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User:Basic Bronze Sonic

From SRB2 Wiki

Hi I'm Basic Bronze Sonic and I do many things like mod spriting, writing text, art making, and a little bit of whatever else I can do, in general I like being around the SRB2 community because I quite like it.

My major contributions

I created most of the Kart Krew Discord wiki page (and I'm planning on adding a lot of stuff to the SRB2MB wiki page.

What I do on the internet

I make art and music, I plan on making webcomics but that's being put on hold for more important things.

My (relevant) social medias

my SRB2 message board account – I haven't made any mods for SRB2 but I wish I could.

my YouTube channel – My main YouTube channel where I upload whatever I want.

my Twitter (@SonicBasic) – I'm most active publicly on twitter where I post most of my art there and announce new projects of mine, also memes.

my NewGrounds account – Over the recent months I've been becoming less active on NewGrounds due to my piling of projects and goals onto myself so I'll be more active on NewGrounds some time in the future... but not now that's for sure.

Basic Bronze Sonic#8583 is my Discord username (please don't spam me).

Final notes

I've done everything I've done on the internet on mobile so it's a miracle that I'm able to do what I do so don't ask for big things from me because I most likely can't do it because if mobile limitations and such.

Thank you for reading and understanding.