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User:Digiku/Things Page Template

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing Type (# here), the (name here), is (description here, describing general information about the Thing, as well as usage tips such as Flag effects (Deaf, etc.))

Info Table

Thing # (Thing # here. THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED)
Sprite Name Prefix (Four-letter prefix here; ex. SAMPA0's four-letter prefix is SAMP. If no sprite used, put "(none)" in italics. THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED)
Thing Entry (Thing entry number and name here; ex. "177 - MT_EGGMOBILE2". This can be found in left list at the Thing Editor in the SOC Editor. If no Thing Entry used, put "(none)" in italics. THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED)
Spawnstate (State number and name here; ex. "1066 - S_EGGMOBILE2_STND". If none or null, remove this table row.)
Seestate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Seesound (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Attacksound (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Painstate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Painsound (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Meleestate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Misslestate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Deathstate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Xdeathstate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Deathsound (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Activesound (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)
Raisestate (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this tablerow.)
Reactiontime (ONLY IF STATE ENTRY EXISTS HERE (ex. "178 - MT_GOOP"), State number and name here. If other, remove this table row.)
Painchance (ONLY IF STATE ENTRY EXISTS HERE, State number and name here. If other, remove this table row.)
Speed (ONLY IF STATE ENTRY EXISTS HERE, State number and name here. If other, remove this table row.)
Mass (ONLY IF STATE ENTRY EXISTS HERE, State number and name here. If other, remove this table row.)
Damage (ONLY IF STATE ENTRY EXISTS HERE, State number and name here. If other, remove this table row.)
Flags (All used flags here, separated by semicolons)

{{Things Category}}


This is a page template for a typical Thing. Use this template for editing Things pages. For the Info Table, what I find easy to do is to use the SOC Editor to grab all the values. Just make a blank SOC, select the SOC and the 1.09.4 source, and click on "Edit Things"!

On the very top of the page code is the table for the Thing's image. If you'd like, find the sprite in XWE (or similar), save it, and convert it into, preferably, a PNG. Replace "SAMPA0.png" with the image's filename, and replace "SAMPA0" with the lump name of the specific sprite you saved. If the Thing does not use any sprites, remove the table code. When you remove the table code, the page should start with "'''Thing Type (# here)..."
If need be, I can deal with the images myself, but if you can, please help me out! :)

With the info table, when specified, if the value doesn't exist, remove its table row. A table row is started by "|-", and continues on to the next lines until the next "|-".
In this case, one table row goes like this:

! Type of value
| Value

So, for example

! Seestate
| (State number and name here. If none or null, remove this table row.)

So if a value doesn't exist, delete the appropriate one section of those and that's that!

After the Info Table would be the list of Things in the appropriate category; here, it is listed "Template: Things Category". When you edit this page, replace {{Things Category}} with the correct one of these (without the "nowiki" tags):

  • Player Starts: {{Things Player Starts}}
  • Enemies: {{Things Enemies}}
  • Rings: {{Things Rings}}
  • Springs and Such: {{Things Springs and Such}}
  • Power-Up Monitors: {{Things Power-Up Monitors}}
  • Scenery: {{Things Scenery}}
  • Mario: {{Things Mario}}
  • NiGHTS: {{Things NiGHTS}}
  • Emeralds: {{Things Emeralds}}
  • Miscellaneous: {{Things Miscellaneous}}