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Source code compiling/Compiling on macOS

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This tutorial demonstrates how to build SRB2 from source code on macOS and generate a playable, release-able application that can be distributed to other macOS users.


  • Before beginning, you should at least be comfortable using the command-line/Terminal and writing simple C/C++ programs.
  • You will need to have XCode Command Line Tools installed.
    • You can install them by running xcode-select --install in terminal or by downloading XCode.app through the App Store (NOTE: XCode.app is 16GB, use xcode-select if you are low on disk space).
  • You will also need CMake
  • You might need (TODO: are these required?) autoconf and pkgconfig
    • These are most easily installed through your favorite package manager, such as Homebrew, MacPorts or Fink.
  • You should add the following lines to your shell's rc file--typically ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc for macOS:
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

# The first line tells the compiler to support users running macOS 10.9 and later.
# This is the earliest version SRB2 compiles to.
# You will want to build for this version in order to support as many users as possible.

# When building SRB2, the linker has trouble finding the SDL2 library.
# The second line tells the linker where to find SDL2.

Miscellaneous Notes

  • When installing dependencies with make install, they will be installed at /usr/local/ by default.
    • It should be possible to specify an installation prefix other than /usr/local/, but in my experience this is more trouble than it's worth.
    • The prefix /usr/local/ does not contain any system files, so it can safely be deleted, moved, copied, backed up, etc. if needed.
    • The Homebrew package manager also installs packages to /usr/local/, but it builds packages for your current version of macOS (not 10.9 and later). In order to support as many users as possible, do not overwrite your files with Homebrew! If you do by accident, simply build the dependency again, or restore /usr/local from a backup.

Build Process

The version numbers listed for each dependency are the latest versions at the time of this writing, unless otherwise noted. Feel free to use more recent versions, if available.

If the dependency is built using CMake, you will:

  • Download the source code.
  • Modify the source code, if necessary.
  • Create an empty build folder.
  • Open CMake and set the source and build folder.
  • Set the CMake variables (usually just CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release and CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9).
  • Run Configure: Use Unix Makefiles as the generator.
  • Run Generate.
  • Navigate to the build folder in terminal and run make, then run make install

If the dependency is built using configure and make scripts, you will:

  • Download the source code.
  • Modify the source code, if necessary.
  • Navigate to the build folder in terminal and run <path-to-source>/configure
  • Run make followed by make install in terminal.

Building Dependencies

libpng 1.6.37

Source Code Modifications

  • Edit <path-to-source>/png.h and undefine PNG_IGNORE_ADLER32
    • Otherwise it will use a function that only exists in macOS > 10.13.

Build Process

In CMake, set:


In the build folder, run: make followed by make install in Terminal.

libogg 1.3.4

Source Code Modifications

  • Edit <path-to-source>/include/ogg/os_types.h and add #include <stdint.h> in the __APPLE__ section.
    • Otherwise, you get an error when building libvorbis.

Build Process

In CMake, set:


In the build folder, run: make followed by make install in Terminal.

libvorbis 1.3.6

libogg is required before building libvorbis

Build Process

In the build folder, run:

make install

libmpg123 1.25.13

Build Process

In the build folder, run:

make install

libmodplug master (latest commit: 48be221)

Build Process

In CMake, set:


In the build folder, run: make followed by make install in Terminal.

libopenmpt 0.4.12 (autotools)

Build Process

In the build folder, run:

<path-to-src>/configure --without-portaudio --without-portaudiocpp --without-sndfile --without-flac
make install

libgme 0.6.2

Use version 0.6.2, not 0.6.3

Build Process

In CMake, set:


In the build folder, run: make followed by make install in Terminal.

libsdl2 2.0.12

Build Process

In CMake, set:

  • HIDAPI=true

In the build folder, run: make followed by make install in Terminal.

sdl2_mixer 2.0.4

The following libraries are required before building sdl2_mixer:

  • libogg
  • libvorbis
  • libmpg123
  • libmodplug
  • libsdl2

Build Process

In the build folder, run:

<path-to-src>/configure \
    --disable-dependency-tracking \
    --disable-music-flac \
    --disable-music-flac-shared \
     --enable-music-midi \
    --disable-music-midi-fluidsynth \
    --disable-music-midi-fluidsynth-shared \
     --enable-music-midi-native \
    --disable-music-midi-timidity \
     --enable-music-mod \
    --disable-music-mod-mikmod \
    --disable-music-mod-mikmod-shared \
     --enable-music-mod-modplug \
    --disable-music-mod-modplug-shared \
     --enable-music-mp3 \
     --enable-music-mp3-mpg123 \
    --disable-music-mp3-mpg123-shared \
     --enable-music-ogg \
    --disable-music-ogg-shared \
    --disable-music-opus \
    --disable-music-opus-shared \
make install

Sonic Robo Blast 2 2.2.4

Source Code Modifications

  • Add files from windows installer and patch to <path-to-source>/assets/installer. Remove the Windows executables: rm *.dll *.bat .exe.
  • Edit <path-to-source>/src/sdl/CMakeLists.txt. Lines 365 to 373 in should be:
    • (These lines tell the build tools where to find the dependencies so that they can be packaged into a standalone app.)
	    set(extra_dirs "/usr/local/lib" "/lib" "/usr/lib")
		install(CODE "

Build Process

In CMake, set:


In the build folder, run:

make package


Running make creates <path-to-build>/bin/Sonic Robo Blast 2.app, which you can use to test your build; however, it links to the dependencies with an absolute path, so it will not work for other Mac users.

Running make package creates an installer (.dmg file) in the build folder. The app includes SRB2's dependencies so you can distribute the .dmg file to other Mac users.