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User:SMS Fan/Super Mystic Sonic

From SRB2 Wiki

Super Mystic Sonic or SMS is a Character wad by Golden Shine made back in 2006 that made the wad submission system of today. This article will use SMS instead of Super Mystic Sonic. If you want to watch the creator’s video it’s right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ4KHLQcJ4E&feature=youtu.be

Humble Beginnings

SMS 1.0

The Youtuber known now as Golden Shine or Aka the forum member Super Mystic Sonic showed off his sprites for the first version of SMS. Some Members of the forum (not knowing it looked like Sonic 2 Super Sonic) wanted it to change. But forum member Super Mystic Sonic didn’t. When it released it was a simple Wad that made a new Super Form for Sonic that was a more faster Sonic.

SMS in 1.09.4

1.09.4 gave more options for Custom Character Wads. SMS used them all. Some notable ones are a light dash, Wall Jump, Faster Charging Spindash, and a Fire shooting ability. This is the Other SMS you remember. Shortly After release the Master Server flooded with SMS. There was an 80% chance SMS was in a Modded Server.


HMS was a mod made out of the frustration of people that hated SMS. HMS was a Wad that used SMS and added sounds of people making noises. HMS was a parody of stupid online personas. HMS would of never happened without SMS.

SMS Blast

SMS Blast was a version of SMS that ran along side the Wad of just character. It changed the levels to fit SMS more and replaced the logo and credits art to have SMS instead. Also SMS Photo Bombing on the level portraits. It lasted until SMS Unleashed because of reasons we will get into next.

Breaking Everything

SMS Unleashed

This is the version everybody knows about. The SMS Blast of this version made it so vanilla versions of SRB2 could join the SMS Blast Clients without downloading anything. This happened because of it having the same Version ID. As the Master Server filled up with SMS again problems started happening everywhere. This would make the devs of SRB2 have to add restrictions to making mods and remove SMS Unleashed 19.

SRB2 2.0 Restrictions

Because of the Issues with SMS Unleashed they dev had to remove the mod and add all the restrictions and more of today’s modding community. You have SMS to thank for that. They also removed the skin color black. This killed SMS type mods.

Breaking Limits

In a cruel twist of fate SMS broke 2.0’s limits. This was a big moment for the community. So big that it was an amazing release of SMS.

SMS Unleashed 20

One day Golden Shine gets a message on the old YouTube Inbox. It’s from another community member! This time they were going to help him bring back SMS. Super Transfers and more were added using SOC. SOC brought back SMS and helped them break 2.0’s limitations.


One day Golden Shine tested a unfinished build of SMS Unleashed 20 on a Public Server. The leakers took the Wad and went off to the forums. The master server quickly filled up with SMS once again. SMS was back and better then ever. Quickly a community called SMS Events formed. This was a great time to be a fan of SMS or SRB2 for that mater.

SMS Events

SMS Events is a side community all about SMS. I don’t know much about it but if someone wants to add more about go ahead.

2.2.1 and Lua

Enter Lua

Lua is the second way of making Wads for SRB2. Lua is also the coding language used to make ROBLOX games. Golden Shine wanting to show the community the power of Lua decided to make a new version of SMS in Lua. But 2.2.1 was a buggy mess. Added files would cause lag, desinks, or crashes. But he did it anyway and would learn Lua himself.

Samus in SRB2

He liked making SMS in Lua so much he had to put Samus in SRB2 first. From the footage I’ve seen it looks like it controls like Metroid Prime. But it probably got DMCA’ed by Nintendo by now. Anyway back to Story.

SMS History Video

Golden Shine made a video in April of 2020 about SMS in his perspective. That is where I learned everything from. At the end he announced something big.

SMS Reborn

At the end of the video about SMS Golden Shine he announced SMS Reborn. Then released it later4/18/2020. This new version is Dubed “The Last Version Of SMS. The mod is available on the forums. You can get it here https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=47179. This was Big! And that is the end of the story.

Last Words

What is your experiences with SMS on NetPlay or Single Player. Put your answers in the talk page! It can be any version.