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Noxious Factory Zone

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Single Player levels
Bonus stages
Special Stages
Capture the Flag stages
Match stages
MAPM1: Noxious Factory Zone




Auxiliary stages

MAPM1, Noxious Factory Zone, is the second Match level in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. It takes place in a THZ-themed factory and its surrounding outside area. The main focus of the map lies on the large pools of viscous slime both inside and outside the factory, and conveyor belts which modify the players' movement. Falling into the slime causes players to bounce in and out of it for a few seconds, making them more vulnerable to their opponents' shots, but it also hides a few beneficial items. The map first appeared in v1.09, where it was entirely indoors and had damaging slime. It was removed in v1.09.4. For v2.0, parts of the original map were combined with a new outdoor area to form the current version of the map. For v2.1, the damaging slime was replaced with the viscous slime that is also used in Techno Hill Zone.


Noxious Factory Zone's layout.
  • A – Conveyor belt room: This room is located in the upper left portion of the map. It consists of a square pool of slime in which a square conveyor belt floor is inserted. The conveyor belt is split up into different parts which push the player into different directions and possibly into the slime. On each side of the room is an exit. The southern exit leads to the outside area through a tunnel, the eastern exit leads up a staircase into the Automatic ring room. The other two exits lead to the upper portion of the room, which is a gallery-like rim surrounding the slime pool. On this rim, an exit leads to a small cave which in turn is connected to the outside room.
  • B – Automatic ring room: This room is located in the upper right portion of the map and is connected to the outside area through a gauntlet with glass walls. It contains a slime pool in the middle and several walkways around it. The uppermost point holds the Automatic Ring panel. To the left, a staircase leads down to the conveyor belt room, while the laser gauntlet can be accessed to the south.
  • C – Laser gauntlet: This is a small gauntlet inside the factory that contains a conveyor belt and several lasers and crushers. Glass windows make it possible to view this room from the outside. It leads to a platform containing an SRM, which when stood upon descends into the staircase connecting the conveyor belt room with the Automatic ring room.
  • D – Outside room: This room makes up the largest part of the stage and occupies the whole southern area. It is set up in a U-like shape, with factory entrances both the the northwest and northeast. The northwest portion contains a fairly flat stretch of grass and is connected to the conveyor belt room both through a tunnel and a cave to the left. In the southern part, a large slime river is located which divides the room in a left and right half. The eastern part contains another factory entrance, leading to the Automatic ring room. From there, a small river descends into the larger river in several small waterfalls. A natural bridge connects the upper part of this room with a ledge in the southern part.

Points of interest

Weapon rings

  • The Bounce Ring Panel can be found in the west part of the outside section, on top of the entrance to the conveyor belt room.
  • The Rail Ring Panel is located on a high ledge across the slime lake, which can be reached via the natural bridge.
  • The Automatic Ring Panel, hence the name, is found in the Automatic ring room, and can be accessed by jumping up the platforms.
  • The Explosion Ring Panel is located in a small opening in the upper ring of the conveyor belt room.
  • The Scatter Ring Panel can be found on an elevated plateau in the outside section, just in front of the entrance to the Automatic ring room.
  • The Grenade Ring Panel can be found in the middle of the left half in the outside room.
  • The Infinity Ring is located at the bottom of the large slime waterfall that feeds the slime river in the outside room. Jump into the slime to reach it.


  • An SRM is located at the end of the laser gauntlet which can be accessed via the Automatic ring room. The base item of the SRM is a Force Shield.
  • Another SRM is located at the bottom of the slime river in the easternmost corner of the outside room. Its base item is an Elemental Shield. To reach it, you must jump into the slime from a higher point, such as the natural bridge in the outside room.
  • The middlemost of the five monitors in the center of the conveyor belt room is a WRM. Its base item is a Whirlwind Shield.
  • A WRM is located in the cave connecting the conveyor belt room to the outside room. Its base item is a Super Sneakers Monitor.
  • In the corner of the glass corridor that connects the outside area to the Automatic ring room, a WRM can be found. Its base item is a Super Sneakers Monitor.
  • In the south-most part of the outside section, beyond the lake and below the natural bridge, there is a small platform on whose edge a WRM is located. Its base item is a Whirlwind Shield.

Tails/Knuckles areas

Sonic can access all of these areas, aside from the SRM shortcut. The Rail and Scatter Ring in the conveyor belt room can be obtained with monitor bouncing, all other areas require a Whirlwind Shield.

  • In the conveyor belt room (A) is a tiny platform with a Rail Ring pickup and a Scatter Ring pickup on it, and two floating lines of rings.
  • In the eastmost corner of the outside area (D), to the right of the glass wall entrance, there is a small hole in the factory wall. This hole leads to a high ledge in the Automatic Ring room (B) which can also be accessed by flying/climbing in the Automatic Ring room. This ledge contains two Super Ring Monitors, a Super Sneakers Monitor and a Grenade and an Automatic Ring pickup. There are also three floating groups of rings, containing a Rail, Scatter and an Explosion Ring pickup.
  • On the factory wall in the western part of the stage, just to the right of the two slime tubes, there is an air shaft that leads into a very small room, containing a Whirlwind Shield and two ring monitors.
  • In the southmost part of the outside area, close to the Rail Ring Panel, there's a high ledge with two ring monitors and a Rail Ring pickup. A rather large group of rings with an Explosion Ring pickup in the middle floats right next to this ledge. This area can only be reached as Sonic by spindash-jumping from the opening in the wall, the one that leads to the high ledge in the Automatic Ring room. While still in midair, the Whirlwind jump must be used.

Technical data