Category:Feature demonstrations
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Media in category "Feature demonstrations"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 239 total.
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ActivateMovingPlatform.gif 320 × 200; 276 KB
ActivateMovingPlatformAdjustableSpeed.gif 320 × 200; 308 KB
AdjustableBlinkingLightSynchronized.gif 320 × 200; 71 KB
AdjustableBlinkingLightUnsynchronized.gif 320 × 200; 68 KB
AdjustableFlickeringLight.gif 320 × 200; 1.21 MB
AdjustableGlowingLight.gif 320 × 200; 837 KB
AdjustablePulsatingLight.gif 320 × 200; 346 KB
AirBobbing.gif 320 × 200; 1.39 MB
AirBobbingAdjustable.gif 320 × 200; 3.1 MB
AppearingDisappearingFOF.png 1,280 × 800; 150 KB
Automap.png 1,280 × 800; 31 KB
Bilinear-ex.png 640 × 400; 284 KB
Blockmap-gfz1.png 1,280 × 800; 11 KB
BouncySector.png 1,280 × 800; 191 KB
BustableBlockSpriteParameter.png 1,280 × 800; 99 KB
CameraScanner.gif 320 × 200; 1.07 MB
CarryObjectsonCeiling.gif 320 × 200; 1.43 MB
CarryObjectsonCeilingAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 4.68 MB
CarryObjectsonCeilingDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3.27 MB
CarryObjectsonFloor.gif 320 × 200; 1.68 MB
CarryObjectsonFloorAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 6.28 MB
CarryObjectsonFloorDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3.05 MB
ChainParameters.png 1,280 × 800; 234 KB
ChangeObjectState.gif 320 × 200; 1.5 MB
ChangeSky.gif 320 × 200; 1.23 MB
CircuitFinishLine.png 1,280 × 800; 105 KB
ContinuousCeilingMover.gif 320 × 200; 301 KB
ContinuousFloorMover.gif 320 × 200; 144 KB
ContinuouslyFallingSector.png 1,280 × 800; 249 KB
ContinuousTwoSpeedCeilingMover.gif 320 × 200; 350 KB
ContinuousTwoSpeedFloorCeilingMover.gif 320 × 200; 895 KB
ContinuousTwoSpeedFloorMover.gif 320 × 200; 190 KB
ConveyorBelt.png 1,280 × 800; 122 KB
CrumblingRespawn.gif 320 × 200; 1.01 MB
CrumblingRespawnAirBobbing.gif 320 × 200; 971 KB
CrumblingRespawnFloating.gif 320 × 200; 1.28 MB
CrumblingRespawnFloatingBobbing.gif 320 × 200; 2.64 MB
CrumblingRespawnIntangiblefromBottom.gif 320 × 200; 1.64 MB
CrumblingRespawnIntangiblefromBottomTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 1.4 MB
CrusherCeilingtoFloor.gif 320 × 200; 303 KB
CrusherFloortoCeiling.gif 320 × 200; 319 KB
CTFBlueTeamBase.png 1,280 × 800; 72 KB
CTFRedTeamBase.png 1,280 × 800; 75 KB
Current.gif 320 × 200; 1.17 MB
CustomFOF.gif 320 × 200; 1.05 MB
CutAwayView.gif 320 × 200; 1.41 MB
DamageFire.png 1,280 × 800; 167 KB
DamageSpikes.png 1,280 × 800; 178 KB
DamageWater.png 1,280 × 800; 163 KB
DeathPit-NoCameraModifications.png 1,280 × 800; 23 KB
DEVMODE.png 1,280 × 800; 131 KB
DownwardsCurrent.gif 320 × 200; 2.3 MB
DownwardsWind.gif 320 × 200; 1.38 MB
DynamicallySinkingPlatform.gif 320 × 200; 3.89 MB
Earthquake.gif 320 × 200; 1.47 MB
EggCapsule.png 1,280 × 800; 175 KB
Electricaldamage.png 1,280 × 800; 145 KB
EmeraldHunt.png 1,280 × 800; 155 KB
EnableDisable2DMode.gif 320 × 200; 1.77 MB
EnableDisableGravityFlip.gif 320 × 200; 1.07 MB
Ex ld colormap.png 1,280 × 800; 1,004 KB
Ex ld floorlighting.png 1,280 × 800; 36 KB
FadeFOF.gif 320 × 200; 418 KB
FadeLightLevel.gif 320 × 200; 675 KB
FakeFloorCeilingPlanes.gif 320 × 200; 5.33 MB
FanParticleSpawnerParameters.gif 320 × 200; 56 KB
FloatingBobbing.gif 320 × 200; 2.52 MB
FloatingFOFNoRespawn.png 1,280 × 800; 69 KB
Fof.png 640 × 400; 62 KB
FOFMovingPlatformSolidOpaqueShadow.png 1,280 × 800; 172 KB
FOFShadow.png 1,280 × 800; 113 KB
FOFThwompBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 58 KB
FOFWaterOpaqueNoSides.png 1,280 × 800; 62 KB
FOFWaterTranslucentNoSides.png 1,280 × 800; 61 KB
FogBlockOut.png 1,280 × 800; 67 KB
FogWall.png 1,680 × 1,050; 337 KB
GooWaterTranslucent.png 1,280 × 800; 66 KB
GooWaterTranslucentNoSides.png 1,280 × 800; 68 KB
HalfLightBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 29 KB
HeatWave.png 1,280 × 800; 152 KB
Hostgame.png 640 × 400; 19 KB
InstantKill.png 1,280 × 800; 79 KB
IntangiblefromBottomOpaque.gif 320 × 200; 1.55 MB
IntangiblefromBottomTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 1.66 MB
IntangiblefromBottomTranslucentNoSides.gif 320 × 200; 1.66 MB
IntangiblefromTopOpaque.gif 320 × 200; 2.72 MB
IntangiblefromTopTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 2.59 MB
IntangiblefromTopTranslucentNoSides.gif 320 × 200; 2.78 MB
IntangibleOpaque.png 1,280 × 800; 41 KB
IntangibleSidesOnly.png 1,280 × 800; 55 KB
IntangibleTranslucent.png 1,280 × 800; 109 KB
JokeExample.png 640 × 400; 45 KB
Knuckles 1.png 640 × 400; 45 KB
Knuckles 2.png 640 × 400; 38 KB
Knuckles 3.png 640 × 400; 12 KB
KnucklesBust.png 1,280 × 800; 66 KB
LaserBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 68 KB
LightBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 26 KB
LinearNearest-ex.png 640 × 400; 172 KB
Linedef 104.png 1,280 × 800; 126 KB
Linedef 530.gif 320 × 200; 1.73 MB
Linedef 601.png 1,280 × 800; 39 KB
Linedef 904.png 1,280 × 800; 85 KB
Linedef146.png 1,280 × 800; 143 KB
MakeFOFCrumble.gif 320 × 200; 407 KB
MakeFOFDisappear.gif 320 × 200; 2.49 MB
MarathonRun-v22.png 1,280 × 800; 26 KB
Marioblock.png 1,280 × 800; 135 KB
MD2-ex.png 1,280 × 800; 409 KB
Multi-property FOF.gif 320 × 200; 82 KB
Nearest-ex.png 640 × 400; 106 KB
NearestLinear-ex.png 640 × 400; 227 KB
NearestMipmap-ex.png 640 × 400; 218 KB
Netgame-CTF.png 1,280 × 800; 105 KB
Netgame-Match.png 1,280 × 800; 102 KB
Netgame-Race.png 1,280 × 800; 63 KB
NiGHTSDevmode.png 1,280 × 800; 244 KB
NiGHTSMode-v22.png 1,280 × 800; 28 KB
NormalNonShadow.png 1,280 × 800; 118 KB
Objectplace.png 1,280 × 800; 193 KB
OldSpecialStage.png 640 × 400; 42 KB
PerSectorGravity.png 1,280 × 800; 33 KB
PolyObject-WavingFlag.png 1,280 × 800; 1,004 KB
PolyObject.png 1,280 × 800; 198 KB
PolyObjectAngularDisplacementbyFrontSector.gif 320 × 200; 4.07 MB
PolyObjectDisplacementbyFrontSector.gif 320 × 200; 1.07 MB
PolyObjectDoorSlide.gif 320 × 200; 917 KB
PolyObjectFadeTranslucency.gif 320 × 200; 2.23 MB
PolyObjectMove.gif 320 × 200; 345 KB
PolyObjectSetTranslucency.gif 320 × 200; 1.88 MB
Push.gif 320 × 200; 1.3 MB
QuicksandBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 72 KB
RampSector.png 1,280 × 800; 107 KB
RecordAttack-v22.png 640 × 400; 25 KB
RecordAttack.png 640 × 400; 19 KB
ReverseAirBobbingAdjustable.gif 320 × 200; 3.18 MB
Reversegravity.png 1,280 × 800; 85 KB
RisingPlatformIntangiblefromBottomOpaque.gif 320 × 200; 1.08 MB
RisingPlatformIntangiblefromBottomTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 1.2 MB
RisingPlatformSolidInvisible.gif 320 × 200; 797 KB
RisingPlatformSolidOpaqueNonShadowcasting.gif 320 × 200; 849 KB
RisingPlatformSolidTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 830 KB
Rockspawn.png 1,280 × 800; 166 KB
RopeHangParameters.png 1,280 × 800; 167 KB
RunScript.gif 320 × 200; 805 KB
Sample-damage.png 1,280 × 800; 54 KB
Sample-exitsector.png 1,280 × 800; 105 KB
Sample-NiGHTSlevel.png 1,280 × 800; 373 KB
ScrollCeilingTexture.gif 320 × 200; 678 KB
ScrollCeilingTextureAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 5.42 MB
ScrollCeilingTextureandCarryObjects.gif 320 × 200; 1.43 MB
ScrollCeilingTextureandCarryObjectsAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 5.17 MB
ScrollCeilingTextureandCarryObjectsDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3.09 MB
ScrollCeilingTextureDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3 MB
ScrollFloorTexture.gif 320 × 200; 771 KB
ScrollFloorTextureAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 5.12 MB
ScrollFloorTextureandCarryObjectsAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 4.88 MB
ScrollFloorTextureandCarryObjectsDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3.13 MB
ScrollFloorTextureDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 3.47 MB
ScrollTexturebyBackSideOffsets.gif 320 × 200; 705 KB
ScrollTexturebyFrontSideOffsets.gif 320 × 200; 487 KB
ScrollWallAccordingtoLinedef.gif 320 × 200; 664 KB
ScrollWallAccordingtoLinedefAccelerative.gif 320 × 200; 3.12 MB
ScrollWallAccordingtoLinedefDisplacement.gif 320 × 200; 1.7 MB
ScrollWallFrontSideLeft.gif 320 × 200; 587 KB
ScrollWallFrontSideRight.gif 320 × 200; 659 KB
SectorFlatAlignment.png 1,280 × 800; 43 KB
SetTaggedSector'sFloorHeightTexture.gif 320 × 200; 1.84 MB
SetTaggedSectorsFloorHeightTexture.gif 320 × 200; 2.23 MB
SetTaggedSectorsLightLevel.gif 320 × 200; 524 KB
ShatterBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 65 KB
ShatterFOF.gif 320 × 200; 991 KB
Singleplayer-scores.png 640 × 400; 70 KB
Singleplayer.png 640 × 400; 70 KB
Slope.png 1,280 × 800; 129 KB
Software-ex.png 640 × 400; 50 KB
SolidInvisibleFOF.png 1,280 × 800; 151 KB
SolidSidesonly.png 1,280 × 800; 141 KB
SolidTranslucent.png 1,280 × 800; 147 KB
Sonic 1.png 1,280 × 800; 190 KB
Sonic 2.png 1,280 × 800; 83 KB
Sonic 3.png 1,280 × 800; 82 KB
SpaceCount.png 1,280 × 800; 185 KB
Spcharsel-v22.png 640 × 400; 14 KB
Spcharsel.png 640 × 400; 13 KB
Special-AlternativeIntro-srb2.png 640 × 400; 9 KB
Special-Console-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 105 KB
Special-Continue-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 9 KB
Special-Credits-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 8 KB
Special-Gameover-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 190 KB
Special-Intro-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 23 KB
Special-Levelclear-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 105 KB
Special-Marioinvincibility-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 152 KB
Special-Multiplayerintermission-srb2.png 1,280 × 800; 29 KB
SpecialStageDamage.png 1,280 × 800; 113 KB
SpeedPad-NoSpin.png 1,280 × 800; 76 KB
SpeedPad.png 1,280 × 800; 85 KB
SpinBustableBlockTranslucent.gif 320 × 200; 877 KB
SpinBustBlock.png 1,280 × 800; 166 KB
StarPostActivator.png 1,280 × 800; 62 KB