Peg Midtexture / Effect 3 checked, so it will kill players who stand on the floor or its edges. Standing on the ceiling is safe.
  • The red block has Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 checked, so it will kill players standing on either the floor or the ceiling. Standing on the edges is safe.
  • The blue block has Flag [6] / Not Climbable checked, so it will kill players standing on the ceiling. Standing on the floor or the edge of the ceiling is safe.
How to use
  • You may load this file into your favorite map editor, such as Zone Builder. Select MAP01 as the map to load.
  • You may also load this file in the game:
    1. Save ex_ld008_sectorspecialparameters.wad into the addons folder of your SRB2 directory.
    2. Start SRB2, go to the Addons menu, and then select ex_ld008_sectorspecialparameters.wad.
    3. Start the game in Single Player mode.
    4. Press the Console button (~), and type in the command MAP MAP01 to access the example map.
  • When you load this file in the game, it replaces Greenflower Zone Act 1.

  Linedef types – Parameters [view]
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