mobj_t stuff
The snippet
rawset(_G, "cSpdEx", function(hang, vang, spd, m)
if hang == nil then error("hAng missing", 2) end
if vang == nil then error("vAng missing", 2) end
if spd == nil then error("spd missing", 2) end
if m == nil then m = {scale=FRACUNIT} end
spd = FixedMul(spd, m.scale)
local x = FixedMul( FixedMul( spd, cos(hang) ), cos(vang) )
local y = FixedMul( FixedMul( spd, sin(hang) ), cos(vang) )
local z = FixedMul( spd, sin(vang) )
return x,y,z
//returns xyz of calc
Format: cSpdEx(angle_t hang, angle_t vang, fixed_t spd, [mobj_t mobj])
Returns: fixed_t
, fixed_t
, fixed_t
This function returns three values forming a 3D vector aiming to horizontal angle hang and vertical angle vang with a force of spd.