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From SRB2 Wiki

A_CusValAction is an action that calls the action of the state specified by Var1, but replaces either or both of the action's Var1/Var2 variables with the actor's custom value depending on Var2:

Var2 Modification to apply
0 Replace new action's Var1 with custom value; Var2 is unchanged
1 Replace new action's Var2 with custom value; Var1 is unchanged
2 Replace new action's Var1 with custom value and Var2 with memory value
3 Replace new action's Var2 with custom value and Var1 with memory value
4 Replace new action's Var1 with memory value; Var2 is unchanged
5 Replace new action's Var2 with memory value; Var1 is unchanged

This action originates from the v2.0 modification SRB2Morphed and was added to SRB2 itself in v2.1.

  Actions – Custom value [view]