User:ACStriker/SRB2 Battle

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SRB2 Battle (alternatively referred as BattleMod) is a Lua modification for Version 2.2 developed by CobaltBW. This mod adds 6 custom multiplayer gametypes to the game, as well as twelve maps for two of the new gametypes, and extra abilities for all the default characters.

Current release information

Gameplay and content

SRB2 Battle gives the characters extra abilities activated with the fire ring button, and these use up a certain amount of Rings (as well as a cooldown per usage). While you can keep using the abilities with less than the amount of rings required (or none), it will play a specific sound that notes that you are without rings, meaning that you can get killed after using it unless you grab rings.

As of the current release, Single Player only offers a Time Attack mode where the player races against staff ghosts and earns medals for completing a course under certain times: Silver medals are awarded for beating a course's best time, and Gold medals are awarded by beating the top staff ghost of that course. Getting certain amounts of medals or playing a set number of races will unlock extra content, including additional cups and a harder race speed. Time Attack mode can't be played in a cheated game or if any major add-ons (i.e. different mechanics, extra game modes, level replacements or a character with an additional Lua script) are loaded.

The principal feature of SRB2Kart is Multiplayer, which can be played offline through local play with up to four players, or online through LAN or Internet with support for up to 16 players. Split-screen mode is supported for both online and offline modes, with up to four players on each client. If an online server requires certain add-ons, the game will download and load them prior to a join request, if the server allows file downloading.


Items are provided by item boxes, which are littered across a track or battle arena. There are 16 different items which can be obtained:

Item Icon Description
Sneakers Grants the user a boost of speed that allows them to cross over offroad sections with relative ease or quickly recover from a crash. Comes in single and triple varieties. In Battle Mode, hitting another player with a Sneaker charge will steal a bumper from them.
Rocket Sneakers A version of the Sneakers that lets the user gain a speed boost as long as it is active. The meter depletes gradually over time and with each use, so careful timing is key to get the most use out of this item. Race Mode only.
Banana A staple of any kart racer, these can be laid out on the track to slip up other racers. Comes in single, triple and 10x varieties.
Orbinaut Spiraling spike balls for protection, which can be fired ahead or behind to hit other players, and can bounce off of walls. Comes in single, triple and quadruple varieties.
Jawz A shark-like missile that locks on to the nearest player and chases them from behind. Comes in single and double varieties.
Invincibility When used, the user becomes completely invulnerable to harm and is given a boost in speed for a short period of time. They can also ram into other players and drive on offroad.
Hyudoro Steals an item from a random player and temporarily turns the user invisible, making them invulnerable to harm and allowing them to drive on offroad.
Grow Makes the user grow twice their size and allows them to squish any players they run into. The user is also invulnerable to harm, but will still drive slower on offroad.
Shrink Shrinks every player in front of the user and forces them to drop their items. Shrunk players can be squished by other larger players. Race Mode only.
Ballhog Fires 5 bombs that bounce off of walls in a spread out pattern.
Pogo Spring Causes the user to jump high into the air, making it a great tool to quickly get out of danger. If the user lands on another player, they will steal a bumper from them. Battle Mode only.
Kitchen Sink When thrown, it will instantly kill whoever it touches and display a message saying who was hit by it. This item has a very slim chance of appearing in the item roulette.
Eggman Monitor It's a fake! Picking it up after it has been placed will cause the user to drop their current item and activate a 3-second countdown leading to an explosion. Pressing the Item button will trigger the explosion early, and other players can be caught in the blast.
Mine When thrown, it will become active once it touches the ground. Any players that get close to it while active will cause it to explode, and it can be kicked around before it activates.
Self-Propelled Bomb Also known as SPBs, these bombs will target and pursue the player in first place when thrown, exploding upon contact with them. Unlike similar items in other kart racers, it's entirely possible to avoid it for an entire race with skillful and careful driving. Race Mode only.
Thunder Shield A shield that automatically forms once obtained and sends out a thunderclap when triggered. Any players caught in the blast will be spun out, and it can also be used to destroy a Self-Propelled Bomb. Race Mode only.