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Welcome To nMa1Re's SRB2Wiki Page!!

Okay, let's see.

How I Found Out About SRB2 - The Story

The Start

One day, I was playing a Super Mario game and wanted to find more games like it. So I found out that most Super Mario games I play are called platform games. Here's what I did: I searched for platform games and ended up on a site called Caiman Games. That is where I first learned about Sonic. But, I didn't download SRB2 just yet...

The Search

After browsing through pages of Sonic and Mario games, I decided to search for more Sonic games. I ended up with a trial version of Sonic Adventure DX, my first Sonic game on my computer. I loved Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles' acts, even though it was only the trial version. Sonic's mission was to find Tails. I liked how he (Sonic) ran on walls and that whale that chased him! I also liked the race between Sonic and Tails. After learning that Tails was slow, I was surprised how I kept winning. It took me a lot of time to finish Knux's Emerald Hunt on those rocky platforms. The bridge, that fire shooting.. thing and digging around.

The Downloading

But after I stopped playing the game, I downloaded more Sonic games like Chaotix Universe, Neo-Sonic Godspeed... I downloaded every cool game I could find in Caiman.

And then I finally downloaded SRB2. At first, it took me about 5 or more minutes to finish Greenflower Zone 1! And as for GFZ2, it took me if I were doing a Lightdash track! I never used God mode back then as it wouldn't activate so I barely finished a boss or even went through THZ. But I did finish THZ1 once. I stopped playing after I kept failing at THZ2.

Then, the current version came out. Yes, I could finally God and pass all levels!

The End

Now that I could God, I added my first-ever MOD: The Mystic Realm. I never finished Sunken Plant Zone 1 using Knuckles, so I used Tails instead. I reached Sunken Plant Zone 2 but never finished it. Not even when using other character WADs.

After playing SRB2 for the first time, our computer had this weird thing where theres no Taskbar or the icons. Only this lame Windows Genuine thing that kept bugging me. I found a way though. Then we seriously had to reformat the computer so I would have a Taskbar again. I forgot about downloading games as I fell in love with the game Club Penguin (which I don't play anymore).

Then I started thinking. "What was that Sonic game I was playing? No, it isn't SADX! It was something else with those round, blue enemies?" after days of wondering, I went to my downloading feel again. I downloaded a few more platform games and then I finally found SRB2.

I never forgot the name and up to now, I still play it ^_^.

About Me In SRB2

Name: NitemaireAngel, NiteAngel, or nMa_1.1_Re.

Favorite Level: Greenflower Zone

Favorite Character: Sonic


My Site

This is where I write... umm... stuff =D

My Youtube

Where my ClubPenguin and SRB2 vids are stored...

THANKS FOR VISITING!! NitemareAngel247 16:36, 18 August 2009 (UTC)