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Talk:Dedicated server

From SRB2 Wiki


I got a sigsev while hosting a dedicated server. Log:

GetArgcArgv() ... lpCmdLine is 'srb2win -nomusic -nosound +skin SONIC +color 7 -internetserver -dedicated' Myargc: 9 myargv[0] : 'srb2win' myargv[1] : '-nomusic' myargv[2] : '-nosound' myargv[3] : '+skin' myargv[4] : 'SONIC' myargv[5] : '+color' myargv[6] : '7' myargv[7] : '-internetserver' myargv[8] : '-dedicated' I_StartupSystem() ... D_SRB2Main() ...

Aug 22 2006                   Sonic Robo Blast 2                      00:38:31 

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. system memory 2038MB free 1404MB 64 megabytes requested for Z_Init. W_Init: Init WADfiles. I_StartupTimer... Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\srb2.srb (3597 lumps) Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\srb2.srb Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\sonic.plr (172 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\tails.plr (171 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\knux.plr (171 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\auto.wpn (37 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\bomb.wpn (37 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\home.wpn (37 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\rail.wpn (37 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\infn.wpn (37 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\drill.dta (182 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\soar.dta (102 lumps) Added file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\music.dta (132 lumps)

                  We hope you enjoy this game as
                    much as we did making it!
                           ...wait. =P

I_StartupGraphics... HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.

couldn't execute file dconfig.cfg M_Init: Init miscellaneous info. R_Init: Init SRB2 refresh daemon - InitTextures... InitFlats... InitSprites... 166 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\srb2.srb 167 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\sonic.plr 168 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\auto.wpn 169 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\bomb.wpn 170 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\home.wpn 171 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\rail.wpn 172 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\infn.wpn 173 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\drill.dta 174 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\~QwertyuHoneyWafflezLunaTheCombHedgehogVistaXMysitqs~\SRB2\soar.dta added skin 'tails' added skin 'knuckles'

InitColormaps... S_Init: Setting up sound. ST_Init: Init status bar. D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status. WinSock description: WinSock 2.0 WinSock System Status: Running Starting Server.... Network system buffer: 8Kb Network system buffer set to: 64Kb Registering this server to the master server... Resolved Entering main app loop... I_StartupKeyboard... I_StartupMouse... executing .\adedserv.cfg Not yet registered to the master server. The server has been registered on the master server... Speeding off to level... >servername "servername" is "honeycomb's dedicated server" default is "SRB2 server" Player 2 is in the game (node 2) Player 2 renamed to Lily Player 3 is in the game (node 3) Player 3 renamed to Barnen <Lily> WHA??? Barnen renamed to admin <admin> HI <Lily> THIS ISN'T MY SERVER? <admin> IM ADMIN <admin> NOT UR SERVER_ <Lily> WHEN I ENTERED, NOBODY WAS HERE. <admin> FLY ME <Lily> ONLY ME. <admin> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >say hi <SERVER> hi >nodes 1 : Lily 2 : admin >say im server, of course <SERVER> im server, of course <admin> WTFA SERVER >say its a dedicated server <SERVER> its a dedicated server <admin> FLY MELILY <admin> NO <admin> FLY ME <admin> WE <admin> HEY! <admin> OMG HELP <admin> ........ <Lily> SORRY, I CAN'T! R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R8 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLR9 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat (

R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5TLIT R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_6TL R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_6 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5TLITE6 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_5TL R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat D R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat p R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat v R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ,

R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat X R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ITE6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLR8 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat / R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat F R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKBOILTL R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKFLR1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat RA R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat VA1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R1ROCKFL R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLR1ROCK R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKFLR1RO R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKFLR1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat j R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLR1 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat BOILTLIT R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKBOILRO R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat CKBOIL R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat @ R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat " R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat } R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat l R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R9 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ( R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat T R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 22THZFLR R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 22 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR22THZF R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR22 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat = R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat g R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLRA R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat h R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat _5MMFLR9 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat AT5 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat K R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat S R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat N R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR07 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 07CEZFLR R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 07 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR07CEZF R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR07 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR07CE R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 8 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 4 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat [ R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR03 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR03CE R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR03 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat * R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 03CEZFLR R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat @ R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 03 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ` R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat E6_6 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat b R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat m R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR07 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 0 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat 07 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR03CEZF R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat LR03 R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat ZFLR03 Player 4 is in the game (node 4) Unregistering this server to the master server... I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down signal_handler() error: segment violation

Explanition? QwertyuHoneyWaffleztheCombHedgehogMystiqs

Ick, take that to the forums, post the EIP of the sigsev, which can be found in the error log.


Changing the Name of Server

If you use Shardvexz's Dedicated Server Tools to host, then how do you change the name of the server?