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User:Neon/Test High Level Techniques

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This article contains information about techniques used by players who wish to speedrun the game, or even go places you weren't supposed to. For a more Match related article, check the Match Strategy Guide.

Thok Surfing

Unlike most other classic sonic games, SRB2 has a speed cap of 36, and if you are pushed above that speed, you'll abruptly be bumped back down. However, this cap only applies to the ground, while not spinning, and also it will take a few frames to get the player to slow down, though it isn't enough time to be that noticeable. To take advantage of this, you can jump right when you land to retain your horizontal speed, spinning also gives a similar effect, but with the reduced control of spinning and jumping out of a spin have, you likely wont get as far with that. While being named after Sonic's ability, non-spin characters like Amy make much better use of this technique on Red Horizontal Springs, due to their inability to achieve great speeds like that on their own.

Hammer Jumps

Also related to Amy, you can initiate a jump at the same time as a hammer. This oversight allows Amy to get the forward thrust of hammering without loosing control and coming to a complete stop. However, you have to press both Jump and Spin on the same frame to make this work. Also depending on your control scheme, you can simply slam your fingers into both buttons on the keyboard, which may prove more consistent for you, but don't let this be your barrier to trying it out! To get maximum speed out of this technique however, you want to let go of Jump as fast as possible, as the longer you are in the air, the longer you'll have your acceleration cut in half for.

Dashmode Storage

I'm not really sure what to call this one. Usually running into a wall or skidding would revoke Metal Sonic's Dashmode, except this behavior is also gradually reduced similarly to how you gradually get closer to acquiring Dashmode by running or spindashing. By performing a spindash right when you lose Dashmode, you can regain it back in less than a second. Keep in mind that you still lost Dashmode when doing this, so when you eventually let it loose again, you'll lose the speed benefits of having Dashmode for a long period of time.

Enemy Bounces

Every character in the game can do this, and it is the act of bouncing on several enemies in a room to get somewhere high. While not often used in speedruns, there are places that Tails is supposed to fly up into that can be reached by other characters through this method, which can be a requirement to get a perfect score if there are rings in that location, as well as other locations Tails cannot access. Due to the audacity of the technique, here are some tips on doing it right:

  • Go into first person or use mouselook, that way you can simply look down at where you are landing, opengl is also recommended if you actually wanna look up or down without major distortions.
  • Don't let go of jump if you are going up, it will cancel out all of your upward momentum and mess up your whole plan, if you need to use your ability only use it when cascading down.
  • SRB2's culling plane is optimized so that you don't look at things behind your camera, but with opengl mouselook or first person, that can very well happen, so expect to move forward into the enemy when bouncing so you can see them the whole time, how much is up to you.
  • Enemies wont spawn in the right spot sometimes, so be sure to lure them into position if you need to.

While it does take a while to actually utilize, it does look quite impressive, and can be used to go places you'd never even thought up of getting to otherwise.

Super Glide

Talking about bouncing on enemies, Knuckles' glide has extremely low gravity, so if you glided with some sort of upward momentum that would be magnified significantly. After bouncing on an enemy from a high up place, you want to start gliding right after you hit the enemy. This will give Knuckles a massive upward boost that can be used to well, go basically anywhere you wanna go.

Crouch Cancel

I'm pretty sure we all hate Knuckles' crouch since it was introduced in 2.2, since then it got a little less annoying, and now you can do this. When Knuckles is about to do a crouch from gliding you want to jump immediately, this stops his crouch from doing anything before it's too late and you lose your precious speed, though the speed loss from canceling a glide is inevitable, so take that into consideration. Also, as long as the thing you're landing on isn't too steep to spindash on, you can guarantee a spindash while crouching instead of a spin, which can be used to pick up speed or spindash off a slope if you so wish.


i have no idea how to do this, and while i do have a copy of 2.2.4 to do it, i should learn more about this before writing up about it.


should we talk about this? not really that hard.[confirm? – discuss]

Let's face it, Tails' flight speed is very slow, however by going faster than it through a variety of methods will not force you to slow down like ground movement would. This effect can be achieved best by spindashing, and then jumping up and flying with that speed. This pushes Tails to go just slightly faster than Sonic using this method, however if you aren't from a standstill you're better off just running and then flying up, as it's still faster than flying normally anyway. Another thing, Tails will actually lose speed when pressing jump while he's in a spinfly, so try to keep your flight as horizontal as possible and don't go so much down as to lose control and end up losing a ton of speed just trying to stop going down.

Old and Outdated Things

These are things that are no longer true in the newest versions of SRB2, with an exception for Hyperwalling due to the fact that people often still backdate to 2.2.8 to use it.[confirm? – discuss] However you may wish to use versions of 2.1 to speedrun older level packs like the Sugoi Trilogy.

  • Before 2.2 characters had different stats, one room in Egg Rock Zone 1 is designed around this, forcing Tails to take a separate path for being too slow, which still remains in 2.2 despite the fact that it's not even required or even pointed towards when playing as Tails.
  • Despite older versions not showing a reason for this visually, your side/backwards movement is very important, which is why you absolutely should use strafe keys often, as it's the same thing as move left/right in more modern versions.
  • Don't glide often, before 2.2 Knuckles' had a fixed gliding speed that couldn't increase over time, or start off with your speed before the glide. Not to mention that this old gliding speed was slower than just running normally and you barely got punished at all for canceling a glide.