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User:Digiku/2.2/Title screen SOC

From SRB2 Wiki


  • Title mode for Alice's new art. This is OPT-IN via SOC: TitlePicsMode = Alacroix
  • Title mode for old AJ art. This is kept for addons backwards compatibility. TitlePicsMode = Old
  • Custom title mode for new addons. This allows addons to define a title screen pic sequence without the hackiness of replacing the AJ art. TitlePicsMode = User

Alice Mode

Here, I support dynamic loading and unloading of different art resolutions. The supported resolutions are specified by SOC; see below.

The game ships with gfx for 400p, 800p, and 1080p.

  • 1 = 320x200
  • 2 = 640x400 (hi-res)
  • 3 = 1024x768
  • 4 = 1280x800
  • 5 = 1920x1080
  • 6 = 1920x1200
TitlePicsMode = Alacroix
TitlePicsScalesAvailable = 1,2,3,4,5,6

AJ/Old Mode

The point of this mode is backwards compatibility with old mods. The mod has to supply all of the old gfx lumps (TTWING, etc.); otherwise, the game crashes.

I make one improvement to this mode by allowing hi-res art. Scale numbers are same as above, but only one at a time is supported.

TitlePicsMode = Old
TitlePicsScale = 2

User Mode

The idea is that you get one gfx sequence to slap on the title screen. It's very simple; no need for complexity here

Feed a six-letter name to TitlePicsName and the code auto-loads lumps from TTNAME00 thru TTNAME99, up to whichever lumps actually exist.

TitlePicsMode = User
TitlePicsName = T2RIBB
TitlePicsX = 40
TitlePicsY = 93
TitlePicsScale = 2
TitlePicsLoop = 16      # Which frame to loop back to when the sequence finishes. -1 for non-looping.
TitlePicsTics = 2       # Number of tics that a frame lasts
