Templates - Copy and paste the tags below
Page Content
- Starts spoilers. Use before telling spoilers.{{End spoilers}}
- End spoilers.{{unfinished}}
- Incomplete page. Some content needs to be added.
Page Links
- See template.{{main}}
- Directs to a main article.{{see also}}
- Directs to another article for additional info.{{for}}
- For different purposes, directs to another article covering said purpose.{{examplewad}}
- Links to an example WAD.{{Cite web}}
- To cite sources.
Page Messages
- "Article title is incorrect due to technical restrictions."{{locked}}
- When page is protected, or restricted to staff. Directs regular users to the Talk page to discuss changes to make.{{Pages Marked For Deletion}}
- When proposing a page delete. Be sure to detail reasons on the Talk page.
{{Infobox CVG}}
- When documenting video games.{{Infobox WAD Editors}}
- When documenting WAD editors.